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AYEB'S CHERRY PECTORAL lor MMaÉM or tlii' Thron at l.niilC. Miicli il t oukIih. oldn, W h. opinie 'Oua;li. Broiu-hltl. -illlIIUl HIKl i'OIINlIlliptiOll. ¦¦k The tvyv com[MHions jBjn uhich have won tl -f-BBdJ j ..f miukind aud Á itT m "v bocoiue houetiold w 0BL. iïfi IQ) anionk' B"t uoly uu 'ut áflB lr'í=L3 m""y naIlon"' """" havt' HH jBu9 ESr txiriiorüiiijiry vinuea. rTïJIk, Perhap ui unt ever ¦s ELwaQ)fecurrd io vrlde a repiiis¦ fc ¦BtK -i'. "r mainttined it po JKiE-'loiil.'. nu Ayi-r's Cherry C 9EE2 hL Pectoral. It. ha bcrii 'v ", WCïgjH knownto the public about J SÊEXjKrm ií)rf y'r?, by a long conQit KTflK llnued scneM of nuirveloua ¦¦¦i . i;r. -, (bal havo won for It a confidence tn 1W iMM "m oqualed by any oth medicine. It illU maken the molt .¦ffectual .,:,!., ('..niumpilon, ibat can be ,il okliL IimIc-iI, the i lu-rry I ectonl .f thelr Iwt, and (,'lven s feeline of lmmanltj lr,.m Uielr pnlnful effecU, tlmt is Hl fonnd,.,1 If the r-in.'.iv Iw laken in foaoon. Kvcry tamlly „I , have 11 'In iloret for tbe rendy and nrompl rellel "f i's memben. Bl( kne, eullorlnK, i hy thi timely protectlon. The honld nol neclecl it. and the w 111 not bj yon for the protectlon it affords ojr IU ida aittck. PUEPAKEl) I!Y DR. J. C. AYER & CO., lo%vcll, Ma., 1'riulUal &. iialjllal luuilM. t-'old by all Draeclti and Dealer In Medicine. M 1073-e6w M. S. SMITS & CO., .icurUr, orner or Vl'oinluanl and JWNOB Avt'iiuo!, Detroit, lnvll alliiition in u ver y largo muí line i-olletlion of Arlilio Forclgn art-, line rronc-Ji and Ihtgllah lookü, UiainoiKl aiul olhcr Ocmt, wlili-Ii ere porsonally elcctcd Ihfc prement caMn l a iiicmbcr of lirm in the Enropt-an market. Ever) artiele in our tock is itiarkc-tl in plaiu Hííiiro, al lixctl pri-. fin i inpnnJffBfin soliciicd. M.S.SMITH&GO.: i .1 KWELERS, DETROIT, MICH. io.-, :- ti TUTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTONIS OF A TORPID LIVER. l.oss of appptite. Nausea, bowels ooW ¦,v. ith n du 11 nensiitionin back part, Pain under the shoulderIness íifter eating, with a disinclinntion to exertion of body or mind, ïrntabilitv of temper, l.ow spirits, liosa mory, withn fiehiiK of liavlng nec ¦¦ i soinr duty, woariness, Dizïiness, ttering ofthe Hfnrt. Dot before the èyes.Yellow Skin, Hondachf, Heatlessness at niRht, hishly"colorod Urine. IF THESE WASNINGB AEE UKHEEDED, SERIOUSDISEASESWILLSOONBEDEVELOPED. TTJTT'S PILLS ""' p'cill3rartptdto sik h oaea, doa irirt surbachange of feeltmc t aatouUb the ufTerer. They lürrrmr tli A iilllr, Hiid cause the boily tu Tke on t'lh. tluis Ui syslem U itfiirlhMl.nitl by ih'irTonlc Aptlonon tbe DlKOlrican, Kenilar txl nrepro, ,! t'rirf 'ï nts. aa Wurrnyat., N.Y. TUTT'S HAIR BYE. Ohav JtAiKorWinsKKiwrhanged mOnmv Black by n single niiplicatinii of HiIh Dyi. H .:ti a nuttiriil ccilor, act IiiHtantaneouslr. i s#nL tif .-iprea 'n reeupt off p. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. (Ir. Tl TT'S Htl kt i-T TalaahU Iur,irBil(on and lful llrrrlvt l l "-i rHEX rpllrallo.V 1032-K4 Tho Leading Toy & Fut; Gooit Boiiüs OF MICH. Wben isiting the City of Detroit do not fait to HEYN'S BAZAAR, i : uerly Russell House Bazaar, which is now locuted at yi Woodward avenue, former slant of ihe old ALHAMBRA DOLLAR STORE. Tlicsc two well-known places of public putronape have rccently been Consolidated under OM m;inaLement, and we desire to cali special ittention to our large and well selected line oi Toys, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Wütney Children's Oarriages, Velocipedes, Ezpress Wagons, &c, &c. Which we vvill continue to sell at popular priecs. An early cali i respectfullv olicittd H, HBYN & BRO„ HEYN'S BASAAR. 92 WOODWARD AVE., iiKTKorr. ni( ii. iukti - j .1 H. DOWNS]' VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR Is a íurc cure for Cougha, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and alt Lung Disease, when taken in season. People die of consumption timply because of neglect, when the timeljr use of thit remedjr would have cured them at once. i'iftU-one %ear of constant use proret the fact that no cough remedjr ha itood the test like Down Elixir, Prlc SAo. eoa and n.00 par bottla. For 81 Brerywhn. Dr.Baxter'3 Mandrake hittërü Will cure Jaundice, Dispepsia, Liver Complaintt, Indigestión, and all diseasei arising from Bil iousneu. Price 35 ets. per bottle. Tor Sal ETarywhara. IIKXUÏ êt, JOHNSON'S ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENT I'or .flan and Bcnst. The most perfect linlment eer compotlnded. Price 35c. and 50c. For Sala ETerywhere. WÏSCONSINI An 500,000 ACRES Ll 11 J O OM TUK l.INK F THE WISCOMM9 CaOTTBAIi It. R. For full particular, which will be tent Tree, mi ('IIAKLKS U COI.BY, Land ('ommiaêioner . I0O0 Milwaukee, Wi.


Ann Arbor Courier
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