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To-morrow is field tlay. Do not fail to hear Burbank to-nlght, rescrved seats at no extra cost. W. C. Miller, lit. '81, is at work on the Marquette & Mackinaw R. R. % A. P. Burbank, tlie humorous reader and impersouator, will give a f-fládlog iu Uuiversity Hall to-night. Gov. Jerome lias commissioned cx-Gov. Austin Blair to fill the vacancy caused by the resiguation of Regent Climie. Miss Eliza Darling, formerly of the class ot;'81,but unable to attend clolege lastyear, has returncd to complete her coursc. Miss MaggieG.Garvey, lit. '83, is at home in Springfield, Mass. 8he does notintend to complete her course in the University. A class in fencing is now under drill by Prof. Hennequin, and an exercise in fencing will be one of the attractions of Held dar. The junior medies have eleeted as President, J. S. Van Vechten; Vice-President, Mrs. A. Yéomans; and Treasuier, C. Green. G. W. Lilly, iit. 'SI, lately with the Pullman Car Company at Chicago, is now employed by the Wheeling & Lake Erie Bridge Company, of Toledo, as assittant engiueer. K. W. Brown, lit. '81, is an engineer on the New Orleans&Northeastern Railroad, aml is at present at Poplarvillc, Miss. W. W. Follett is at work on the Northern end of the same road. Up to yesterday noon the number of students registered in the different departments of tlie University was as follows: Llts, 472; Medies, 374; Lawa, 370; Pharnics, 108 Dente, 70; Homeops, 63; total, 1452. There will be a game of base ball on the fair groimds to morrow bclntxn a j nine of laws and a picked nine of lit?. As the members of the clubs tliis year are better playeri than usual this game will be worth seeing. Mr. II. Holmes, lit. '71, and wife are visiting in this city. Mr. Holmes has been appointed civil engineer on the doublé track now being constructed bet ween Vpsilanti and Jackson, and thinks of inaking Ann Arbor liis home. The class of '84 has chosen for class offlcers, J. E. Robinson, President; Miss Isadore Thompson, Vice-President; R. C. Gemmell, Secretary; A. B. Storms, Football Captain; R. M. Dott. Treasurer; E. S. Crawford, Baseball OaptolA; K.Caleyron, Orator. The committees for field day are as follows: General Anangements - Robinson, '82; White, '82; Comstock, '83; Ashley, '84; Lee, '05. I'rizes- Davenport, '82; Taylor (law); De Puy (medie). Entries - Comstock, '83; Mandell, '83; C. II. Johnston (medie); Frackleton, De Puy (medie); White (pliannic). Judges- DaveniK)rt,'82; Robinson, '82; White, '82. W. T. Whedon, lit. of '81, who has been occupying Mr. A. B. Pond's chair as teacher of Latín in the Hlgli BchooJ for ;i few weeks past, lea ves next Tuesday for Boston where be will be eonnncted iu business wilh the wholesale leather finn of Lyman Smith's Sons. As a teacher Mr. Whedon has been very succes-lul, and hU friends unite in wishing hiin the sanie success in his new lmsines.-i. The energy dlsplayed by the Lecture A""i;itiou boys is suro to guin tliein succese. They are issuing three sheet posters printed in two colors of ink. The new eloctrotype plates of the diagram of Unlversity Hall tobe useilin reservingseats, have arrived and a neat piece of workmanship they are too, costing $22 aplecc. The boys are following the motto that wliat is wortli doing at all is worth doing well, and will succeed. At a meeting of the Athlctic Association, on Wednesday evening.a committec of three was appointed to select a foot-ball team. Messrs. H. G. DePuy, Horton und Wormwood were n;uncil U tli committee. Sumner Collins uiul H. O. Dcl'uy were appoiuted to interview all the members of the faculty In regard to obtainhiir leave of absence for the members of the team to nake an eastern trip. Harvard has already etpHUii willingness to play our boys, and if they go they will make iiranirements to pky Harvard, Yale and Princeton Ixl'oro icüiruiiig. Jlembers r.uii the dilliTciil drpiUtinunts as well as rom the dlll'ereut ínitcniitics, Were apointed tosolicit snlcri)tion to defray the xpenses of the team. The boys will go oon if at all. Tin tttS of Piilladluin eilitors for tUo present college yenr is constituted as follows; Chi Psi, James H. Norton, Brinfiekl, Haar. Alpha Delta Plii, Wm. E. Martín, Milwaukee, Wis.; Delta Kappa Epsilon, llenry S. Pratt, Toledo, O.; Sigma Ph. Francia D. Weeks, Detroit; Zeta Psi, T. W. S;irgcMt, l'iketon, O.; Psi Upsilon, (luirles h. Coflin, Sundusky, O,; Phi üeltu l'hi, John w. Remide, Colebrook, N. II.; UetaTheta Pi, Jolm II. (Jriuit, liuilington, Ind ; Phi Kupp:i I'í, Fred. G. Coldren, Norlhvillc; Blgma Chi, W. II. Hughes, Qrand Kapids.


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