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Jas. Lucas lias bouglit a one-third interest in the Peninsular milis of Mis. Charlea Clements for $2,1(00 inri u rine-halt' interest in the same f rom Jnhn I. Maride, of Worcester, Mass., for $3.(u(), thrMlfk tlie agency oL Mr. A. R. Beal. Mr. Lhiom worked in the sume mili lor H. A. lieal & Co. twcnty vears aj?o. Jim Is a gootl iniller and rfn cnterprisin;; mim. There is no doubt that be will do wcll. MIT.AN. The Milán Sun mníii not only Wants Mi1. G. W. Lewis to huild liis woolen mili at that place, but also thinks it advisablc for Messrs. Hovt & Son to build their grist mili there instead of Saline. VVhat under the 8un don't Milán want. - Ypsilanti Sentln el. Chip Basket- The Baptist society held their covenant meeting last uirt The Dennison case is reported to have been ¦Miiusln'r recently by the very sharp practice of au Ann Arbor lawyer. A lüriy trom psilanti is talkipg of sturtirig a niiliiMTy establishment In Milan soon. A. A. 'J'uttle, tfrfyihï npples for D, Hennlng of Chicago, finds fruit scarce bilt of good qualily. MANCHESTER. At ii meeting of the Farmers' Club on the 7th inst., tlie plan of organlzing a district fair was discussed. Tlie fermere aftreed that It would bfl of interest to Manchester and the inmediato vicinity to holil sueh a fair. It was decided to cali a meeting ot the citizens of the commutlfty tó Be nêld on the 29th inst. to talk the matter over. The next meeting of the club will be held at the residence of J. G. Knglisli, on the flrst Friday in November. The funeral services of the Uev John B. GHhnan we re held under thé dlrection of the Odd FellowBon Tucsday thbrning tbe !)th inst. The following facts in coimcetion with his Ufe and work are taken from the Enterprise: John B. Gilman was bom ])ec. 17, 122. at Sherburne, Chenango Co., N. Y., of New llanipshire parents. He attendeii Oxford academy in 1842, when 20 years of age. In 1845 he attended Blngh.imton academy, N. Y.. and rag llcensêd to preach. He was settled as a Universalist minister in Brooklyn, Pa, six vears, and afterwards at Columbus, N. Y., three years. He carne to Michigan in 18Ö4, and iréached eight teara ia Tecumseh and Manchester. In 1802 he was appointed by Gov. Blair military state agent, in whicli capacity he labored zealously and eflicienlly or about three years, or ïintil the close ot the war. He was an honored menaber also, of the Odd Feüows and the Masonic fratt-rlities, haviug been Master of the (rand liodge of Odd Fellows of Michigan, and Grand Representative to the Grand odge of the United States. His noble works wTll ive long in the memory of Ma brethcni, md his labors for rood will tver slnnc )dght upon the histories of those instituons. At home here in Manchester he ïas held high positions in both orders. As a citlzen he has always taken a lively intrest in the building up of our villaje', and ts institutions, and has held varioLis offices of trust and responsibility. Daring the past year Ke has been preaChlng at Mrn¦omli, 111., but liU health fiiilinfr him he reurned to Manchester and went to the resilence of Goodrich Couklin, under whosc ïospltable roof he found shelter, and lovng hearts and willing hands to comfort ïim in his last moments. On Thuwday, October (th, 1881, at a little past hijrh CS, lis spirit passed from his home on earth to hat home above, that house not made with lands eterniil in the heavens. SALINE. Mr. Geoige Gross, of the finn of Gross ?ros., rode seventy miles on hoiseback a ew nights since. He started from some mint north, at 5 p. m., and arrived here at 8 a. m, the next morning. Kxcuse us from uch a ride.- Observer. Chas. B. Woodward was in town Tuesday. He informed us that he has severed lis connection with the Hawkins house and va about to assurae the position of clerk it the Gregory house, Ann Arbor, about to be openea by Lewis, of Ypsilanti.- Observer. A little exeitement was c.iused last week Wednesday by a balloon passing over the ustern part of the town und alighting on .. v„„ .. !,.,, ivi „mui u mm., ais&iit. t was occupied by the Ann Arbor fair eromutwhowas making for Urania station but camodown a little too soon.- Ypsilanian. Chip Basket.- Dr. O. C. Jankte, of Ann Vrbor, was iu town on Sunday. l'here is onsiderable sickness from malarial fever n this vicinity, seven cases of sickness heng recorded In the last Observer. Pred. Vallace, of Aun Arbor was in town on üeedaythè Hth inst. The Union block 9 nearly completed. , Saline is to have a lire engine now, sure. t was shipped from New York on the 7th ist. The engine weighs 2200 pon nds and yill thrpyv a three-íoui llis indi strcain 1 U eet. Messrs. Davenport et Sou furuish this t their own expense while the villain; has xpemleil $451.00 for hose and li.xtm .-s. ;tll xeept f lii has already befen rnntributed. And now there is talk of havinir R telefone line from Salino to Aun Arbor. A epresentativeof thecoinpanv who own the Ine betwcen Ypsilanll and Ann Arbor was in town thisweek loofctiig over the rouml, andif ucertain amoiint of business will be jfiiaranL-ed, the .Une will be built Sarly next spring it will be extended trom pgffántl i . Detroit, atter which we would ave a direct line from Saline lo Porl Huon, and interuiediate points. TM would )e of great value to our business men. as, r the small suin of l.ï ur 20 cunts, they Mild ofttimes transad business that would thei-wisr nmsii,,i ;ltrii In the rit y. nr ïalitian expensive telegram.- Ohsrrvn. Vl'MI.ANTI. Prof. K. M. toóte báá'beed emploved to each music ut the Sfininury. 11. M.curtis, oarrtage rfiíanfacturer, in¦ü'ls to cnlar.' his cstablLslinifin so as to inploy ubont 26 uien. Mis. Coruwell, wlio liad u fi(h huiit'nu'ase waUli stolun at the Ann Arbor C.iir, )ct. 7tli, has reeeived the same thfough a Jetroit detective. The Itaptist ienple liave:idoptcd Iheplan f the sanie denoniination in Ann Arbor, ïat 8 to pay for their church as fast ns ley build. Dr.Finley recoived, "Wednesday, from his rotber, John P. Kinley, SerBeaót in tbc Ignal Service department at Washington, n Mltanspk iillnim c..nlanin;r tlM gigttálires of the late l'residi-nt (articld. niemers of the cabinet. Cari. Sbnrt, Robert lywH and a large numlier i nlliiials nd prouiineut .men of the capital. A relie vorth - üonimcri -1. The following cflicers of Fpillantl l)ivi011, No. 100, S.' of T., wcre inst.illeil at the ast meeting of that or;anization : W. P. [ÍN J. Jackson; W. A. - E. II. Jftckson; {, 8.- Joseph Kalk; A. H. S. - Ltïzte tecilrr; f. S.- AtielbertlNiclmls; M.- Aurew Witmier; ('h.- Sarah Nienols: Con. - Ueu. Ríiik; A. 0. Mina K Ier; 1. S.- linaKing; O. S.- C. W.drillin; Orfabt - Nina tieymour. - Ypsilnnlian. The proposedCongrcirallona] , Imreh was Örmed and duly mustered in last week. ervices are held at ten and a half :i. m. undays, at the opera bonse; Sumlay sehool I 13 in. B Wring service at the W. ('. T. J. rooms at 7 p. rn. Tlic -lniivli at its forïation nninbcr.s i;.") meniliers. Last Stinay was the lirst. ufter tl rgaalwttnil of ie cliiirch, the scrnion was preaeheil by ie Pastor Mr. ürannis, hoa tlie text, What is tbat to the? follow. thou me." nd now we liear whispeis about a linltuan church here. IVrbaps tbere nmy bc dds and ends euoiiKh of all shades ol


Ann Arbor Courier
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