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Club board lias raised. Tliis Isttae weattiertnat tries men 8 soles. Freifilit on coal is 80 cents ier ton either from Toledo or froin Detroit. The Board of Supervisors are to vísit and Inspeel the county house to-day. It has deen decided to hold tlie fair next year the week folowmg the State fair. Rev. Mr. Patchcii preached in the Conrngiitional church last SunOay morning. A telephone office lias been opened at George Moore's book store on State streetThe ladies of the AI. E. Church cleared about $G0 by feeding the liungry at the fair. At :i single boarding house in this city tliirty-tive loaves of bread are used every day. Three persons wcre baptlsed by I h toursion at the new Baptist church last Stinday cvcniiig. The Ann Arbor School of Music is in a flourisliinrc()ii(litiiii,(it'ty membersalrpady l)uing ciirollcd. Ypsilanti wants to claim Prof. lloran, the aeronaut, now f Jackson wants tofight here'a her cliance. The chairman of the Board of Supervisors has resigned on account of ill healtli, and Mr. Case was elected to the chair. Daring the year ending Ociober 14, 1880, Judge Harriman has sent nineteen persons to the Eastern Michigan asylum. A well wishing friend has presented us witli a pair of shears hinting that most newspapers were filled with (r-nonsense. There were 125 Ann TArborites that took in the excursión to Lansing yesterday. Tlic train c.irried six car loads of excursionista A six'iiiil incctinir of Fraternity Lodge of F. and A. M. is ciilled for Wednesday evening, Oct. I9th. Work on the 3rd degree. _______„ II. II. Warner & Co. of Koehester, New York, have favored us with a colored litliograph of the late President Garfleld and his eabinet. Prof. Moses Coit Tyler will deliver a sermón in the Episcopal church next Sunday evening. He will be ordained at the mom ing services. The opera house is expected to be ready for use next Tuesday night. It will when Bnished be a hall to which the citizens will not be ashamed to take their f riends. A harvest concert which promises to be a fine affair, is in preparatioti to be given at the Methodist church, Friday evening, October 28th. The división fence on the east side of the high school grounds hag been removed a couple of rods to the south while the eastern boundary fence has been removed altogether. An improvement is going on at the Congregational ehurch in the shape of trenches ulong the walls to carry tlie water away and prevent its entering the basement of tlie church. The music at the Episcopal church last Sunday morning was variedsomewhatfrom the usual monotony of church muslc by the tones of a cornet as accompaniment to the church organ. Through tlie kindness of Mr. C. E. Worden, of San Francisco, Cal., we ?iave received copies of the San Francisco Chronicle octotalniag accounts of the memorial services in that city. The nnnual address before the student' Christian Association'of the University will he dellvered next Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock in University Hall by Dr. Ilerrick Johnson of Chicago. The students' lecture course opens tonight with the Litta Concert Company. fitizens can secure reserved seats at H. J. Brown's drug store, or at George Moore's iook store on State street and no extra charge. An unregenerate friend on expressing a esire to ascend in a balloon to experience the sensation, you know, was advised to atwnd Methodist class meeting, on the round that that kind of experience would takehimnearerheaven. The South Lyon Excelsior of tlie 4th inst ays that Inspector Gage, Capt. Manly, J. iHMHltonaMd C. E.Hta0ockmade.:Tfait ñ 7 TZe Goinout " ke .ut thewholePrty wasnpset, l'Ut fortunatelyvnthmnnyserious results. A utbn te tfmimkm to the .?„,'¦ athillf Pastseven in the evenöfnè f'VfOmS f the öch001 of Mu8'C t vu, ; k16 am] Htlro" 8ts. AU t be presenr"116 ' WlUe8ted ¦ Ple of thU c,ty were given a special treat " shape of a tin hom serenade. The ';PW ,.a,r ,,.re Mr. and Mrs. George w ofr? atter {m]y Mis8 Lie At f C'-l-nnB, had just an-ived at Ann Arhor as a bride. tioÜr I'"' %dir Pa8tor of u' Congregaoi tC7Í;i"fI-AdaTrippogfthi8 W-"l"eslay a ter„oo , , " 8treCt D J'rofel'r 6r a88Í8led the Kev. ilircótors oí t lic Athletio Aü.ociation U a meeting on Wednesday erentng lust, appointed Saturilay, Oct. 22d, for holding tlie regular fall nVhl-day exercltes. The program for the day will be abont tlie same as usual. The Keek Furniture Oómpany hu sold more goods during tlie past month than during nny month previous since ts organization, and doublé the amount of biiMiir-s has beeu done by tlie same establlihment thau during any onc month since thecompany was organi.ed. Notwithstanding the acknowledged fact that all babies look alike.Mrs. L. Moore, of the 5th ward was made happy by lomi oonfirmed in lier opinión that she lms the pretticst baby In town. The baby show was on the fourtli day of the fair and the prize a $4 silver cup. Calvin Austin, of Salem, carrled away four tirst and three second class pramluma on apples at the fair last week. He had on exhibition thirty varieties, and fine apples they were too. Some of the fuiest specimens of klngs and rambows were left at the Courikh office niuch to the gralineation of ye hungry local. Rev. Mr. Suiulcrland is expected home this week from a six week'a absence in Hostim and New England, and will occup the pulpit next Suuday morning and evening. The morniag service will be the usual Autumn Festival- a unión service of churih atid Sliuday. school, with decorations of t'rtüte and ilowers. All are invited. ¦ - As it is a season of the year when stornis are frequent and unexpecteU, awoW io the wise is uffleient. . The Bay City Tribune says that the only; way to insure against the los of an umBrella, is to have pictures of revolvéis, blood-hounds and state-prison tuirs [lainted all over the inside. Then add the words "stolen from," etc, and the umbrella will come back as if by magie, every time. AtMonday's session of the supervisors Messrs Burch and Yost were appointed as comtnittee on printing, 500 copies of the proceedings, including the June meeting, were ordered printed and a resolution was adopted to awarfl $2.) to each newspaper compaoy that will publish and complete tlie same in four weeks after the final adjournment, including the January and June session s. The Art Loan Exhibition oponed yesterday noon and is to continue for about a week. It is well worth the time and money of every one, young or old, to visit the new chapel and tolook over the rare curiosities that have been collected. It can be truly sak! that there nevar lms heen n th!s city an exhibition equal to it. The art, Japanese, floral, brie-abrac 'and other dëpartments are each complete in themstlves, wlule the hungry will iiml an opportunity to satisfy théir cravings in the new rectory. The annual meeting of the W. C. T. U. of Washtenaw county will be held at Saline on Thursday and Priday, October 2"th and 2th, commencing at half past ten o'clock on Thursday. All ladies interested in the promotion of thetemperance work are most ooadlally invited to be present. The public meeting in the cvening will be addressed by an able speaker. That cvejry Christian woman has a duty, to perform in this work we most firmly believe. Let us therefore come together and talk of temporalice and the best mcans of advancing the same. John Duffy, a resident of New York City, and brother of Edward Duftjiof Detroit, died on Friday eveñtng last at the residence of his brothers Michael and Philip in Northfield. Mr. Duffy left liome about two weeks ago. Soon after reaching liis brothers' residence, he was taken severely ill and died before liis wife, who was inr mediately sent for, could reach htm. Tlie funeral occurred on Tnesday last at the Northfield Catholic churcli. In accordance with the last wishes of his father, his body was placed beside those of his párente at Northfïold. At the meeting of supervisors on Tnesday the following standing committees were appointed : Criminal Clalrus-No. 1. SeerlfTs Accounts.Roblson, Fouter, staebler Criminal Clalms-No. 2. Miscellaneous Matters.-Danslngburg, Smlth, Dancer Cl vil Claims- Yost, Lyman, Olsavr GllOpfnUG?aTe'8th CUüty """"-Btotaond, KlSond""8 Ule County--Burch. Blakeslee, 0-Hear'n8 ' County 0fflce--01saver, Walsh, -&SSÁW&LL and County TaCx!per - "odes, Feldkarap, Itejcctd Tares.-Dancer, Clark. Calhoun. rer Diem.- Yot, Young. Foster. To Examine the Accounts of the Superintendente of the Poor.-Shntts, Rhodes, Staebler. Fliiance.-Oalpin, Rlchmood, KobUon. Frlntiug.- Burch, Yost. Mr. Geo. H. Pond starts out in his work at Caro with the following favorable notice tnken from the Tuscola Advertiser, of Oetober 6tli : Mrs. H. G. Chapin is pleased to announce to the friends and patrons of the AdTertiser that she has secured the services of Mr. Geo. H. Pond, who will with the next issue assume the entire control of this paper. She hopes that this arrangement will prove agreeable to all. Mr. Pond has spent the most of his life in a printing office, and for soine length of time iias been oonnected with that staunch republican journal the Ann Arbor Couriek, as oneof its editora. AU contracts made with Mr, Pond for furnishing job work, 'advertising or íubscriptions, will be carried out by lier. ' E. D. Waterman lias recently returued from Nebraska, where he has spent about a montli in traveling over tUfierent parta of that State. Mr. W. reports that hc was very rouch pleased with the country, and thinks that grand prospects are open there for energetic men to make money. Going from Omaha to Lincoln and from there to Beatriee, he had a good opportunity to sec the country. About ten miles north of Beatrice he found Frank L. Ide, formeriy a resident of Ann Arbor, located on a ranch with a hord ofl200 sheep and dring well. Mr. W. made this liis head quarters and visited several ranches in the country round about, among othcrs that of the Janson Bros., as well as one belonging to Jas. Pickeral. The former have 3,000 sheep, yielding a shearing of ten poundl per head. Mr. Pickeral has about one-half that number. As a slieep ralsing counlry, Mr. W. thinks that Nebraska cannot be beaten. Company A started yesterday forenoon for Jackson, where they were to meet the otlier companies selected to go to Yorktown. The troops are to leave Jackson sometitne to-morrow. Ypsilanti and Coldwater may as well dry up their tears, as no amount of passion and pouting can chango the course of events now. The following is a list of the names of those who go to Yorktown as members of Company A : Officers Captain C. H. Manly, Lieut. J. F. Schuh, Lieut. Chas. E. Hiscock Sergeants Morgan O'Brlen, H. B. Revenaugh, Albert Sorg, Zach. Roath, John Chase ; Color Bearer Chas. King ; Corporals John Dietz, M. L. Frencli, Joseph Farrell; Pri vates J. Berolzheimer, L. K. Buchoz, George Blom, Frank Ulum, Philip Blum, C. II. Calvin, Geo. Dengler, C. A. Edwards, Win. Gerstner, Henry Greening, L. G. Hoebich, J. C. Howley, John Kahoe, Cyrus Miilard, G.S. Pitkin, Frank C. Porter, Hugh Hoss, Lewis Roland, J. A. Rheul. Chas. Sweet, Andrcw Sweet, John Sweet, Chris. Schlinker, Albert Teufel, W. Watts W. Wanzick, Geo. Werner.