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Proclamation By The Governor

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Executive Office, Michigan, I Lansikq, October 13, 1881. ( Under date of October 8tli I received from the colninittee charged witli the duty of raising a fund "for the erectiou of a monument over the grave of our late President James A. Garfield" the following: Cleveland, O., October 8, 18S1. Qov. David H. Jerome: Thecomralttee havlng In charge the move ment alrettdy bcgun to secure a fund for tlie erectlon of a m ni over the grave of our late President, James A. Garfield, at Lake Vlew cemetery, whlch sliall be a worthy tribute of the American people to liis naine and niemory are deslrous of the co-operutlon and MSUlance ofcltlzensof the dIU'erent slntes. Tlie conlributlons belng voluntary can only be made general by organi.ed arrangement Ín every state and county, and we deslre that au opporlunlty for subscrlptlon be extended to all the people. We therefore respectfully requcst and authorle you to act as "general manager" of thls movement In the Btnte of Michigan, wlth full power to assoclate such other persons as you may conslder best. and wlth tbera to organlze the work throughout your State as you deem most advlsable. We earuestly urge upon you to accept thls appolntment aud to slgnlfy your acceptance atan early day. Thecommlttee has a oeautlful autograph certlflcate prepared, wblcli wlll be sent to all who contribute one or more dollars. We lucióse you specimen. Larger subscrlptlons thau SI wlfl be received and thankfully accepted. The dollar subscrlbtlou Ís ouly lntended to populanze the movement. Regpectfully yours, J. H. WADE, II. H. l'AY.Ni:, JOS. ÍMCHKINS. i In conipliance wlth theabove requecl and ! for the purpose of Affórdiiig all an ojfpor ; timity to subscribe to this fuml, I hereby rfespcctfuUy invite the co-operation of the treasurers ol' cach couiity in the State to act au reeeiviug agents of all contributions folj the above object made wlthln thelr respective countics. In order to have a State record of these contributions, I liereby desígnate Gen. Benjamin D. Pritcluird, State Treasurer, Lansing, to be tlie central treasurer, to whom remittances, witli lista of the names of the donors, can be made by each county treasurer. Gen. Pritchard will forward free of cost all moneys so donated, and will be authorized to receipt for such remittances on behalf of the Cleveland cominittee to the donors through the proper channels. I bespeak for this commendable undertaklng 'generous contributions froin the people of Michigan. Local papers are respectfully asked to copy this notice. Governor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News