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Among Our Exchanges

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No. 1 of the first volume of the Midland Sun put in its nppearance this week thotfft) on i small scale, it appears to be quite ;i newsy sheet. Blilftwaasee ('ounty Journal : Thesoutheasteru Michigan bee-keeper's associatlon niet In Ann Arbor yesterday. The king bcK' oceupied thechair, and the d ron 1.3 we re dlsposed of. Oscmmv County Herald : A live piecc oi renlsou ttied to gtt across the track ahead ot the mail train, this sitie of Sumnilt, 'fuea dlay, iind tbc restllt was a dead deer. It was au accident nevw before heard of in Uiis section. Tho Gay Miuing Cojapany of Quincy, have unilcr consideratiou an ollcr of pn'rcbase. by Philadelphia partiesforoné tliinl of their interest in the " Öleepinr Pet," a mine now developing rich ore in Coloial. Tlie easlern men deiire ti fonn a conipunv witli $300.000 capital. Tlicvcller lile (uincy men $l'.ooo ca--h. and $33,338 1h stoelt tbr the oue-third interest. Adrián Trimes : l'robably a greater brcadtli of wheat has been sown in this section of the state this fall tlian ever beforc. and it certainly never lookcil petter. Along the .Tackson braneh of the Lake Shorc a good part of the railroad laml bas been seeded to wheat, and around Manchester inany people's back yards and gardeus are devoted to the same purpMe. Otisville Telegram : Rev. W. 1) Potter, .pastor of the Baptist society in this villaje, oelebrated bis (iöth birthday a week aj-q last Sunday by prèaching threo sernions. We hope the 1,'cv. gentleman niay long he sparcd to celébrate the day. as eaeh -11eceediug year lililíes il around, in tho saine b. -uiting inauncr. To one 80 earnest in the work of convertihg slnnërs no other way ot celebrating tbc event conld Dring as mucb. Big Kapids Current: It is expected tbat there will hu 10,000 bushels of potatoes shippcd froni thu place this fall, and of a vcry superior quality. F. C. Heard bouglit three busheU of Nelson Anderson on the ürd, which averaged trom one to one and a half poumls, each potato. Mr. Andersou bas in bis possession a gréat many potatoes weighing 2}L pounds each. They are of the Early lióse variety. Who can beat them ? Mt. Clemens Monitor: A Mt. Ciernen? man was Oshlng in the 8ny Boree, back of Strawberry Island, one day last week. His liook Tyas taken by sometïiing that pulled like a tour hnrse team. He got it to the top of the water and discovercil that a large perch had taken the bait. The pereb in tnrn had been taken by a hBgfl jiike. in wliose moulh it transversely lay. The pike let go and tlu: perch was landed. This is not a lie, if it is a lish story. Michigan Christian Advocate : A large ntimber of respectabfe citizens of Detroit are deeply exercised over the jrlucose factory recently opened on Fort street, wliicli is represented as the source of an intolcral stench, What b. pity that the moral olfactories of mankind are notas sensitivcas tlien plivsicai. Ve ¦in tolérate low theatres, ruin shops and brothels anywhert? in the city, without a protest that will welgli a farthing with the city authoritics. The Adrián Times says the New Tork Herald estimated that the mouniing decorations in that city would amount in valne to half a nnllion dollars, and su'ested alter a suitable interval the goods be sold lor the benefit of the Michioran flre 3uffererg. The idea took well, and now arrangements have been made with well known auction.oers tp sell such of the fabrics as would be ¦uiisuitáble for clothing, while all the eloth, alpaca p.iHl inerino will go direct to Michigan 't JEIerald hopes that the wagons ollecting tiiegoods inay be loaded to their extreme .cajiai iv. , aml that Ui" day of sale tuaybetUe greatet in the annak of this uoble charity. Bay City tribune : 'i'he amount of lumIkt at Chicago írow tlu ppqgjiig t' Q) to October 1, has been as follöi reCeipts since January J, i(854,Pöfe,W0 feet ¦ amount to same arte last year, 1,J88 000; increase 2Jü..:i7O,00O jeet. gal.: shipments since January I, l,334.ÜC.".0Uit ; amount to same date last year, 1,0915,383,000 feet; increase 237,672,000. The amount on ii... 10 .T.uiuurv 1, 1NS1, was 4i)i,40,t). same düta 1880, tól.282,059. The receints of lumberduring September amnuntcd (¦ 231,382,000 feet, against 86,971,000 feet last yenr; shipments 188,811,000 feet; IÍS0, 1S7,11'.I,OUI feet. Shinirles, receipt II1055,000 ; sbipments 132'.73r),000. Every Saturday : A Detroit éjefetmán, a man wtirmly endeared to a Iferge feangregation, recently refused to empíoy a i)Uartetchoir in his churcli, on the grounds that their unsic wonld be of a too worldly character. A few days ago the Keconl saw this same clergyman seated at the orzan of bis ,cfcurch and plaving soine of the liveliest old Scotch airs i t bas ever been a pleasure t ItetaO to. The listener, thoulj highly entcvla'nad. was nevcrtlieless astontshcd at wltacvnicR would bluntly cnll lnconsiiiMiqy, ü4ul, an ([tiietly lUppAlg out of th. lice U;,. lelilí not resist murmumig aloud U:e v. onls, of the inmortal poet : ' ¦ It is a good divm. thát follóws his own instrtictions." ¦Vermont.i' Kftwk : licuable informat.ion i-onies ty us fco: Kosina, a four 'orners sitúate ui. betweeu Odessa and Scbcwa; that Mednck nier cbant - living 011 said corner. , 'nst tuochildren last Friday pf diphthviii -. liicli 80 teirilied the that lliej' d 1V0111 their home, leaving the tliird - a !-ma,ll boy on bi'd to die alone. Ncighbors learning the facts, went Ui tliehoasii and cared lor (he child which kewever died 6pon aïte.i , the ïvhole t h ice dytag in less t lian :i7 bours. The remaining two :!ildi-cn. groVtl n;i daiiihters, iti' mmfcdfcitticly taken down willi tlie same discase, aud word carne j'eaterday that they were notcspertcd to live. Tlie above.wM told us a gentleman rlgjit froni there, and liitnselt" had jfied to Weapc the feil destróyer. He fuither suys that a licrlect reign of terror prevails in that neighborhood. Grand Traverse Herald : In the season of 1880 scveral acres in the farm of Mrs. ('. Gardrier were planted to potatoes. In the fall, owing to bad weather coming 011 before potato digjjing was got around to, the erop was only partially dog. This spring the ground was plowed up and BOWIl to oats. With the oats tliere came up 1 'volunti;er" corp of potatoes, with the JTfOwíujJ Of which the oats did not niateiiallv interfere. After tlie Oats Werè harvested thfe po. tatoes were dug and 100 bushels have heen sold as the ultímate result. The oats have not yet been all threslied hut the erop bas been of the very best as to qUflHty ainl qóantity, What are eommonly known in (rand Travel se U "volnntecr pot.ilocs," tncaniiifi those firoduced lrom potatoes which have remained in tbc ground over winter, are frequently met with, hut In this case the yicld and the doublé harvest írom the same land was soniewhat reinaik able. Tuscola Pioneer: It is found to have been a grand mistake not to have retained here fordistribution theentire car-load of goodg, wheat and other supplies sent Ui this place by the good people of Ann Arbor for tlie relict ot Miraren by the late forest Bres. The demands on the conuniltee tor aid are much greater than they have the aliilitv té meet. New families and claimants for aid. w bo had not been reported at tirst, are coming In at most every day, and we are just bcginningto realize tlie magnitude of the work 011 our hands. We have been short of wheat for seeding, and our committee have been obligcd to buy from the elevator to meel the pressing vants of the luffererg. Anl there is a greal ni'ed nmv of luniber. nails, stove, etc. etc.. U cold weather is at hand. We trust, in the name of siillenng humanitj-, that tbc benevolent public will not fcel that the work of relief is well nigh done. These families will have to be aidcd, more or less, for uiany inonlhs


Ann Arbor Courier
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