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E. H. Bownlan, Ut of '81, is stndying taw :;t Harvard. P. C. Egbert, lit of '84, is In the insano osylnm at Pontlac. S. C. Graves, medie '81, last year assistant to Dr. Haclean, is tliis year assistent to Dr. Herdman. F. N. Scott, lit of '84, has been retained at home on account of sickness. He expects to be with his class soon. At a meeting lust Satimlay the junior literary class passed a resolution to abolish the election of junior offleers. Harry McNcil, lit of '83, and law of '83, is sick in town with the typhoid fevcr. His parents have been sent for. The junior linvs have taken steps toward organiinr. A coinmittee has been appointed to anange a list of candidatos for clan offices. J. E. MxGill, luw of '81, was la the city a few days ago Mr. McGill is at present tocated at Plymouth bnt intends to go to Detroit this feil. The senior medical class, at a meeting on Tuesday last. elected Eugene Baker, a gradúate of Cornell, president of tlie class for the eusulng year. C. S. Bnrcli, ';¦), haa addéd SCö to the Chronicle gymnasium fond and offers to makc it $50 if ten other alumni will give the sume atnount each. NV notice from an exchange, thatason of Dr. Chas, liynd, of Adrián, a former Regent of theUniversity, lost his house and t'uniiture by fire recently. Students who have attended the univcrsity for, at least one year, will be permitted to take a degree under the old requirements or under the new as they clioose. E. C. Williams, lit '8J, was called awav from college, on Wednesday evening, by the death of his sister. The sympathy of many classmates and friends go with him. Pix'sidiüit Angelí will sail from Shanghai on the 19th inst., will bc due at Naples on the 2ith of Nov., and will be in Ann Arbor before the beginning of the second semester. W. M. Clapp, a former meniber of the literair clas9 of "83. connccted during the past year wltb the Missouri Rlver improvemeutcommlsslon, bos returoed to complete his college course. The first Issue of 'volume 13 of theChiouicle made ts appearanoe last Saturday. The new headlnga add more to the general neat appcarance of the periódica! tlian was antlclpated by the cditoi-s. The se?iior pharmacjr class misses only twooftho menibers that enternl uil h it. These :ire Mewra. Taylor, from Oliio, and Belcher, of t h is state. The place of one, however, is taken by a new man. Behold the evil effects of co-edueation ! Following the example of college girla the senior "sub" gírlí have organlZBd a secret society and are ipending their precious time in "rushing" the unlnitiated. The University Musical Society bas elected tbe following offlcenfbrtbeengulngyoar: President, Prof. Alexander Winchell; vicepresldent, Prof. S. L. Walter; secretary, Prof. W. W. Beman, and treuurer, Prof. C. K. Adams. The Alleman Tribune thus expresses ts views on co-cducation : "It is said that 200 ladlee are attending the State University. We hope they will become good housekeepers. If they do not, their college learning will be no good. Secretary Bennett has appointed Jliss Lucy Chapín, of Ann Arbor, as an assistant in his office In accordance with the provisión of the Board of Iiegents at its last meeting, authorizing hirn to employ such an assistant. Jliss Chapín was formerly a clerk in the Auditor General's ofllce at I.ansing. The usual amount of dissatisfaction over the result of the foot-baH game, last Saturdaj', between the fresli and sophs, is expressed by the former. There were two innings played, the sophs winning both, but the fresli claim that it woUld luivo been far othervvise if the sophs had not smuggled in a law, A inighty man is tlmt l;iw. ' The Litta Grand Concert Company will open the course of entertainments glven ander the ansplcesof the Btadent'a Lecture AMociatton, tliis erenlng. Mille. Litta is well known in Aun Arbor, and, with her present support, ihe will give an entertainment that should not bc misscd by any one. Student8 and citize'is ain secure rserved seats at no extra cost, either at H. J. Brown's drny: store or at John Hoore's branch book store on State street. Atamectingof the Chronicle Assoclation on S.itunhiv Kr. Rutus VVaples, Jr., '82, was elected to fill the vacancy on the Chronicle board caused by the resignation of Mr. Staples. A resolution impowcring the board of editors to hereafter flll all vacancies, was read and will bc voted on at the next meeting. The following resolutions governing elections wereadopted: First, that there shall be no transfer votes; ¦econdi that the list of voters shall beiuade out by a coinmittee consisting of the board of' edlton and a delégate from each party cauou, alao that this list shall be closed and made public one week before clection. This will do away with a grcat deal of wire pnlllng and excitement at Chronicle elections. Another sensible resolution ndopted was that the inanaging editor shall nlways have access to the books, as he 3hould have.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News