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l,.'oo ].or yer can tío eaally made :t rorkinf; for C. f?. Rideoot & Co., 10 Hurdi New Vork. Senil for tlit'ir Mtalnfllie Rinl iiiil iiurilculars. i'-;i-m : De. Baxteb's Makoeaks Bitteks n i taperior combinatlon.o) bark, roota anU IumIis nol attalned bj :uit other nianufrcturers of bi Keep In tbe sUble and alwaya :it hand IlKMty & JOHXBOM'8 Aknk a AXD Uil i.iMMKNi, h i is i-i remedy tur Hurta, Bruises, Sprains, c For Coüffht, CoMs, Cronp, Ajthma, and all Lung Áffectlnns, um Downs' Kuxik, wbicfa bal tl 1 th tMl "f titty vc.-ir-, and bas not tiren t'uund wsntinjt. Made froiu 1'rofcKSor loisfunl' Acid Fhosphata. Kecommended by ïrulinR: ptiyalclan. Miki'H lii;litT hiNCMiir, (tikcfl, ft., kih! Ia healthier tinta ortliuary Itaklng lowïn arm. Snll at a rranonaM prir, Th.' Hor fu ni Alnianuc himI Cook Kook ent Tree. Riinifnrri Cbemiral Work, Frovtdpnco, II. l and ft I , 1O8H-7M 1083 ÖE3KSJ Hrgulnte thr Llvcr. poslllvoly cure III DynprpHiii, I nl i u .( ton and k ll Hciuiiii lus pn-Kt Mi-ilpnt ni, re WJ nmvo BillonnnoMh relh v oí Khi'uinitll i iNin( i'Urii ih' Itlond. ¦¦tr-fiii--' ' K tlIFJ ni'vn, correotthe Stomacb un.i llowvlm Uanq buIhIui' inrnn'. II f-li. I ii v iiioiiiir. 1111 i l and trcnuth II en. Tfaey Buppl) HihIm M UMciilnr aii'l 3 II Nrrvf f orco. Visor t) the Knfreblra lUi Toni' anl Sircngi h t the Khu iixirit. ld NoiiriNhim-nl t. i in' V-hiiikuikI A-'i. [UT IfO M 1 1 - ¦ it ¦ ¦ VBMh ¦ it rrcmle ia WL OOOD Pi WM ,,i ¦ ('i.kak t iiMfi.kxins, EmuuiT.kud Ytoum[ If jou ai 3 ir. pui In door i IMU'onílni'nii ni. (Kcrwork or ïU-asr. LM h-r ifv'uir Itruln IsovertaxMi, Mnvrlesl H and Nci-vch Vi-nkriiol bj louoffieepl or uppetito. or inisin--s Rtrain, tlny wlll IHl NonrUh. tttrongtht-n ncl y-m. f II tl UU IS A REALLY RELIABLE REMEDY FOR WASTINC AND NERVOUS DISEASES. After nunnTowp expTimint Mr. Pellows cucceeded in jtroflurinü: ttait coinbination of Hypüphosphites, whih bat not only reatorad bhn to bealtb, bnt has alntt! bten fouud BO fDCCeMfal iti tb treatraont of diseafe cmftuatiiiff from lost of uerve power, and eon?qn' ir rolaxaMon, viz; Aphot.ia (lose or vofee) Nouralpia, - Nerrona IVbilitr, Chronlc Diarrïiu'a W'hoo. ing CotiKO. Dyspepflla, Btlon of TheLnnge, Kever and Afjuc, . l'alpiiatlon of the Ilt-Jirt, LencotT Mlaticbo)y, Malaria, Mnitul Dcprenííon, NcrvoucneHa. MALARIA. Persons Uvinjr tu mrtlarioiif district? may rotect thempelves from ultack;? of ft ver by ihe upe of F1!!lon - ompoumi Hyrup of HypophoMphlicM. I - effvtcu In umiinf op ihe êjmtm oablet) u to ward of conkagious dleortlers and saccessfully combat dioaee. The soluble plinsphitun and the otber Ilfi'-pnstainini; principies compofiny; Peliows HynophospbiteB are o rart-inlly proportioned ann fo jnnicionsly mini; led that thefr action upon tb nervee. maaclüti and memui hnpartlng viiality, HtrccLtb and hcalthy Hctinn Li einTMÜy apparent witliln twenty.iour honre and tbe good eftecti- experiencud are of a permauent ch&ractcr. DOES WITVÖI IWONDERFUL VI Hl il CURES! kbhE ¦ itprnnso it artn on the L1TEB, IiOVKI,sB añd KIPNKYS at the same time. ¦ BecaoBe it oleantes lh ytra of 1 Houa buiuors tbat devvlopa in Kidney nd WÊ ¦¦nary Diseaooa, BlUooanoM, Jsundice, Q H pation, Pilón, or In fihomuUsm, Neuralgia, H QNervoua Disorder and FemaJe CompUiuta. H 8EB WHAT PBOPLE SAT : 3 Enjfpne B. Stork, of Junctloa City, Knnwi. PI Hsays, Kldney-Wortcured Mm af ter recular Pb; Wm wmaieiunB Imd been tryinu for íour yeam. ¦ IÉhTlKT vMVeTT'íñ t die hj'foñr promlñe-Tit Q ¦ iihyMoariH and Uiat he vm afïumtudscured by H BV Wurt . PB g M. M. B. Goodwtn.anmtttorin Chardon, Ohlo ;L HjRayi be vmx not exiectd ti lito, hein? lilouted HJ Qbeyoad belief, bnt Kidm-y Wort cured blm. ¦¦ I Anna I. Jarrett of South Salrm, N. Y., patüLJ ¦¦that ¦oren yeamniifrprfiiK from kt)iipy truubleiBJ PMirl otber roiuulicatXuua wu uudvii by tlio uiw uf BB UKldney-Wort. I John B. lAWTon" rf Jarknn, Tonn., mlffwlB PHfor years f rom livor aud kidnry troubk's aniipi Jaftpr taktnff " bnrrln of otbci' medicines," 1 ¦ KidDoy -Wort made blm wulL I Mlcha'-l Coto of Mnntfrompry Center. Vt..H KjrTiff.Tfl fiKlit jours witli kldiu'v dilllcuity and C j ¦ wm anable to work. Kldnej-VVort made bmiH B"wellaiever." BJ PERMANENTLY CURES Qkidney diseases, ? liver complaints,b nConstípation and Piles. ¦¦ ir-lt input np in Dry VegotAble Form in WÊ HJtin cann, one packna of whlcu inak-nix quart ¦¦ Hoi mciiieinp. AJsotn I.lqultl Forni, vtrr W Hoentratedt for tbose that caunot rewJiIy pro mm HJ pare It. LJ OKTIT ATTHE DUUGGI8T3. PK1CE, 1.00 LJ I WKLLS. UH'HAUDSON A Co., Prop's, I n(WlUsndthedrypopaI.1 H kmnííTo,TT.H _ 1027-7V TUTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TBIUMPHOFTHE AGE. 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetitp.N mispa.bowpls cotive, i il se naation in r the shoulderblti ¦ ntini?, with ndiaincliuatiou to exertion of body or mind, Irritabilitv of t.-mper, Lqw apirits,_LoM i.f meniury. wlth a {¦¦u'.iiíg of havlriK I lected 8' ¦ 98, Dizzinesa, ï'hr iitR before the eyrs hf, neutle'nesfs at uight, hiRhly colorad Urine. IF THESE WARNINGS ARE VS HEEDED, SERIOUSDISEAStSWILLSOONBEDEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILL8 r 'iiprially arinpled t.. raen ras(v.,iiuilipfirTtiiiiliaohange if fee I i ii (r a ti tonlfa the nflTerer. I by the 4ii4'i. Hiid cftuflfl the txxiy'to ¦¦ Klcvli. Umi ystem Is ¦iftir1li' by theü riiia tellonuu tbe llK.-li Ornn K'eiilarJlMU repnin'v :t-' ,Ttliri St.. ft,. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray HAiKor whiski lis .in aar Hl ak by a IiikIh spplliatlon "f tlr-, Iivk. It irin a iiaLiiial color, arts IriMtanunniURly. . f $1. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. (Dr. 11 I l't MAM AL Ut Vlnal,r lKrnnallfn and k l.l KnHpU III b .llri lUKK on HnlllJ 1032-K5 ""-"T ¦ 0 F. ELLIOTT, WfrOist-Splítíis ll lxí "i" WuodnarilAvonne, XiHlyj DETROIT, MICH. miVRÏ ' ' IAlrY,tbcfCli-nffliflt. 'ia' i'Ucle X -. IX and Kye G in "S Stndfor PamplUt!. 1-71


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