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Something About Gardening

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Alranst all girl9 lovc flowors, and enjoy lookiug aftci' tiiüiii, and t tUoae wko hive eyos iiinl cars lor beauty, there is no oocupatioil wliirh is more delightful. or which vichis so fruitf ui :i reward. Nature teacbea Dlaiiy winU-.rl'ul lessons, and bv wathing her openitinii we learn UlMthe principal calille of her QCCeSS is, tliat she follows strietly tlie ilivine order, and works entlrely upofl iln plan laiil down for lier. The desire forinformation 011 the part of anv sri lo beeoma a gsrdenei is eaally sjttisürd, rules for their guManoe betng fauna in nciirly cvciy [K-riodical; but wliat they want most, however, is a pracUoal acquainCanee with tlie work, rather ihan any theories concerning it. Tiiey may purchase a je r Beed, witk rules prlnted theren, 'lien and tu jlant, wliat soil to hoiw and wliat courseit jiursue, but it is m!y vrlien they set to uit to carry out the adnee giren that tlieyütiul there nre ¦'JifHcuitips and disai]ointn6iets awaiting thetn, twt experieiice and a&eijtion win tcach Iliciu wnat to do and hw lo avoid failures a&othor time, Hnd in the.oiwJ their laljois wilJ not liavo been in vtiin. Watering planta or seeds .honld be done itlworoqgbly; tegtta Chetn a spvhtkle oeeulw ally and tlien expeet tfaem to lloiirisli 8 a mistake. should not be wal;rfd when the sun ia shioing upon them, but toiward the close of the day, when they are in the shade. A arm bafli, If givon judiór ou-ly, will destroy inseel.s, and should be given occaslonally, ai the preservation of planta trom vernüu is work that should alfcraya have carelul attention, in order to keep them healtliy and thrifty. A strict lookout for weels should be kept. ia order lo make a Kardw i suecess. They increase very rapidly, and do a groat amount of mischief, feeding upon the soil that would otlierwise yield in llowers. Every flower rience is the bes) teacher as to wiiat will be the best tbing to do, and the best way to do It, in eonneetion thérewith. A great deal of pleasura may be derived froni firowinj; indiioriilants, to beautify tlie home in winter, llyacintbs, crocuses and tulips are cultivated in glasses. The bulbs should be put in glasses in October, tlie water reuclting to the lower part of tüe biilb, kept in a dark place three or four eeks, until the roots appear, theti brouglit to the liiht. The glaatet must be turned every day, to give each part of the plant the Influenoo of tbc sun. The water In tlie glauei need not be ohanged; .1 piece of Bharcoal ar etunred wood, thrown in it will keep it pure. Ferns, grown In cjises, are eïcfedlngly pretty, and pay theü" owners for the eare they may require. They should be put in a lirht, sliadv place, in a window, fajeing anv way excep't south. Qood drain:iS: being the most niportantconsideration in the growth of ferns, an outlet should be irovided for uperfluous moisture. Care must be token not to exposé the ferns to sudden changüí of temperature, but the air should be given them quite frequcntly to keep inould from accunmlating. To take the roots of the ferns up in the siiriiju' ,¦;''- -.-;'"h, is estrable, !m n-oilils bcmir cut down entirely. 1 he caae should then be empticd and wiped out, broken fraifments, sucfi as plecea of flower]ots, sniall pieces of eharcoal, necessary for draioage, replaced. the earth covered over them until of sutHcient depth, worras and insects removcd.the roots then replaced and watered freely for a few days, and the ferns will loon appear as green and healthy a ever. The care of llowers and plants is very ntcrestinjr, and those of our girls wfio have the leisure will lind their interest for such work will increase as they giww more and more familiar with it. .Nr.'ure is bountiful and appreciative, and Wflü licstow lier gif tl írccly to tlio-e w lio dotStcir work carefully add patiently.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News