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Harri.sou is to have a business directory. i':iv;o county is to llave a new I'oor Farm. Muakegon paid, op one das lat week, $158,000 to mili hautfs. School is closod :it Mitlcllcv illc to preven! the s ircail of diphtberla. Vernionlvillc has a Snbeoll tlial is as imperrions te water u roek. Ogemay eonnty has two new to oahipa, H et llranch and Dainon. Xha pew BaptUt ohurafcal-ConMtna auu dedlcated on Tüesoay laat. Battle Ureek needs renovatinr, so tliinks tlie sanitary commlttee of that tily. Tliirty acres of wheat on the Jaekson county poor farm yièlded 050 bushcls. Dundee is not to liave a new $1.200 school house. The vote stood, veas, :.! navThe Central UJohlgM BmtkMpaM Association will meet at Lansing on the 87th inst. Matrimony abd movlng have destroyed the prospects of a clioral unton tliis winter in Iiattle Cieek. A new village has [been laid out on the I.itlli' Manisice, ibout tuelvo miles noilh west of Reed City. li IS réported that the Marlette división of the narrow fftiage la ftbotit reaily tor curs to run Into Vattar. The erop ol applct In many parta óf tinState is liciter tlian Ml an'ücipatcd and pricea are coming dowu. Forty car loads of apples averaging 17C bárrela to the car, have already been shipped from Hclvtic tliis fall. Tlie Illinois Maaonic Grand Ladge has given $1.000 to Michigan Bre BQfferers who are mumbers of t ciall. .lackson's new streel rail wayjwill ba bégun at once, and the line on Main streel will be eobipleted Uña (all: Et te estimated thut about thr o -foiirth.of the usual acreage of wheat will be boWb this fall in the burnt district. Fish chutes are to be placed in the river dam at (rand Rapids, thus nllowiiig the Hét of the lalces to ascend fhe river. Charles C. Hopkins, of Detroit, has been appointed clerkofthe Snpreme Coori imdcr the coustitutional amemluient adojmd laai spring. At Negaunee, on the night of Oet. ülh, snow feil tO the depth of ncarly óne inch and remained on the grOirnd n'éarly al tlie next day. Buyers of sundried sweet ooW liavè pur chaaed about twelvethousaud dollars wonh of the tarmera In the neigbborhood of Monroe, this fall. A stoclc company for the manufacture of iprlng tooth harrows isto be organXiéd this werk at Dowiiffiai:. About 20, 0()l) has already heen subscribed. A eider mili at Eden is kept runninj; , night and day tnaklng apple jHlv. :Joü bushels of apples are consumed dailv, makIflg 110 gallons of jelly. Quite a nunilicr of the ot tlie burnbdistlicl are su.-peiuliuf; on account pf the lnablllty of the subscribera to pay for their papen. It is réported that the Otate lïoard of ¦ Control baa amroftriasad 1 4,000, In Start swamp land, for the remin .il ol ohstructiuns in the Shiawasaee river. , Railroad CommUsioner Williams, of this Stato, was elected president ot the national i association of railway Pommlssloners at i Atlanta, Ga., on Tuesday, the llth inst. . $. George, of the Lansing Kepublican, will takt a rest lïom the prpfetaiofl that lie has lbllowed tor the pa.-t twcniy years and wül spend the winter in Europe. The Governor haiappointed H. C. Lewia as delégate to represent the State at the Mississippi Kiver Improvemcnt ('onvention tobe held at St. Louis, Mu., on Che SOtfa inst. 'J'he Michigan IIotel-Keepcr's Association are takiug steps towards iu in; a bil! to protect hotels ngainst dead beats drat'tcd, to be put through the next session of tbe legislature. A large and fieros drovoof wolves Is said t have attacked a smal] boy near Poster, while he wna Bearching tor cows Tlie i-iy -..„..i .r uien mghtened the wolves away. Shraod Kapids has liad to py &4M for poor sidewalksaud a broken leg. Halt' the newspapera in the .State are holding tliis op asa warning to their respective city authoritive.s. The Clinton News says that tlic woolen milis are doing DUeltieM ninv-a-ilays on ¦ specie basis. They paid uil' their hands on the lOth inst. in gold and silver - f -J,50U ilL in genuine hard Ciish. Wliew ! smell biin's bref." 400 bllshels of onions weie shii)ped trom Coltlwater in a single day last week. This uiay account for the copious iloods of tears shed tbc selection of companies to go to Vorktowii. jKast Sainaw want-: tdjbe Ktfe connty seat and ollers to raise i-H)U,0U0 to huild a jiew couri house, bilt Sagiimw says "noyou ilon't" and ollers to raise $100,OüU for that purposc also. Bid and bid on. One; tWö, tbree and In the place oí ('has. l'ayiii', l'lnlg- fl T. P. U'i-ight, master of tran.sportalion ol the New York, Lake Erie and yVestern raihvay, has heen appointed general superintendent of the Lake Shoie mul .Michigan Southern raihvay. It costs JacksOJi county tlnrty-seven eenis per day to board the prlioners in the eoniity jail, just two cents more per day thau Aun Albor club board costs, aud MUI the prlfonera are not .-ati.stieil but want lil'ty cent board or nothiug. The Shiawassee .Journal, pulilished at Corunnk, Baj8 that Jude-elect Hon. Wm. Newlon wil i, on tlie Isi ot January. títüi, oeeupy the bciich, and, as a consequentie, Hon. Suinuer Howard has as-oeialed uilli him in his law business Mr. Edvvard X. Thayer. ot Flint. romer slone of ¦ ni'W .Icwinh temple was luid in Grand Rápida od Tuesday, Uct. 1 1 tli, witli imposing ceremonies aud under Ihe au-piees of the (rund lodgA'df Michigun, F. A A. M. 'J'he inaKonie altendanee was largo. The dedloation addres a livered liy the Kev. Max .Moses, ïabbi ut congregatlon Emanuel. Aceordlng to the eensus bulletin there wrtv 70 acres of tobáceo ruised in Uitat! lasl year, yielding s:i.'.Hi'j pounds. Tlie product wasgrowil In Iteounlies, Lenawee eadlng wlth i,s:;u pounds, Monroe C,7S7 miuu(s. and Tuscola 5,305 pounds. It is grown, more or less, in every state and teiritory in the anión, aud last ycar's total acreage was 038,841, yielding 472,551,150 pounds - Ex, The Peninsular eai works llave been making a number of valuable improvemeiits on their prumises In this city. ampng whieh niay be named the removal ói their office to a point faoing .Michigan scréét, the building Ol a high teiiei' alin,r the MÚ6 Street, t hi' cree! ion it' a ol' sheils aud a general clearing up ot rubhjsh, givingthe whole yard an appearancé Of buslne-s and Huilt. The interior of the ollice has been OOapletely reai-ranged. papered aud painted, grcatly iuiproving it in rmivcnicncc and pqmfort. Jacksoii r.iiiiot. A ¦ Tascóla eounty has been all.iwed two repicsciitalivcs u the Ici-laturc, tlie board of supervisors have divided the county in!¦) two dlltrict, The tirl repre-cntatie district Of Tu-eola will hcicallcr be riiniposed ol the l'ollowing townships: Aki.m, Tfliner, Cilford, (¦'airgrove. Dinniark, Juniata, Tuseola, as.-ar, Aibcla. .Iilbngton and Watertown. The -ecoinl .ii-t iic! is coinposed of: Columbia, Elrawpod, Elkland, Alnier. Hllington, Novcsla, ludianliehl-, Wells, Kingston, I'remont, Davtou


Ann Arbor Courier
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