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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Chnrch. K kv. S. IIaskell, Pastor. Sabbatfa services, io'.j a. m. and 7!-$ p. m. Sunday School after morning service. Pr.iyer' meeting Thursday evening at 7% o'clock. Catholic Choreta. Riv. Kather Fibrlb, Paitor. I.ow Mass, S a.m. Ilith Hw, 10J -j a. m. Vesper, 4 i-, m. Sunday School, aVá ' MCongrcjrntional Cliurch. KkV. V. II. Kïdkr, Fuslor. iih services, 10VÍ nd 7ty Siuulay School yftcr moruinfi; services. I'r.iver meetinp Thursday evening at 7} o'clock. Episcopal Cliurch. Rbv. Wn.LT Hall, Rector. ith services, 101 a. m. and 7 p. m, Sunday Schooi, a'4 p, m. KeliRious services Thursday evening at yo'clock. (Irruían Methodist Cliurch. Rbv. C. Tkanker, Pastor. Sahbath services, íoVí A. M. and %r.M. KumUy School, at nme o'clock . M. l'r.iycr meeting on Wcdnesday. I,n1 lloran Chnrcii. Rbv. John Nevmann, Pastor. rvices, io1 A. m! and 7 P. H. .indnv School alter inorning service, l'rayer im-cting, Thursday evening at 7& o'clock. Methodist Episcopal Cliurch. Kf.v. John Alabastkr, Pastor. s.ibbath services. io4 A. M. and 7 T. M. inda' School after raoming service. Fraver meeUaff, Thnrsday evening at 7 o'clock. Vtiunii l'eoplt?(i Mueting, Sunday evenlng 6. Presbjtrrian Cliurch. Riv. Riciiakd H. Steels, D. D., Pastor. Sahhath services, íoVí A. M. and 7U r. M. Sunday School and liible class alter morning service. l'rayer meeting. Thursday evening at S o'clock. Young IVopic's Meeting.' Sunday evening 6. riiilariiin Cliurch. Rkr, J. T. Sl'NDKRLAND, Pastor. 5 iblnth servies at 104 a. m. and 7 p. M, Sundfty School at 12 m. Slu.leiits' Bible Class at 9:15 P. M. Zions Luthoran Churoh. RlT. H. F. Bklsir, Pastor. itli services at ioV4 M an( 7 MSunday School immediateiy after morning service. Keliirious services Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. B U 3IWE88 ARD6. wii.i.i yt m .;, BUILDER SHOP: COI1SER CHURCH AM) OKLEASS ST. Ann Arbor. 1021 -7Í W. 11. JACKSOX, OFFICE : OVLR BACH & ABEL'S. Eutr.Uirf y Fir-t Natiou:l Bank. 732tl Wil, 1,1 A 71 1IERZ, Houbc, Sign, Ornamental and Fresco Painter. - o - l'ipering, Olaziti', (Mlitini;, nil Calciminini; and wrk oT BVBry descrlptlon doui' tn the best tyio, ini wtrrarited to give öatisfaction. Shop, o. 4 West Wanhliiüton Ntreet. Ann Arlmr, Michigan. tótl' W ILLTAM W. NICHOLS.s IDEISTTIST 1 SSfëg? HAS ltKMOVri) 1X1 III8 NEW DENTALEOOMS OVER JOE T. JCOBV 9TOH. 50Stf THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Aun Arbor, ïlichieun. urn::] mmi nnm business, CAPITAL, $5O.OOO. Orftanizofl under the General Banking Lw of thl itate.tho etockholders are icdlvldually Hable foran iddltional amount equal to tbc gtock held by them, herehy creatlng a (uaraatee Faml for the iicm-llt of leiOHitorH of $100,000.00. Thrno por cent. Interest Is aliowefl on all savlngH UepoMiti of on dollar and rtpwards, accowlnffto the rules of the litink, and Interast compoanded icmi annuully. Uoney to loan on anlociunborod ¦eal estáte and othcr guod accurity. Wr!;or-Chrlstlan Mack, W. W. VVIne, R. A. Beal Wllliam Denbel, W i 11 lam D. Ilarrlman Daniel Hlscock, nd WllUrd B. Smlth Utücera : Christiih Mack, Prex. W. W. Winbs, Vlce-Pres Ch. K. HmrooK, Cashler. 'J15-966 GET TUI) Ili:ST Fire Insurance 42,000,000 - Scciirity linlj for tlie protection of the policy hoklers. CHRISTIAN MACK ElepreienU the followlnj lirst-class oompa nies, of which one, the Etna, lias alone pald $55,000,000 fire in sixty ycars i tna, of Hirtlofl 7 4fionnnnn Kr.nklm.Philadelphl. ZZZZ t 00O00 (iernun Amurican, N. Y _ ¦.mi.dUUM Laridaa A-iiiranc Corporation ÏS.HOÜOUO.UO National, Hartford 1.200. (XXI. lJ -North itiTtnan. llttinhuri; ü 00(1 000 (X) ,heoix,Hrookljn _.. !i',.S00,0(X).0U l BOMwrttai A'enc-y, N. Y 4,600,000.00 LiQSfiea libümlly idjustol und pnwmtlf pal POHcie isncii at the lowcst rutes of premium. 1021-73 II Itl I I N XACH. PERDON LÜMBBR YARD JAMES T0LBERT, Prop., Mannfactnrer and Deal. r In SACINAW GANG-SAVVKD LÜMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Wo invito all to gve ns a cali, and examine 011 tock before piirchaslni; elsewhere. ALSU AOBNT KOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE C0.f AND SSLLS FIRB BR1CK. JAMES T0LBERT, Prop. T. J. KKKCn. npt. fcb.12,'79 All kinds of printing and job work wlll bo done at Thk Coubikr office In better style and ut chcaper ratea than at any other houie.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News