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A Few "hows."

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How mnoh happier life might be if minds could be trained to forget thelr past troubles. How hard it is to avoid listening and liking to listen to a scandal about our üeJ5 ..iiime life would be without troubles and difficulties to overeóme. How lew valué or cultívate a good pair of legs or lungs. How the old are forgotten by the youn;. How unfortunate that so niany of the aged should niake themselves unattractive and even repulsive to the younr. How strong we feel when we have never been sick. How niany men and women are there without a weak spot somewhere? . How whisky does bring out a man's truc nature and show the made-up and artilicial side of bis moral character. How miich better is a "dog's life" tban the lives of somc men and women ? How few ncw brooms, after all, swep clean unless there is a clean sweeper bebind i li ft 11 How sorry some people are for faults which they will comniit again next month. How awfully awful it would be if every body without warnirig told the trutb. How we do love to shut our eyes to what we fear rnay be a reality. How much good we could do were we onlv rlch. How little good we do when we are rlch, How contrary and eccentiic seems one who thinks for hini or hurself. How very large the book in which might be writteu all we don't know. How vt-ry sniall the book in wliich niight be written all we do know. How few barbéis can shave a man without trying on him their conversutional powers. How much more we do know at twenty than at forty. IIow useléss it is to argüe with a womaii wlicn she is angry. Or a man. How little credit is given children for what tbey see, hear, and imdCflUnd. How much diguity a cigar does put in some men's moutlis and berlog. JIiiw duuming and beautiful are the green Beldi and groves - iu books. How hot are the green flekls and how the mosquitoe8 do bite in the groves - out of books. How ditlicult t is to teil whose boiler Wl)l blow Up IK'Xt. How sad to tbink it will bc KmeLody'a boiler. How wo do go on nursing our hielden pet sin until it tinds usoiitund blows u up. How idiotie it is to act on tlie maxhn, " Never put off till to-morrow wlmt can be done to-day.'' Hpw much better Is it " Never to do nnytliing to-day that tan be put off till tomorrow." How few undentand tost if too many thingi be onderteken to-day none of them will be well or thorougbly done. How niuch banier ia living than dying. Now much more money we spend thuu we mean to. IIow buril it is for the many to niake both ends meet, and wbat poot ends they tre wben tbey do meet. How vory poor rirlies c:in makc men. How will inillionuhvs get their letten of credit recognized and honored iu heaven? IIow history doos lic How many trutbs are soorned and laugbed al, and bow many fiotions are believed mul hononil How (juickly a man or woman jrets old wben they Insist on being old, feeling old, ;iinl toting old. How llttte young H-ople care if they are louls, and how angry old people are because younir people don't care if thev are


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News