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mamm&m PRICES PEOPLE CAN AFFORD to PAY. Largeet and oewed aaeortnwnl of Background ind U INSTANTANEOUS 'GELATINE' W0EK Kor DaliieH i'U'iurts. Best Card Photographs, - $2.50 per doz. Best Cabinets, - 6.00 " 220 &. 222 W06DWARD AVE., DKTRO1T, - - m II. ;gy-ioy3. __ L INSKY & SEABOLT'8 BAKKRY.GBOCEKY KD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keop conntantly ? nant, BRKAD, CRACKKBB, CAKKS, ETC., KOR WHOLK8ALK AND KKTAIL TRADK. We sha]] also fc-p a anpply oí 8WIFT OBÜBEL'S BSST WHITE WH1A' PLOUK. DBI.HI KI-ÜL'K. 1UR HICKWHKAl ; ' .tN MKAI., FBKD. Jkc.dr At wholutalu uiid retai). ftentrn! stock 01 gkocerii: a.i pkovish eonnUntly on hanl. whlrt wlll bMol ableierm ae staj ottaai i ¦ ity. Caen pald for Bi ¦ I Oomotrj genoralfy. BSOoods dellv. ¦:. inol Ihoritv ll ont extr chari;1 yr XINSITY .T K, LOOSE'8 EXTRACT Red Clover Blossom, The Groat Bloed I'nriiter. Ctireê pcrofula in all ite form?, c incer, calt rheum erysipelae, rhenmatism, and regúlales the bowe's. Loose's Rtd Clover Pile Kemedy- snre cnre. in? S'V; por ponnd or $1.00 per pint bot t Ie. For pale by all wbolesale and retall lrueiits. or address J, M. íaom & Co., Munroe, Mkli. S" S e d for C'ircu lai . 1 Vj-)TI1E( - CHICAGO & NORTÏÏ-WESTERN j IÍAILWAY 13 the OLDK-iT! BKST CONSTRUCTED I BEST ' EyCll'I'KD! iind hencr the LEAD1NG RAILWAY -OP tiltWEST AND NORTH WEST. It 18 tha ilioitfst nfl bfst route beïween l'liicago acd all pointe in Ncr'-hern Clisáis, Isvs, taïota, Tyssta:, ÍTat:a:'u, Ci'.líornii, Orsgon, Ariisna, H;ah, Cobrad:, VU, Kntltt, Mmdl ¦ ui fcr COUNCIL BLUFFS, OW! AHA,, i, ii.i.k. SALT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO, DEÍDWOOD, SIOUX CITY, Cola: SajiJs, Ec: tUctf, Cslaaïs, a:d t0 polst -- tt' ""¦ rltorlos isd the WeK. Als: ftr MüTiakoc, IMM Ej-, 9bkosh, Bhetsvja;, Miic::c, Totd d2 La:,, BhAtoa. iJconali, üoia:ia, 3;. fi, wasetjoBi, Buim, 7dMi Tafgc, Bisnarck, i::ij. ktONMt, Oiateani Ud ai: [in I tains full (lori)tiou of aZ iimb of guods for ]HTsmnl aml family HM. W fJJ dircctly witli tlie conwimer, ai"! scll all frooils ia ay qnantity at ichoUtalc pricea. You can buy hetter an,l cbeaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & (O. 2T:uh1 '2'j Wábuh Avnué,Cticgo,IU, 1Q-5-77 ' wisconsini AMnc 500,000 ACHI Llll LO ON TUE im F TUK ni8(O.KI (KTI1.4li K. It. For full particnlars, whlfh will bo tent Tree, it inu CHARLE8 L. C'OUiY, Luml Uommiwioiicr, lÜSI-liKKi Müwuukc-, Wie.


Ann Arbor Courier
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