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JL_ l PROFESSORFll 3fHlifi!li Matte Drom Toirsaor iorsforü' Acia l'hoanhatfit . mBM hj Ir .idinp phyMcton. , Mk - lichter In-rnii, fukrn, ft. ., kik) I U hp1fh!r thnn ordinart likïnK der. In run. Soid at a rramoimble p Hnrfort Alnutimc mul ('ook Book ent freí'. Work, Provldence, K I Ml f] IS A REALLY RELIABLE REMEDY FOR WASTINC AND NERVOUS DISEASES. Aitt-r tui rlmentg Mr. Fellow [los of Bypopbosptkltea, whicb han not only r .lth,but ha es found o lent of iiteaM cmaiiatint' (ruin lou of nerve power, and ir rclaxation, ¦ blllty, L'hronli I ( OS . Lrncorrl (tm. s' lf 'n , f # mm Mr: ¦ .: T ; r-i-iTl. ' I MALARIA. ! iet- may h, m-ei. ¦ the BM " F'llo' omiHitii4 sjiup of HypoplioHiii(--. - 'i' enihlex ns otiB disorder and iucIhe fohii'l-' phfwpbltoi rad the otl I ¦ nlng 90 carctn ¦ ¦ dOfiled ihftt the' t-utth and healthy ICtioD ia ¦ Ithln Iwenty.tour hourg i;.; o! a penBUMBt jlianu Ut. THE GREAT CURE ¦ "" FOR BHEUMATISM ( Aa t is for oll dlseascs of tho KIONEYS, . LIVER AND BOWELS. . It oleansM tho Bytom of tho acrid poion that oaoses the droadful euffertns wbich ' f only the victima of Rhyumntium can rcalieo. ; THOUSANDS OF CASES of tho worst forms of thia torrible disease i have beon quickly reJicved, In a short time PEBFECTLY CURED. ' ' hun hiui oiidcrful cuiTf, ftii'l ii'.i immonao ¦ , salo in every part of the Country - In hunln'dsofcaatjtiit liiacurcd xvb reall elso ha4 1 failed. Itia iiiiifl, but ofBoieut, C'EKTAÏN . IN ITH ArT.ON, but harmleaoinall cosos. tWlt riMMM,llmfttMI nn rWeiNew ' I.lfo toall tho important orgaus of the body. , Tho uaturnl actiou uf t Ue K idiiêya is restored. Tho Li ver ïh cleanaedofall dtBeaw.Bnd tlie 1 Bowo! move frioly and hoalthfvilly. In thia ' I waythe worst diseases are eradioated from thesystom. ' Au Jt ii au ben prove 1 y thousonds that ¦ is themodtfifft etual romody for c transitie tho i aystomof nll morbid sooretioas. It sbouidbe uaod ia cvery houBöhold as a h SPRING MEDICINE. ', Always tares BILIOtrBNESS. C'ON8TrPATION, PILE.S and all FEUALE Diseases. In putup inDry V(ftiMoFrm, intincam, i one parkajro f wbtd) mak ca loowti medicine. , AllOla 1. i ju id l'orm. vrry CoiK-rnlratrdfor ' lh QiiBUnlSITl oCMWM wfioranii'iirfftduvprfv. , ', parelt. Itactsir.ihrqnal fffleiencv m tttherform. i GET ITOPYOI-R DRDGGI0Z. I'RK'K. ftl.OO ' ITKLLS, BICHABD80H A To.. Prop'B, 1 (WH. wndthfdypnBt-naitl.) BI ltl.l;TO!. TT. , i nty?wntsKTT?iMg SUBE REWARD ! CÏÏEAP HOMES IX 31K11K.AV. HALF MILLION ACRES OF FARMING LANDS FOK SAUE BV Qrurnl Rupiiib & Indiunu Railroadjkmpany. Railroad Completed Through Center of Lands. Do not po TVost or South nntü JOB learn whaf ÉHchlcan Oflbr Intelllireni rarincr-.. Yon CM do bctter y WS ïiioncj' muil Iiimic. L.iikIs ricli. dry, anl pontly rolüiii;. Timbered malnly itli Snraï Maplc, Botk Kim, BMiwwd, kk, un cli, ¦ liick, etc, and are mll aterpil by lakes, rivers and spritifr lirooks. Strong soiis. fine erop, licaltlij cllinatc. scliodis and (hnrehes, intolliciil popnUtloD, mainly froia Easit-rn States and Canada. Foi I, itc, uH W. 0. HUGHART, i. n oiaiiiiÉi- i H. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. TITLi: ! 10M OET THE BEST J lBkflL A m JL i lili wtOl ' LIAIALLOTHEIIS! Every Style&Price. Guarantccd Unoqualed FOR OPERATION. ECONOMY, DURABIUTY and WORKMANSHIP. Imprsvemeuts and ConTenienees fotad is ,no others. AlwayslReliable. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. FortSalè'iiiEvory City and Town in tho Unltod Statai. And by John Pi ' -i Arbor, Mi-h. 1U:4-1W7 8500 REWARD ! m "111 I'iy ibore rowarrt lor nny rasp ol Ur Complahu, i tdacba, Indiid or l'ostlveiietí wertnmitcnre with NV :is. whn "" tlon ar pnrely Sutrar Ooati'd i ¦: 3U l'ill, 5 cent. For salo liy all dm gl-ti". Ccware of connterfeiU and imlratlono. The ifennlne mnniifncturi-d only by JOHN 0. VVKST 1 CO., "Th I'lll Maki-rp," 1K1 & 183 W. IfadlaoD Bt, Chicago. Kree trial packsce eent by muil prepali of a 3 cent stamp.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News