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Chip Basket.- Wm. E. Depew lias removed his family to Ann Arbor. James Speer h8 gooe to Delhi. to take charge of the telegraph, ticket and freiglit business. A storm approaolling to a tornado in violence passed over the village on the 17th i nst, The Giierin brothers returned home last Friday, from rowfag trip from Dexter to L:ike Erie. They renrt liaving a good time hunting and fishing. Tliey killed over sereatv diicks, nul Cángbt nearly a boat load ot flsh, besides having lots of fun. - Herald. Our Kíanhal'ft residence was cntered by burglars about 3 o'otock last öaturday iiuniing. It seeins tliat Mr. Foster liad ii Mead staving with him tliatevening- and hearing a noise in the parlor - supposed it was liis Irieiul, calUd out, and getting no retpODM, .''t up and :iw a üglit- at this moment the litrlit was blown out. But before the light disappeared he observed a man standing in the room and anotheroutside, looking in at the window. The man inside got out of the door in a liurry. Mr. F. lired hll rcvulverat the man at the window, but mirad him. The two then ran down the street on the double-quick. There was no damage done - only some windowL'las.s broken. Oet your revolvers readv - Herald. DEXTER. J. C. Hontecou will lecturc here on tem perance before the Red Ribbon Club, on rriday Nov. 4. Ashley Keitli has gonc toCaro, Tuscola county, and is at work ,'on the Advertiser, in oniincrrlon with Gco. II. Pond, former editor of the Couuikk. Rev. Wm. Geerga, the new iastor of the M. E. church, preaclied hls introductory sermón on the Itfth inst. Itjvas a verv practical and sensible discoiirse. Dr. George Mi been cordially weleomed to his new tlcld of Inbnr and his lirsl sermón shows that he will bc earneit in hiswoik there. We luid quite a sensaUon Weilncxlav afternoon. Word was sent tO Marshall liatón, and going ilown lie found a man nearly nakeil, Imticss, coutless and shoeless and crny U t loon. He was bronht up and placed n the lockup where lie remalned until the nextniorning, wlien afler tiUttif nroperljf cIqUiwI tlie Marshall and J. L. Suiith, sypervisor, took Iiim to Ann Albor, wlierc ít was fouiid that his name was Peter Huglies, a shoeniaker by trade, and liad worked fortín' Krausc ('únniany until about eijíht months ago, gince when lie lias worked in Detroit, ,He lias alwavs been naturally fllguty, ilii.s tendeoeT has been aggnivated hy whisky- he is a hanl drinker- and no doubt mokt of bis reoent madness was brought about by drinklng- 'n fact he bad the delerium tremens. He was placed in the county jail for safe keepin; for the present. - Leader. MANCHESTER. A. D. Perkins, aent of the D. H. & S. W. R'y. at this station has received an appointment as clerk in the office of the Superintendent of the Lansing división ot' the L. 8. & M. S. B'v., and left for his new place of business on the 17th inst. On Monrtay Prof. Frothinpham, of the University, came here and removed a cataract from the eye of Mr. Builey, tiither of Mrs. .lames (íae. He ilso icinoveii nne of Charley Lewis' eyes. Botli patient.s art: Ketting along nicely.- Enterprise. The consolitlation of the United States and American express coinpanies, so far as tliis village is concerned at lenst, is busted. W. L. Watkins is now agent for the latter eompany, and our shipping faeilities are mucli better than under the oonaolMatlon rules.- Enterprise. SALINE. The fue entine has arrived. Thoiigh not a new one it is as good as new. Tlie new tire alarm bell weighs 450 pounds. Ovving to the inclemency of the weather and the bad conditiou of the roads, the expected speakers í'rom Aun Arbor, dld not arrive to address the temperance meeting, last Sunday evening, and in consequenc the meeting was iddressed by Messrs. Cobb, Soley, Gildait, Glover and other honie talent. - Observer. Probably the largest shipment of live stock ever shipped trom this place, by one firm, was made on Monday evening, 17th inst., at which time Messrs. Hull, I,aliue& Weinett shipped ten car loads - over 2,000 head - of sheep, valued at over $6,000 to Texas. The cars were divided off into three decks, or floors, with a large open space in the centre tor storing hay and graln, while lengthwise of the car, through the centre of each floor was a rack for feeding the animáis, on their long journey. Over 11,000 feet of dressed pine lumber was required for partitioning off the cars, and the expense of material and labor was over $250. The cargo was accompanied by three men, among thein Mr. LaKue. They expected to reach their destination in about ten days during which time the sheep will be regularly fed and watered. - Observer. YPSILANTI. The walking match last week between Miss May Marshall and Mr Penniman, resulted in a victory for the latter. The distance was 25 miles, heel and toe. Miss Louise Rowley, of thls citv, has been honored with the office of Grand Worthy Vice-Templar for the coming year, by the Grand Lodge of Michigan, I. O. G T.- Ypsilantian. "Fostelle,1' the comedian, is a former resident of Ypsilanti, being a member of the family of Mr. P. Stevens, and lived here from early childhood until he arrived at maturity. As Charles Stevens many of onr people will remember trim. As "Fostelle" he has won a high name as a female impersonator. - Ypsilantian. Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Thos. O'Nöil, living in the 4th ward, called at the residence of a neigubor, Mary Aun McMann, the wife of John McMann, a laborer. The wowan was found dead, having been 8tricken with apoplexy while doing her washing. Mr. McMann's work was at a distance froin the house.Jvvhich is on Forest avenue, so he liad taken his dinner wjth him. The deceased had evidently done up her work, and sel about her washing when the stroke came. She was 50 years of age SSíLí?fS!áí,na'}1.e8twiaBd by ller aehDr. S. W. Pattison, of Ypsilanti, died at lus residence in that city on Sunday last at the advanced age of 84 years. He had' been a resident of Ypsilanti since 1835, and a practitioner for over sixty years. His long ' long practice had made him very generally known in the section in which he resided and his many excellent qualities of the head and heart had won him a host of warm personal friends who will deeply regret his decease. He leaves a daughter and two sons, one of tbe latter being a well-known physician, of Ypsilanti, and the other the J pubüsher of the Ypsilanti Commercial. Obituary services were held on Tuesday at I 1:30 p. m., the Rev. Dr. Haskell, of Ann Arbor, ofllciating.- A. A. Daily News. Rev. Mr. Richmond has received a cali From a church in Pittsburgh, and it is said ie will accept. The salary attached to i he position is $3,000 with parsonage free 1 )f rent and furnished. The situation is lesirable, and, so far as we know Pitts)urgh Presbyterians aresolid men, with a Jcotch-gianite flrmness in doctrine It nay, however, be an American Presbvcriaii church that he is going to. Hti eople here will part with him with regret. -Scntinel. fl


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News