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TUTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TR1UMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. of appetitP.Nausea.bowels costive, nm in thi-ITciul.w ith a dull ennation in the back part, Pain untier the shoulderblade, fuUness after eatinft. with a diinclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritabilitv of temper, l.ow spint, Loa óf memory, with a fi-eling of havln Lieglected sonie duty, wearine, Diaïiness, i'luttennnol'thi'i fleart. Dota before tbe oyes, Yellow 8kin, Headacho, Heatlesahess at niiïht, highly colored Urine. IF THESE WAENIHGS ARE UKHEEDED, SERUS DISEASESWILLSOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILLS aree)rclallydptedto li.h ¦..¦.,.. .ir.-ctf. uohachange ..f (VrliiiK to latunUh the ulTerer. TIipv Inrrnitr llie Al'. nd cauie the bodv lu Titkr ¦¦ Klh. thin Hie iym II "¦! ly tin iiTonlc Artlonon the IHK.-.II.. .k K-ulrml.renn)(1,,"., I Wurrmy t M.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. fiRJVlUmrirWllISKtns cIlBIlgwi IOI1LI!Y Hl A' k liy a Biiml.' npplicailiui f Uil " Impartí iiKiuruI color, acu tniuntanaooalr. SoM iiy LM UR4;nts,ur snt bj xpnM on racMpl ' flOffice, 33 Murray St., New York. flp TI TT'S JllMil. Í lafciwlli- - d ft IWul Kwlpt. III ¦!" HtKB on ii,llrlto..J 10Ü2S4 Tlie Ieading Toy & Fancy 6aod5 House OF MICII. Wliuii i iitm;; Uic City of Dttroit ilo not fail t" HEYN'S BAZAAR, Porrasrlj Ruaell IIm;-t Bauv, which is no lnc:itfd ut iji WoodwWd avenue, formcr ttand of Om old ALHAMERA DOLLAR STORE. Tlie-ic Iwo wcll-known places of public p;ttronage have recvnfelr bjcoo cns"lidatcd under onc manáyemeot, .mil wc dcf.ra tp cali special mtention to our laie ml well selected line il Toys, Pancy Goed:, Jewelrj, P'.ated Ware, Whitney Children's Carriages, Velccipedes, Express Wagons, &c, &c. Which we wïll continué to scll at popular prices, An erly cali is tcspeclfullv oliciu-d H. HEYK & BR0„ HEYN'S BAZAAR, 92 WOOWARD AVE., in.Titoir. inrii. 104471 SURE EEWAKD! CHËAP HOMES IN' SIKIIIAV HALF MIUJHÖN ACRES FARMING LANDS FOK MAE BY Grond Rapids & Indiana Rairoad_Company. Railroad Completed Through Center of Lands. Do not iro West or Soulh milil jon leam wliat Michigan oflcrs Inlcllitri-nl runners. Yon can do betyer With less iiioncy nearcr lionic. Lands ricli, dry, and gpndy rollincr. I'iiiilii'i-cil iniiinly with Sujriir Maple, Koek Kim, BassWOWt, Asll, l.ctrli, Ili-mlock, clc, and are cl! watered ly lake, rlVers and spriiiir brooks. gtrong Mtüs, line etopÉ, hoaltliy o!Imatt', gchools and 1 Imrchos, hitellifeni pppnlatlon, inainly fi-inn Eustorn Staics md Canada. Kor BoOkS, Iffapfl, 't'., ;uliir' W. 0. HUGHART. I.IMI ('OMMISSTOSFR, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. - TITI.i: PERKBCT. 10S1-1ÜW OET THE BEST f LEADALLOTMS! EveryStyle&Price. Guarantoed Unequaled FOE OPERATION. ECONOMY. DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Inproveaeüt:_and Conveniences fonsd io ,no ethers. AlwaysiReliable. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. Tor SalêinEvery City and Town In tho United Sta tea. AdcI bj .luiiv PruTEKBa, Anu Arbur, Mica. 1U54-10C7 H. H. DOWNS ï VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR Is a Gure cure for Cought, Colds, H Whooping-Cough, and all Lung B Diseases, when taken in teason. I People die of consumption imp-E ly because of ntglect, when the B timely uteof thit remedjr wouldE have cured them at once. nrty-one yeara of con-H stant use prores the fact that noH cough remedjr has stood the test H like Ifotrnt' Elixir, I Prio USe. fioo. uid tl.uo pw botUa, For 8ale Kferywhir, Dr. Baxter 's Mandrakei UBlTTEItJS! Will cure Jaundice, Dyspepsia, ü Liver Complaints, Indigestión, H and all diseases arising trom H iousness. Price 25 ets. per bottle. V Tor 8ale Krry whirc 1IKSHÏ íí JOIINSON'S ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENTl I'or .Van ana MIeast. The most perfect liniment ever ¦ compounded. Price 25c. and 50c. I For Sle ETarjrwhu. 1016 B7 A LL KINDS OF BLANK8 PKINTÏ15 OH SHORT NOT1CI AT THE COURIEB JOB ROOMS.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News