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Trof. Horsrortl's Baking Towder Prol', (has. S. (iaiintt, l'liiladephia Unlersity of Medicine, Wagner Institute and Girard College, said: "1 repartí I'rof.Horsibrd's liukinii Pewder M I superior and -( ii-ntilic pre paration. I itaU r Ituriictt Minors. TAT1S OK M1CU1GAN, County of Yvaahtenaw, s At a aeasion of the Probate Oourt for the County oi Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office, in the city af Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the fourth day oí üctooer, in the year one rboQMM eiirht hundred and slubty-one. riililt. William D. llarriman, Judge :f Probate. In the matter of the estáte of W'alter B., Lois D. nd Auna R Hurnett minors. Ann K. Burnett the iruanliau of said ardí comea into conrtand reprepeins that she is dow prepared to ronder her ttual iccount as flucb uardian. Tbereupon it is nrtereA, thnt Bitnrday, the twentysecoud day ot October,next,at ten o'clock In the fore H'mjii be as-i;;rieii for examlninii and tiilowini; such ftccooni and that the next ot kin of Raid ward and all utbcr persons Interesled In said estáte arereqnlred to tppear at a Bestión oi said Court, iheu to hu holden Bt the Probate Otïice in the eily of Ann Arbor, in aid couuty, and show cante, it a ly there he, why the said account should not be allowed. And It In fnrther ordered tlfnt said (runrdian give CfJ6'ptuVlUh,f ii?"P' interested in Mild estáte, ol of. by causin„' a oopy of thtt cirWVVü'Ji".1""",? ttoererht Ann Arbor UO'tritr, n nt-wnpaiM-r i-rinti-fi aiíH ircalatini.' in sid county, two raseeMlTe wesks r rvloni to eaid day of h-arini;. (A true copy) WILI.IAM D. HAKKIMA.N, Joileï of Probate. VM. G. DOTY. Krobite EtMtMr. Ml SI Estáte of Joliu W.Vai; Mckle. TATh; OF MlCHKiAJi.Uuunty of Waahleuaw, as At a sesslon of the Probate Oourt for the County ot Waahtenaw. holduu at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the flnt day of October, in the year one Ibousand elght hundred and tjfhtyïne. Present William t). liarriman, Judeof Probate. In the matterot theesUteof John W. Van Sickle iH-caht'il. On ii'iuinii.' and fltin the petttion, dul verja d, 1)1 William 1). Van Mickli'. [ithj int; tliat adninistratlnn ot Mild eutate may be (franted to Geor((e S.Van Sickle, or come other gultalile person. Thereuion it k ordered,that Monday,the th rty-önst day of Ociober instant next, at ten o'ilnck in the forenoon be ai-ulgned for the h'-arin,' of tald petltton.and that the heirs at law ol faid deceaced, aud all other [eriou! iuterested in sald eslato, are required to up¦m:ht al a ¦OMton of paid court. Iheu tn be holden at tlie Probate Office, in the city ol Ann Arbor, and ibow caae, ifany liu.why the urayerof the petitloner siiould not be grautea. And ft ib further ordered, tbal said netitloner i;ive notice to the persuns iuteresled iu aaid eaUte, of the peudencv of sald petitlon, and the hearing tliereof, liy eausinu a coy of this ordT tn bt Mlblishad in the Aun Artor í-ourier, a newsuaper printe-l andcirculated In said county,lhree previoua to iaid day ot hearing. (A Uuü copy.) WILMAM D. HARK1MAN, .1 udi:e ol Pronata. WM. G DoTy. l'r.ibatc ctrliter. 105ÍI Ui Kstilic of JiMcph Jtriill. IjTATK Of MICHIGAN, County At a xession or the Probate Court ror the l'ouuty ol Wasuteuaw, holden at the Probate Oftlce, iu the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, kbe [tth day ot Depten her. in the yar one thonsand vtetit hundted and elt-bty one. Present, Wlllluui 1) llarrlman, Jude ol Probate. In the matter of the eetate ot Joneph Rrown, decciisi'd. Duiiel B. Brown. admlnlairator "f saiil esmihh inlo court and reprum-nti tha! he nuw preparad to rcudi-r bis llnal account aa euih aduiliim trator, Thereupon It ii ordered, Ihal Wednesila, lttth day of Octohtr iie:a, at ten o'clock in th' triHKn, bv awtirnd lur zaaluinjt and allowiug such account, aud tbat the helre at law öf sail dreeaeod, aud all other p.-rsnns Intereeted in said estáte, ire requlred to appuar at a augaion of said court. ihen to be hulden . il tm: l'roliate office, in the rit) ot win Arbor, in !-aid amnty.'and show cause, ifanj there be. wh ttie suid account should n"tbe all vea. And It is turtlierordind.lhai mA uclmitiHtr itor u-ivc in.tire to persons interested m aald .-;ale, ol the pendesa of -aid account, and the hqurlug tbereof, by caiisliií.' a copy of this order to he published in the .Mm Arbor Óourltr, a newnpuper printcd and clrcolaiei: in satd county, three successive week ;r toaaid da or hearing. (A true copy.) Wil.LIAM ü. HARKIMAN, Jiidte of Probate. WK. G. DOTY, Pr.ihate Heelster. MST-lOM Kstatc r LmiuJ Fwtcr. iTATKOK Mli 111'. N, County oIWahtenaw,M. At a suaslijn of the Prolmte ('nurl for theCoanty of Washtcnaw. holden at the Prohatc Ornee. In the city of Ann Arbor, on I bursday.the ljth day of September in the y.'ar one thou.-and eitht hundred and eij;hlyon. Present, Willtam D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the ettutü of Lemuel Fiwler, der, a-i-d. on readipKandfllinj; tbc petltion, duly veritled. ot rune N. H. Poater, prayltitf that certam lnstrnni'Mit mm un n Ie In i his court piirportinKtubc the 1 and teitament of iiald rteceaaed, may be admitted to probtte, aud that be may be appotuled ex cmor thert of Tborenpon It Is ordered, that Mondsy, the tenth day of October nu', at ton o'clock In the foresooB, be assined lor the hearluu' of ald petitlon, and tbat the devisei, l{atr and a law of said deceased, and all other l.rons interested In aald estáte, are required to appear nt session ol said court, then to be hulden at the Probate offlee. in the clt? of Ann Arbor, in said ¦¦oniity, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayr of the petitloner should not be rnatw, And It Is funher ordered, that said petltioner Kve noticf to th persons interested in said estáte, oí the pendency of :ild petltion, and the hearing thereof, by causlnf! a copy of this order to he j.ullihed In the Ann Arbor Couritr. a newnpaper prlntcd and circulaltnjf in aid couuty. three sucressive iirevioueto said day of heariuir. (A truc copy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Judseof Probate. WK G. DOTY. Probate KeL'iüter.


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