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The GarflcUl f and aiiionntsto $385,1 Tl Arthur is President mul propose tohave cithiT " masten nor kltchen eablai The latesl discover) reporte. 1 is mi island measurin abont a nUe each wny and til tv t in helglifc It is situatcd about UKJ liles trom tiir South AlIMricun eoast. Kewtpaper reporters hae devided t nake Hou. I l:i m i Itoti Fish aecretary of tute in Hlainc'a place, whllc PrwMent ArWTMtM fort lic pTOMnt, tt least, to be kttefled with lüaine. The star route swindlers are beginninir o treruble iifiHin, and there HM to be oo.l OMUa for thcir treiubüng. The Preslent is determine! to follow the matter u] ml to lOC that all jiuilty pertOM are pun-lie.l. And now comes the report tlml Italv's ro,s ure a failiire. And M :ill these nn¦ I the old workl look to America to H ply the deficit wlien their crops fuil, tbia vill add to the probability of coiiünued ii)h prices of breadstulK The ('zarof Hussifti.s reporte! to becomfl lore Independent and arbitrnry everyday. Ie even delinitely decides upon his own ilans of action lefore consulting General jfnaiietr. lie proposea Copa; ávfolt tothe inperor of Austria. Years rjjo the the two fnperon (HM sliareil tin ptMMM of the haat. Tbe aproat eacoaragee Alexunder o abide by bis priijeet. A letter w ritten by n man named Henry . Kowley to Mr .(ohiison ot New Volk Ity caus'd qwil' a sensation a few days :if?o. Ir. Kou lev isa Itica man aml expressed wish tliat tOmt one would put a buJlet lirouh Mr. Conklini; it lie itteinpted to nWirtliu rtpublican state com ention. Tll etter was Interpretad to mean that the wrtter was ])lottinjr tlie iMaainaUoo of Mr. Joiikling. Atter fuither InrattigaÜOO a nore reaaonabla InUrpretatton was put on he r( maik. and the letter was made pubic. rty SOOofthc most promlriemclUzena )t Wiisliini;toii .-uned u cal] lor a public neetiag to bc held on Wednesday night ist to Mm mea-mes to ertct ; "Oarlleld Memorial Hospital' to be established in Washington and on the spot whcretlie late resident was st lic ken down. The result t' the llrtUtlllg is not known up to date. l.ut he projeet is to BltabHsh a imlional and inernational hospital lo be erectod opOB the He of tlie Ualtimorc & Potomae depot vhitli la OU a governinent reservntion and .s sooii to be vacated by the lailroad coiui.uiv. The crow mciI heails of Burope are 0 be invited to subscribe, and the l'nitrd Stutes tieasiuer is to be the tica-nn r of the umi. It is i l.iiiiK-d that there is in the. BUliop of Loudön1! llbiary at Fulham, a manoeriwt in the handwiitiiifrot (iov. Bradford, vho canie over in tlie Alaytlouer ld IQM nd who was one of the early gotemon of he HaavactioKtU oolony. Thto document s a diary of the proceedillga ot 'the pilgrisil ODtainteg the eonstitntioii out of willet) the tediTation now termed the l'nitd States. It was eaptured durin the war )f Iiiilependenee trom au ohl Dulcli cliureh ii Boston. It is Miaseatcd by Benjamin s-oti, ehaiiiljerWin ot' I.oiidon. Ihat in to:en of her deep lympathy over our natfon 1 sorrow, and her desire to forget the I 0ietofa eentiiry tgO, EBflaild shouM ieent tlie loi imient in the name of the neen and nation to the UuiU'd Sta!' A story ot an exeitinjr srene coinés lo us rom Taris. A spicial dispatib says: A scene of the most dramatic charaeter ecevr ed last njjght at BlyaM .Mout Maitru. 'hai les Lullier, a returned communist, Imd jcen siiminoiud by tlie revoliitionarv comïittee to defend liimself agKlnM tlie charge f liaviug [ii lTl on teven] oociuiona berayed the cause of the ('omiiiunc. His hier acciisii ., _ : ., . Calan, with whom it may be retttentbered jilllier lately had a violent pubhe altcrcaion. There were 3,000 people present. ainong them LlMAfany, and niany other uien prominent In the insurrection of 1871. Conv Revillon presided. Malon beinj; ibllged to leave last i i:ht for 8 witzcrlaud, he charges were sustained with most laannlng proofi by Ltaaagaray. A frieml of Lullier attempted to ipeak in hUdefense, mt could not (tel a hearing. Lullier liinielf, pale, hazard bur deliant, then KM ind amidst furious yells and insults of the rowil protestfld that he never betrayed the oiiiiiiune.for he nevor pretended to serve it l'he rest of hia speech was drowned in inliirnant shouts, whieh made it almost imlossible to hear what wa being said. At o'clock in the inorninj{ the rcsolutiun w as ¦arried with only one dUlBltlüg vote, jraiidinít Lullier as a traitor, and the meetng dispersed.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News