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Cheaaning Argus .- Mr. II. S. Allen brought into our sanctum this week n bean stuik wliich bore over 1,000 beans thla serfsou. Wlio ever lieard of more bèaBS thun tliiii licinjj raised on ono stuik 'f Holly Advortiaer : Judge Gaakill holds Dr. . C. Hall to trial agaln In this -ouiiiv. When the sheriff oomee to want a lol of tooi trom wliich to make op ¦ jury thora wiiiprobubly bc no luckot theprdpe raat erial. Btanto.n ( Tipper : It is truly gnitifying to Bee liowald for Michigan' guflersrs Is pwuring In 1 1 om Hlmostevery city and hamlet In the I nítcd Mates. Even MempMs, poor devHitated Memphte, wasuinoiitliclirstto nudo her puree siringa, Clinton News : Uev. J. A. Mcllw ain, for the last t h ree yeara located at Manchester, has received the nppolntmenl of this chai pe We congratúlate Methodist frtendsoa the acquistlon or' a seliolarly and CoTUtian gentleman as their ]astor 'tor tbe ensuins year. 3 Hustltlgs ISanner: We are glad to note that the iMichigun Tribune favors tbe formation of a third district press assoeintion. So far aa we know not a single pubjiaber declared otlierwise than favorgbly for the project. If somebody lon't move in the maller the Hanner licichv thrcatens to take the initiative in tlie matter. Caro Advertiser l Wouldn't it be a good idea if the farmers in tbis vicinilv WODld turn in and take loadsof suppliesuu In the burnt districts. It costs how fioin $:! to $5 per load to get it up there. It seems to us that almost every farmer could all'ord the time to take at least one load, and tlins save the committee quite n sum of money. Lanslng Republlcan : Boiétt ('hasp the owner of'them steers," seemea ra nen Kind hearted old man wlicu be appaared at tbe recent greenback camp-raeetlug in üg cuy, hut the Bangor Commercial apeaka of hlmatfl 'hcsoiicd old i.lioi." Jtlsanold saying that ¦lamiliarity bnedg contenipt." and too mach bastard-coalltlon has probably changed demoeratic love to disgust and llarbor bprings República: InliabiUnts Preaque Isle Imrbor were mde happy by the wreek Qf the Lehigh, oi Middlc Isfiuul, in ihe recent gale. They received tifty cents .per hourfor throwíng freight overboard and (ben picked it upafter it had washed asliore, nmong which was k box of silk valueü at $600 and a roll of cxponsiv.' brussels caipet, and auy amountof grocenes and provisión?. Gratiot Journal: An ormization is now licniir aifectcd in tliis state for the purpose of opposing the exempttoo af otaunh property trom ta.;ition. A cali for organized tfforts has been issued, Bigned by some prominent citizens of the state. It is elttmed that Uie action of Uk ia oommission has brought the subject of the taxation of (lmichpropertyoIHcially before the people. J he work proposed wiü be on tlie single line of ecjual taxation. 1. .... iiav,,,,! . . scvcii column paper contains genei all v aboiit fourteen oolumns of raadiufr matter In each number Mukiply fourteen by fifty-two and you' have 728 columns of news and niiscellaneous reading in one year. Heduce tliis amouot to book pages, live and one half niches long, and the matter would make a book equal to ibout four tbousand pages, worth no lessthan sevtn dollars. (These fisiiirt-s arecertainly UOtxafffratd in the least.) rhe Deaf-llute Mirror, published at the scliool for the deaf and dumb at Plint, tells pi addltlonal precautions agafnst fire at tliat institution i During Die tammer Dew lire extiDgiiishers have been purehased and placed In convenient poslüoiia all over the building. Several huiidred feet of new lire hom lias also been paHshuwd, and the InltUution is now pretty well protected in ease B lire should break out. It is to be boped, however, that neither tLe exttlnguisher or hose will ever have to be u'sed. North Branch Qazette: Tlieautopsy held on the body of the President, reveáis the tact that our big doctors are liable to be mistaken as well as our smaller ones. The Onding of the surgeons, when put in wonis is so well hulden from the common folk bv nsidly scieiitifio ayd tenlinirul i... ti,.. - ¦ ¦ i -.,i,.,s r'lcarly iiiiderstaiiil it, but we do lindemand that all the stull vre have been told for weeks about the healing Ol the (.mul, the track of the lul!, and its location, etc, etc, hy the big doctors, was all bosli. Maretette Index : Two bears were scen Wïtüin the yillaee limita not lona ¦-l"''llie late lire dm thoroughly stirredup the bruin .-f tainily. Mr. TVhltaker of the town of W ashington, Pays that on lliat lircy Mondav, two bears and u deer took refute with lus children bcliind a stack That was a queer milleniuin indeel. The next dav after ihe lire a liear believed to wèljrh SM pounds was found lyfatg daad near the Uapeer road In üuel. It had ben driwn utot aburnimr gwanap, and had appar('iitly died of suflocation, as lts halr was unsinged. ( liarlevoix Sentinel : The resoit kessot ha linally dosed, and except a few hay rerer rlctlms,onr vlsitors have all departed tor their city homes. The seasou bas been a very succesaftil odé, tbe travel bere "reatly exoeedhsg that of tbe previons ïcason 1 ba bótela have all been ruil and liavc turned away nearly as innny as thev have accommadated. The experlence of the season provea the neceulty Rr more hotel acoomModation. W are positlve that irfth the excellent reputation Cliaihvoix basas a sumnier resoit, it is but upon tbe tlm-sliold of its lenown. Muskejion Clironlcle : Whatever the polltlcal result of tl.egreat calamity may prove tobe we haveiio lear tor the American people. I'here m;iy beother OiiiteaM, but the country Ig Mfe. .IV ,,, t,,.in tWQ montiis tbe eoverntnent has been without au execuiivf head. It has been slmplt and purely a bureaucracy, and no public interest luffered in the tligbteit degree, n tbe coutrary, tbe tentlroent manifested everywhere has sbown plalnly that the som h anl the north are ooe people, that the i 'lili. ¦rences hetWwn ïvpublicans and demo rats are not so deep as to be any source of i aneaauieM. Eaton Bapldi Journal : "The ineaneat man in MTen statrs baaan exlstenoe In thc burnt district. He owns a 240 acre liinn ¦II equlpped, and dlíta't lose a dollars wortn liy the lire. In au uonatural apaam ol geuerotlty oontrlbuted sometkiuir to thc untortiinate sulleicrs.only some provisbont, and noy he w:in. thc' eoinmittee to nmkc (tood wliat he gave írom hia abundancc. - Baj City l'iess. That inan's soul would rattle aroand in a flea's bladder like a púa in a liass dram.- Detroit Rvenlllg Peurt. Sncli lilicralily on the part f thc News s truly wondt'ifiil. üidinarv people would not fiive the fellow credit fot more tiían a qnarter as üjuch son] as that. Ocean.1 Co. Journal: We do nol kiww but itis all rijílit and tiroper for individuáis to astee! outsome poor, unfortiinate persoti who not endowed with a full aliare of mental capacity, and uake him the butt of ridicule and laughter for bit very deficiency. A mi too, we do not know but that it la one rnt naaon tr kavim t )¦ btmi Mtabliahed In all coiinminitiea that it mav be a more eíBcient meansof giving thc vic [ni his nst duet for not beiiijr as suiait as the generallty ¦ persrns b holding his name befurejthe public in as ludicruusa liffht upotaibla We tarwe do notknowbut it is all rlght, but If it he, we caut tea it. Whlle snme may think it exticinclv sharp, the f'athcr, brotkert, und other relatives of thedefeotiTejrosngmM icol more like seckIng tome lonely spot to wcep over his mi.sortuue. A farmer aijotlngíbr water Id Bucbaiian. Bciricii county, has ItrttCk lirinc al the


Ann Arbor Courier
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