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Leader: Miss Malel Bcil s very 8ck. Congestión of the liings. ' Leader: We attended thepetroltpreibrtery, which met in Ann Arbor tlifa week, and wt-re pieased to hear a cúod repori trom all [lie eliurclies. Dr. Piernón Teod an abie article on tlie progress of mUwions which was ordered to be prlnted for íree ilit ribution - oue of the lay-meiiibers offerig to puy the expenses. The üexter peopta liave. ceuirlbvted jilicmlly for the iiid of the Ore Bufferera llie following gummarv of contiibutionsls taken f rom the Leader: A bout $60 has been raiscd for Joh a MeGoyern, a lornier resident of Dexter. ;,r,o bushels oí whe( 6 boxes of clotblng, bedding, etc., worth it least $7r(), have been forwiud.-,!. Total aiiKinnt of cash contributed, S0O. W.niici- tV Wiiitaker, two new plows woith $28. MANCHESTEU. Enterprise:. A change of time is looked forKOonon the Ypsilanti brancli of thc LtaJce Shore. Enterprise: Wheat is looking line and f his warm weatlier continúes it will grt as larjíe a ffrowth as it did two years ago. Manchester Enterprise: Chai ley Lew s went to Aun Arbor yesterduy to consult Dr. Frotbftigham, regarding one of his- l'harlcy's- -ej'es. Chip Basket.- There wpre 8:t! tickets sold at this place for tlie Mate lair. Lake Shoro freight house took in U.i.OOO jiounds Ofgrain on Tuesday of last week. though a lamy day. Ilcnry Leeson raised 100 busbels of potatoes on 50 rods of 'land tliis season. (Vu, Riishton, sr., ntised 8 potrada of potatoes of the white elephant variety trom one onnceof seed. SALINE. Julius Feldkamp lias gone to Ann Arbor to be treateü by Dr. irothlnghm (br an eye trouble. Observer: A bene of Mr. .lolm TMCl Vfllued at $260, dted suddonly on Friday last, of rather an umtsual dUease. Uu-r us drath Dr. Jétale A. bell, of Aim Arbor, wlio liad been summoned, made an examination, anii fouml the stomncli rupturcd caused by generatioa of gases froni lood. Obrerver: Wlien the corporalion ci.t-i n Had been dug to the depth of about 10 feel a vHn of water was itrnck, wliich flowed in ¦O rapidly that it was thoujíht impracticable to go deeper. but Instead It wal made severa! feet lppsar, We understaud a well is to be dug at one entl of tin clstern. Observer: Mr. E. L. Bralnard, of thta place, bas a clierry tree which ncted soraewhatcontrary tothelawsol'i];itmc. A short time siiiccils leavcsdropi il oll", and it was appaiently dead, but now it geoda forth a new erop of loaves as well as a liberal amoiuit of blossoms. Mr. B. expects to have cherry pie for cliristinas. Observer: Rev. 1). K. Shier, this mornIng took his departure for Iludjon, which Wilt be llis ficlil of hitinr :.. ¦¦ nis iaKlfy go to-uiorrow. Mr. R and family bare saiiwd a very Itage drch of warm tiiends, during theti three yean1 tay in this place, who iWflf rcn-t' thcir il-[iarture, but "such is llfe,"- wltb n Methodist minister. Observer: And still Saline proudly maintains her repiitation of never "getting lefT- iiot even on tal) corn. Our exchniifres who lmve been dolnffsncb "tul!" talkiiig are invited to "pull down their colpr"for wt can scoop HMD all, as Mr ];. Katray has brouglit us, froiii tlic lield of Mr. Fiiniiia, Milan, scvural stalks of corn, the tallest of whlcli measures 15 feel and 10 incb.'N in helght l'liis beats anytbing we lmve heard of by over a fooi ' e iiitcnd to teil llic stalks for hop Doleg ïl'SILANTI. Co. F Kjll probably send a rifle team tO Jiii'ksoi) at tin: time oí the "shoot," wliich lias been put out as a .op for the Yorktou n disappolntment. Saline Observer: Ypsilantmns havo fonned au association to be kiiowu :is the ïpellanti improwment society, tvboee object t will be to advance tlie commcrcial interests of the city. Ypsilantian: Amone; Aun Albor frtends ¦iKUiV.ÖWl.'hAnVlih.-ïfarrima,,', Hisoock, Durheim, Hamllton, Able and Dr E. C. Pranklfn and family. ( 'ommercial: A eouncil will meet Tuesday Oct. t Ii, to asvist in tile organlzatlon of a Contrn-iratioiial ciiurch. Public services will be held in tlie eveuing at 7:80 at the opera house. Sermou. by Eev, Mosea Sinith, of Detroit. The churches iuvited are: Detroit Lat, Detroit id, Detroit Tnimhull Ave., Ann Arlor. Wavne. St. Olair Port Huron, (lielsca. Katoii Rápida aiuí Mempliis, ilso llon. riiilo l'arsoii.s Rev. L Warren,,!. H. Booft, 11. 1. Raldwln, Rev.' Dr. llurd. I{ev. Joseph Kstaliiook Hou .1 WiejMtM C'liikls. 'i'he Ypsilanti fair is rpported to have been ;i suceess as faras erowds of peoplc s concerned, notwithstanding theelomlv and ralnjr Weather. There were 5 entrfe In the cattle división, MM in the horse división, in sheep rl entries, in swliiel!)and in malIr 12!). The hall devoted to fruits, vegetables and seeds was well fllled uitli as choice nn irray of exbtblti ns one would wish to see. The show of agricBitaral implements was not large. In donieslic nianiifuctures 6ö entries were made. Tlie carriage display was light. Floral aml mechanical halls were replete with things pltMlng to look upon. 'J'he Ypsilanli gi-ange fed the ieople. Ypsilantian: Col. J. L. Burleigh, nt the opera house, was greetod wu ereeted with with a fair atteiidaiice Wedin sdav cvening, and we teel safe in saying that his appearanee was a disappointment tonearly everyone. A malí part of the audience werc disappointed in not hearing the eqnal of Booth or MeCullough, upon whlci their ezpectationa had been placed. The greater part were happily surpriscd by the genial aetor proving better than they had thought The character of Olhello was well sustaincd, but we are not given to the extravagance of praise some seem to think is Burlelffb s meed. The trafredy gave as perfect satisfaction as a tngedy can Commercial: At the opera house Weddesday eveninj; a larve and eultivated audlence jrreeted him. From oaracquaintance with the liumorous, wit tv. and genial Burleigh, it did not seem possilile for him to 10 rompletilv MUM UM role of "Othello the Moor." The play is not in harmony with our taste, hut In this our quant! would he with thegreat artist, Shabespeare, mther than the actor. WitoeMÜag the play as performed by Burleigh and bJs support. Itwillnever be fbrgotten. llis person li coiiimandini;, liis voiee is thoroughly cultnred and añoróos, grandly rolling out the oratorickl and sublimo utteranas of the uroud Moor, ever peraonifylng tlie untque CherBCtertotics of the haugbtyand unsubdind nMft It is evident Surfefgh isjon the rond to eminencc as Dtlii-llo the Moor.1' BaXoe Obterver: Whal peculiar views ¦ome peoi)le have. The editor of the Ypsi lanti Commercial In rpeaklag of how the news of the death was received at tlmt cltjr, says: While the Bag on the Commercial building wm Immedlately raiscd at half mast, in obedJeOM to 011V views religiously enlcrlained on (be iubject ofdraping in black, we forbora to follow the ironrral practice - bélterlns t a hcathfnisli (ustom. [f wetboaghl that our beloved dcad Presldeal nu vrtekod and lost soul and in purgatory, we ailgbtooDsistently do so. Bat bellering him a Christiaii man and in tlie coinpaiiy of ObrUt'g redecMieil, sainted, inaityred 'clead, f we had draiHMl at all wc sliould, as in the OaM of our tamily depurtcd om-s, uscd the Bcriptural emblém, white. The saints, ('luist savcd. are represented as the '-white robcd throng."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News