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The Atlanta Exposition

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Tlw jfivul collón exposición at AtlmiUt, (a., io now in progresa. It opened 011 Wrdnesday, October Rh, with interesting exenist'8, iu which lepresentatives from different States of the Union partldpated. A year ngo a farmer in North Carolina purcliuM (1 :i small cotton mili from llr. Atkinson of Massachusetts, but was tinable to oprat the m.uhinery. Tliat gentleman visited the mili and instnictin thé men liow to opérate it, then made a tour oí the Boathera Sute. The idea struck him that great advantujie would accrue to the Soutli through an exhlbition where cotlon machinery could be exliibited. Jle rolo an art iele tor ¦ New Vork paper uiting tlie Siiiitht ni people to inaugúrate such an cxpoaiUOD. Mr, H. C. Kimbill, of Atlanta, took the matter in hand and the rcsult is the great exhibltion now in progress. " ThB cotton erop of 1880 is statod at 5,757,397 baJes of 440 pounds each. Of this cjuantity MiMOUri, Virginia, Kentucky and the Indian Territoiy prodnced 107,002 bales. Mississippi, Alábanla, Georgia, Arkantal and Texas were tho leadinjr States, Mi-Ms-ii.i. uiih 905,806 bules beingtbc flnt, ad Texas, with 803.G42, the ihird. jla is but the matter of 10,000 bale ihcud ol Texas. It requiied ovci 1 4,000,000 icres to produce this ootton erop; and, cuïidiisly enOUgh, the hiyhtót average per acre of lint, treed from the seed, i Misouri, whieh produced les 20,000 balM. The ayerage iu Texas was 111 pounds of lint to the acre less than in Missouri. Alábanla, from 2,330,000 acres, produced but (i!)9, 654 bales, while Arkansap, rom 1,042,000 acres, liad 60H,2.")6 bales. The whole erop of Kentucky was but 1887 bales, and of Virginia 11,000. Thu tolal erop of 1SS0 was 15 per cent grenter than thatofl87i). Of the Soutliorn Staten that manufacture cotton Georgia leads with a consuiuption of 07,874 bales. South Carolina comes next, with 33,000, and Xorth ( aiolinia third, with 27,000 bales. All the .Southern Stutes together worked n j less than '200,000 bales last year, while Jla.'ailiu.-etts worked up 578,090, Bliotle lalaud 101,000, New Hainpshir.' 172.000 and Coiin( ticut 107,000 bales. Pennsylvania manufactures 20,000 more bales than Georgia, aiul Kluxli; Island 33,000 more than the three foremost cotton s aes. And yet the S.mtli bas abundant water power for factoríes and a better climate fr yrar-iouiid untktlwn Hhode Islaud. Of thetntuc cn.p of 1870 about 30 per cent was innniilaitured in the United States. Of this the South worked up about 4 per cent and the Xurtlieni Muidle and Western States 26 per cent. The whole erop of 1880 in lts raw state was worth f252,000,000, as against 1420,000,000 for the wheat erop; bul it re qulred tl.ree times as many acres to pro duce the wheat as the cotton." At tirst it was intendeil to be exclusively a cotton display, but department after department has been added until it comprlscs all the industrial producís of the South. The eotton display is given special prominence. It can be secn there in every stajfe of gfowth, and the whole process, froni the pleklag to the conversión into every kind of cloth is shorwn on the grounds. There is one field fhat attracts esj)ecial attention. It is an enclosure of a very few acres and contaiu every kind of cotton in the world, (rowtnjj side by side. "There is cotton from India, Hindostán, China, Japan, Australia, the north coast of África, ürazil, Chili and the South Sea Manda, the Cape of Good Hope, Mexico, Central America, Bombay and every other climate In which the eottoii plant has ever been grown. E ach plant preserves itscharacteristics admirably, and side by side may be secn cot...¦i mm me pcrrecirf reu novrer growmg 10 feet high, and the stalks with parfeolly blue flowers frowing lcss than two feet high. There is the qucer Chinese cotton with pinchad, contracted look that marks everythin that comes from that country, the Peruvlan cotton with its flowers or indigo and its smal! bells; tlie Indian cotton with its tropical appearance, but imperfect fmitage. and all oftftem with their various marks, crowned by a few rows of our own, kin; jf thein all. The collection of seed lor this fleW was a matter of gfreat painstuking aiul expense. The cable dispatch88 ftoèestarjr to reatih merchants iu some of Lhe remóte (jiiarters of the earth cost over $200 for the simple transmitting of applkationi tor tttê, and the icply thereto." The South will rcap many advantage frotn tliis cxliibition. In t)ie lirst ])lace Noith and South will bo brought tij--tfii-r. Southern planter will sce the nced of '¦o-opcniting with the Northern manufactUrer Thii will laad to u inore extended iM' ol hilior saviuf; im lilimj. The best method of cultiTtttiiifr cotton in order to iroduce t J i ï Iarge8t erop will be taulit df ntiliziug Üie seed as food tor lomeatic animáis will bo more widely iuown. The custom iias been to Import dry food for the niule, the animal used in the oultivation of cotton, while 120,000 tong of cottoii-Mid s exportedfrom.theoil milla t(. Eii'rLuid tu le fed tö neat cattlfl and theep. 'l'liis ume food. tbgether with llir gttM that lollows tlic i-dtlon and s the : the planter, ObMUMd at Home in the Sontli, wonlilyield a wool clipeqiial lo the whole pneeatdlp of the United matei iu addition lo the cotton cioji. Tliuswill inaiiy 1 -.smiiis !e UMgbl the South, while the .Nnrlli will learn mure coricctly the wants of lhe South that she can suppiy.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News