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Estáte of Hiirm-M Minors. TATfi OF M1CUIUAN. Coanty of Wanhtenaw, sa. At a scaslon of the Probate Conrt for the County ol Wahtenaw, holden at tlie Probate office, ín the city of Ann Arbor, on Tueeday, the fourth day f Octotx;r, in the yeur are Ihouttand ilWit hundrt-d and eit'hty-oue. Preeut, Willlam D. Uarrinun, Jud-e ofProhate. In the matter of the estáte of Walter B., Lols D. and Auna H Hurui-tt minor. Ann E. Burncit the fruairiian of said ward cumis inlo courtand repreentn that he i now prepared to ronder her final account at euch guardián. Theranpos t I enterad, that Saturday, the twentysecoud dny ui Oclober.nexLa) ten o'cloik In the fonnoon aanUned Tor e nntulng and allowini; uch Mcoaai nrid rlint thi' üxt o[ kin ufnaid ward and all Dttacf perao Manaud inaald estáte arr reijnircd to ai,H-:ir at ua : OourUihan to U. hulden at the Probate Office iu the diy of Ann árbor, in raid connty. and Kh.iw en, if a'iy thera !¦, why the mid account rhould not be llowod. And it U funtn-r ordbreu that eald u.irdtan jfive notice to the penona Intereatfd iu nald cetate, of the peiidency of tald account and the hetrlnf tlu-re"(. by oaiuiin.' a coy uf thls order to be puMlahed In Ihc Ann Arb,r UourUr, a Revappt priuted and L'irculatinu in said county, two xuccemivf weeki priirloue to aid day of hciirine. ( A true copy.) WILUAM D. UAKKIMAN, ' WM. G. DOTT. Probate rJJ' $% Estáte of John W.Yan Slckle. SÍTATE OP MICHIOAN. Cunnty of Washtenaw, a. At a eaalou of the Probate Coart for the Connty i Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate office. In the :tty of Ann Arbor, on fatnrday. the flrst dHy f October,-lu the year one thouaaud eiijlit hnndred ind eltthly-one. Pnaaat William 1). Uarrimun, Judf{e oï 1'rwl In the matter ol thcesUteof John W. Van Slckle lecewed. On rcwlinir and fllln; the petltlon, duly ierlÜL-d, of VViiiiBin U. Van sickle, praylnii that adnluletratlon ol aald catate inay be gratitud to Ji-orge S.Van Si kle, or rome (.ther aultablu pvrnnu The reu[Hn it i ordered, that Monday.the thTty-a rut lay of Octobir Instant ooit, at teu o'clock in the foreïuon he as-slKiied for the huarlnj; of said peiUmn,nd .hat the helra at law of oald deceaxed, aud all other )ernons luterented In iald enutc, are reqmred to aparat a i-eelon of said court.lheu to beholden at Uic Probate Office, tn the dty of Ann Arbor, aud how n ifany thore bu.why the prayer of the [titloner iliould not ba K"ntea. And lt 19 further ordered j . Puller (flve notice to the penona luier' Jsted In Kaid ette, of the peudency oreaid petttlon md the huarlni thereof, by caminí.' a copy of thiMder to be published iu the Ann Arbor CourUr a aewhpaperprlntedandcirculatnd la said County.thrèe mcceivc week previuua lo eld day of hearli K (A troe copy.) " WILUAM D. HARR1MAN, WM. G. DOTY. Probate RaKU?e " '5KSl All klndi of prlntlng and Job work wlll bc ione at Thb Coubicb oflloe Iu botter myle and t cheaper ratea than at any other houae.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News