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Estáte of Josepli liroirn. QTATK OF MICUIGAN, County of Washteuaw. es. Ata sesslon of the Probate Court for the C'ounty ol Washtenaw, hulden at the Probate Office, íd the city of Aim Arbur, un Monday, the I'.ith day ol B her. In the yiar one thousand elght hundied and eighty-or,e. Present, YV Illiam i. Harrim m, J udge ol Pro bate. In the matter of the estáte of Joseph Brown, deccased. Diiiit-l li. Iïrown, adininlsirator of gaid estate, roniw luto court and represente thal ni prepared to rendur bis flnal account as such adnilulstralor. Thereapon It is ordered, that Wednesday, the 19th day of Octobcr next, at ten o'clock in we lun ¦- noon, be assigned fur examliiine and allowing uch account, and that the helm at law of eaid d and all otht'r persone interested in flaid estáte, are reqaired to appear at a session of sald conrt.then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should nolbeallowed. And it Is further ordered, that sald admlnletrator glve noticc to the persone interented in raid entati', of the pindenny of said account, and the keuring iberias, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and eirenlatud in said county, three successive weeks prevtous tnHÍri day of hearing. (A trne copy.) " JUiUsLUAN. WM. G. DOTY, Prnliatc Re-ister. rm-itöo Estáte of Jacob Vandawarker. OTATE OF MICU10AN, County of At 1 session of the Probate Conrt for the Oonnty ol Waehtenaw, holden tl the l'robate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the eleventh day ol Octobcr In the yearntifthousaiideiKht hundred aod eighty-one. Present, Wüliain D. Ilarrirnan, Jud"e of Probate. In the matter of the eetate of Jacob Vandanarker, deceased. Frank Vandawarker, the adlninitrator of said estáte, comes Into conrt and repivBentH that he is now prepred to render hls final account as stichadminfitrator. Ttierenpon it Is ordered.that Wedncsday, the ninth dy of November ntii, at ten o'clock in the aKSijjned for examinln!: and allowii account, and that the helrn at law of said deceased and all other persons Intcrested in said estáte, are requirrd to appear at asesslon of sald conrt, then to be holden at the Probate ofllce, in the city of Ann Arbor, m eaid county, and show nny tliere be, wby the eaid account ehould nt I-e allowed. And it is furth.T cirdrred, that sald admiulstrator (tivc uotice to tbe persons intcr ! isute, of the uendenry of said account, and the bearluL' thereof, by ennstn}; n copy of tbls ordfr to be publishedln tne Ann Arbor Vourie r,a newnpaper printed and circu latina in aid county tt lu ¦ ,. wt., - ln-viuna to said day of hearing, (A trna copy). WILUAM D. HAUR1MAN. WM. G. DOTY. Probate Reülste. C '"lom-es Estáte of Mlcliaol Yagcr. OTATE QF MICUIGAN, fuuuty of Wuslitenaw, ss. At a sowion of tho ProhUe ('durt ,')r Uic County of Vaehtoriav, holden at tbe Probate Oilice. in tbe city of Ann Arbur, on VVertnesday, the filth day of October, in the year one thousaml elght bnnd l'it'My-oni' Present, WHtlauj V. Il;uiimin, Judce of Probate. In the matter of. tho eetnte of Mlchael Vai'r deceaaed. t'n reuding and filing the petition, duly vended, of LcwIk Yauer, prayin that idnilnistrstion of sald catato may irrantcd to John Adam Si hmiil or ome olberjnitAblfl person. Therenpon (t ie ordered, that Monday, tho thirty flrst day of October Instant, at ten o'clock In :hc forer assicni'd for the hearln? of said petition, and that the heire at law of said deivased.and all other - interasted in said estáte, are p-quirefi to appear at t Bession of eaid court,tbcn Mbe aoldehal the Probate Ofllce. in the city of Ann Arhor, aml show caus', If any thafa I.-,vhj the prayer f the ! ¦ should rmt ne tir.inted. And It is furüier ordared, that said petltioner give notice to interented in said estáte, of tbe nendency petition, and the hearing thereof, by caubini; a copy of th order to be pnblished in the Ann Arbor üourier, a m-wspaper printed and cirrulated in said county, ihree loeceaalTa ireeki jirevlon? to e;iid day of hearing. (A true copy.) WILUAM L. UAKKIMAN. JtlitKc Of I: WM. ). DOTY. Probate Register. 10 THE ANN ABBOR BAKËBÏ We have secured the services of a first-class baker and pastry cook, and arefurnishing a quality of bread that has never been excelled in this city. We are also making some of the nicest articles in the line of pastry, ruany of them entire novelties in Ann Arbor. A good assortment of groceries and provisions will be found at our store. All orders for goods in our line will be filled and promptly delivered to any part of the city. A liberal discount will be made to clubs. HALL&MOSELEY, 10H No 23 North Man St


Ann Arbor Courier
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