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Millions Glven Avray. Millious of boules of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consuraption, Coughs and Colds, liave been giveu nway as trial bott les oí the larj;i! .-.e. Tliis enorinou&oiitlay would tic dlsaftrOUSlo the proprietora, wen it not tor the rare merta poaaetaed by wqpderful medicine. (Jall at KImi' baeh a. Soirt drug store and get a trinl initli' ƒ-, and try for yourself. It nerer to cara. What AilN ïou I Is it a diaordered liver living you a yelow Bkig or eostive bowel.s; wliich have esulted iu dlstresssing piles or do your ïidncys refnse to perform their funtiöns? i'so, your tystem wlll soon be ckgred with loisons. Tftke a few dows ei Kidnry-Wm i ind you'll feel Mkc a béw man - nature wil! throw off i vciy iinpediment and each rgan will be rcady for duty. Druggists cll liotli tlie diy and lijuid - Evansyifle frilmiie. Curions Discovery. A jjreat di-cuvery has been made on tbc Mojuve 1cm rt, wliich seems to be destined 0 rcvolntioiii.c vinc-ciiltiire In Southern California. It lias been l'ound that grape ¦uttinjs, inserled in tlie trunk of the cacti on the desrrt. frxow and thrivc ag viïoriiily as in cultivatod land. Tliis tact is of great lmportance lo the people. Uy the isr t a chiscl a man can plant a litrge 'ineyard in a day, and the vines so planted vill ciimb the oactoi udinw lusuriautly vit hout cultivation or irrigaUoD. 'i'lie dry. lot sauds ut the deserts w ill afford a tínc iace for drying raisins. In additioti to ;ra])es it bas heen proved tliat melons, cnumbers and tomatoes wil! grow from the actus stock. ltcttcr Thaii ({uinlne. Few eonstitutions can stand thecontinuns use of qiüniiK'. ItisilCt Ollly a very xpensive medicine, bnt will nltinmtely auM the patiënt to loccoali to its power'ul intlnence upon the nervons systcin. jut if you want to frit rul e malaria and 11 levers of tliat nature, use the Llon Mairia and Liver Pad and Body and Font 'Uitart The whole treatment lor one ollar. For sale by druggMk. !l.."O0 per ycar can be eagity made at iOBM workiiifr tor V. (i. Kideoiit ,L ('o., 10 iarclay Streel, New Vork. Send tor their atalogue and l'ull particulars. 1U0I-U13 Henrj's Carbolic Salve. The bist. Salve in the wortd lor Cuts, 5nii-i.'-. 8 r-, Uioers, Salt Klieuiu, 'otter, Cbapp d Hands. Chi'b'.ains, Corns, and all if Skin Er ip'inn.:, Freekles ind l'iuiplc-. Besare you net Hknry's Jarboi.ic Sai.vk, m all othen are but mitatiuns and counterfeits. Price 25 cents. Dr. Grwu's Oxjgrenated Bitters - the host reuiedy tbr l)pepsia, Biliousless, Malaria, Indigentioa, all disorders of he stomach, and diseases of the blood, tiluey.-, liver, skin, ete. DURNO'S CATARRH SNUFF cures ill affectious of the niucus uictnbrane of he bead and throat. DR. MOrr'S LIVER PILLS are the ;i L-athariic. Buckleu's Árnica Salve. The Bxst Sai. k In the world for Cuts, iriiisc-, 8ore% lieer, s.iit Kheum, Pever iofe, Talier, Lbappeü Hands, Cbilblaln?, 'orus, and all Skin Bruption, and posiively cures l'iles. It is ;uaranteed to rive perfect ladsfactlon ormoney refunded. 'rice, 'i') cents per box. For sale by Kberach & Son. Da. IÍAXTKU's M ANI'IIAKE BlTTEUS ;il( 1 superior combination of bark, roots and íerbs not tittaincd by nuy otlier manufreurers of bitters. Keep In the stable and always at hand Iinhy Si ,'ounson's Árnica and Oil .isimbkt, as it is the best remedy (or Iurts, ISruises, Sprains, &c. Wot Cougbs, ('olils. Cronp, Asthmn, and UI Luug Állections. uqe EfowMB' KliXir, Tbich hus stood the test of tifty years, and ias not been found wantinf. FILES ! FILES!! FILES!!! A Suro Cure Found at Last. 'o One Xeed Snfffer. A siirc cure for the Blind, Bleedin;, ItehKg and Uloerated l'iles bas been discovered )y Dr. WillUms (au Indian renicd),callt'd )r Williams' Indian Ointnient. A single )ox hascured the vvoret ehronic cases oi X') ind 30 years BtHndinjf. Noone need suffer ive minutes atter ipplylng tliis wonderfnl oothlng medleine. Lotions. [Dttruraents, ,nd Electuariee do more banu tban good. Villiams' Ointinent absorbs the tumors, llays thfl intense Itcbing (partlcularly at ïight aftcr fretting warm in bed), as i poltiee, iives instant and ]ainless relief, lid is prepared only for l'iles, Itching Öl be lirivat.: parta, and nothin i Kead what the llon. .1. M. ColliiibeiTy, f Cleveland, says abont Dr. illiams' Inian Pile (iutment: 'I have used scores f pile cures, but it affords me pleasure to ay tbat I have never found any thing vhich gare such imnjediate and penaanent eliefas Dr. Williams' Indian Ointnient." Fur sale by all druggists, or molled on eoeipt of pnce $1.00. JAS. E. D AVIS 4 CO Wholesale Drugi-ts, Detroit, Mich., Agents. 102D-S1 For sale by II. J. ükown & Co.


Ann Arbor Courier
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