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Chroniele election to-morrow. D. L. Parker, lit, '81, s attending medical lectures. Fred S. Bell, lit, '79, has been spending a few dnys with old college friends In this city. The professional depaitments open with about ihe s-ame nuniber of students as usual. Texter and Williums, phannicsof '81, have been appointed to nssist in the luboratory. E. P. Anderson, poet of the literary class of '79, is studying in the medical dcpartmcnt this year. J. S. Blanchard, medie, '81, was in the city recently. He is working up a good practice at l'arma in this state. S. L, Williams.Mit., 'Sl.piasseoured a posltion as teacher in the ïollioby accademy at Greensboro, Ala. Mr. Williams was once a slave in Mississippi. Cadavers are pouring in by the wholesale. It is thonght now that it will be necessary to import more medies to eut them up before warm weather. Bert Whedon, of the class of '84, who lias been with Sheehan & Co during the last two months, has accepted a position in Bay City, and leaves next Honday. The dean of the law faculty bas notified the seniorsthat the quizes will be much more severe this year llian heretofore, the result probably of the new law, admittlng students only on examination. Prof. Moses Coit Tyler will be ordained as minister in the Episcopal church, on Sunday, Oct. löth, Bishops Harris and Gillespie from this stato and BishopIHuntington from New York will be present. Owing to the rain on Saturday last, the enstomary game of base ball between the freshmen and the sophomores was postponed until to-morrow. The fresmen regarded it as a special Godsend to them. The monthly Bulletin for October made its appearance yesterday. It contains a letter from President Angelí to the membrrs of the Students Christian Association. The press work is done at the Courier oflice. Mr. Wood, dispensing clerk in the laboratory, bas resigned from hls position. He goes to Chicago as inspecting chemist in a steel manufacturing establishment. His position will be temporarlly lüled by Mrs. Johnson. W. W. Hannan, '80, will take advantage of the season of tlio year unfavorable to excursions by taking a course of lectures in the law school. In finding a way to iinprove every moment of his time, there eau nut be found a more skillful manager than Mr. Haunan. Up to Tuesday noon therc were 218 applications for admission to the department nf litara tuin, science and the arts, 7 have been rejected and 31 are awaiting the decisión of the faculty, leaving 180 as the nuniber alreac'.y admitted. It takes 2 Pg's to make tb,e department complete. The school of political science was formally opened on Monday last by a lecture by Prof. C. K. Adains n the new lecture and audience room in the south wlng of university hall. The room was crowded and the audience well pleased with the address. The flgU lietween lVi lcn(ling)rofr-(ir of the different tchooll of medicine lia bren reneweil through the columns of the daily papers, If the same amount of ¦DMgJ and OMapng gas were ulilized for advancing the intcrests of the university, muil fiood origkt come from it. The student's lecture assoelation has Is course of entertaiinnents for the Coming year ihout made up. They liave Mlgaged the best lectuiers and concert companiesto be obtained, regardless of expense. A neat and tasty program card is now ready for distribulion, the season is to be opened by the Litta concert company on next Friday eveuing, Oct. 14th. There-is a standing, and often renewed, promise existing between Secretary Bennett and the Chronicle association. lt is 110 more nor less tlian the promise of a room in university huil to be litted upas a Chronicle ollice. The Chronicle asciation needs such a room, and as the Nydia room is soon to be vacated a more suitable one than that could not be selected. Tlie tirst regular issue of the Chroniele will appear to-morrow. The iicw hesdlngt to the various deimrtments are extremely neat and tasty. New and interesting features have been introduced, placitg it far above the average college paper in appearance. Every member of the board is a hard and faithful worker and tliis insures a prosperóos year to the Chronicle and a valuable paper to its readers. Every one should subscribe. The clinical rooms of the dental depai tinent of the university are now open for the reception and treatment of any who muy require operations U]ou the teeth and immediate parts. All operations for the restoration and preseivation of tiie natural toAi and for the insertion of artillcial teeth are performed under the special direction of the professors and their assistauts and will be done in a thorough manuer. For all operations involving expense, a charge will be made to defray the expenses of materials. The rooms will be open daily, Saturdays and Suudays excepted, from 1'2 to 4 o'clock p. ia. Those wishihg such service and prompt attention, should apply soon, as the rooms are in a short time liable to be crowded.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News