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Garfield's First Meeting With Bliss

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Mr. Crump, tlio stuwmd ai Um Whiu[Iou8e, taya; "Sunday mornlng, just aftcr "the blg crowd of docto luid cleared out. I waa alone with Uic genera] umi l)r. Blis. The doctor sat on oneskle of tlic bed and I was mi tlic Other. General (jarlield liad bold "I l)r. BlIaVa li.nnl. and turned hi.s head and aaked me ifl knew where heiirst mw Bllaa. I told liiin I didn't and lie said tlieti that he WOQld tell me. He saiil tliat whcii lic m a youugater, and startcd lor collefie lit iliruin, lie liad Jnt $15, a $T0 bilí n un oíd black leatlier pocketboók, wliich w8 in the brcagt pocket of liis coat, and tlie otlier ) was in liis trousert iockit. He said lie was feeüng it up tlie road, and, as thc day wiis lior, be t'"k oft liis coat and carried it on liis inn. takin? (id tarr to fecl t'vrrv niDinrnt iir lwo ot tlie pocketl)i.k, tur llic liaiil-i-arned fió VTM tO pay entranot fee l ti; coUege. Aftr u hile lie frot to tUiiiUinjf over Mflmt college lite woukl Ik; like, and forgot all about thc pocketboók for orne tlme, and lien he looked jíain l'Mtnil it nií ffoiie. lic went hack moüinl'ully alóftg thc road, linnting mi botli (idea tor the xcketbQok. Afiera uliilc he carne to a house wliure a yoiuip man leaiiing over a gate, and who tixked liiin a he caine up u hat he was linnting tor. Waiilelil vplained lii loss and di-sc-rihed thc property, when theyoutig min handed it over. The President by this time was laujrhiM, anU oooclntled: 'Tbal VOUDS man was Miss. wasn't it, doctor?' lie doctor lauhed and said, 'c,' and uhen Qeiieial (iartic-ld naia, 'He saVed me for oollege,' anawerad, 'Ves. and innvhc it I liailn't round four $lo you wouldu't have been Prealdeiit of the Uiiited States'. The ['reaklenl boghed at that, and said that, if be gol well and rnadu any mlatakct In liis ailuiniUtrtitiuii, BliiM would have to take ; hv Manir.' &¦ &'


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News