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Harrlson wants somo kind of fire roteo tion. Reed City is to have a $10,000 opera house. Diphtlieria is still raging in m;iny parta of the State. There are 406 inmates in the Ionia House of Correction. Tlie mail route has been extended f rom l'midilla to Stockbridge. There is war among the barbéis ut Grand Haven. First-class shaves tor live cents. Petoskey is to hare a second hotel. It is to cost $00,000, and is to be built by next May. The ladies' cornet band of Caro has made arrangenients to give four concerts iu Chicago tUis season. J. H. Conrad, of Cheboygan, is preparing to start a paper at öt. ïgnace. It will be called the Independent. The farmers in the vicinity of Caro have carried over fifty loads of relief goods to Cass City, savingthecomniittee an expense of about $300. A Mr. Turner, of Battle Creek, aged BS has recently marricd a blushing Inexperienced girl of 70. The Battle Creek Moon thinks he necds a guardián. Mr. Francis H. Rankin, Jr., City Ticnsurer of Flint, and editor of the Wolverlue Ciiizen, and Miss Carrie A. ('rocker of Flint, wen manïed on the MÁ uit. Mr. Standish, the city assessor, reporls the total taxable valuation of Detroit for 1881 to be: Real estáte $00,440,100, personal estáte $21,189,535; total 187,830,695. Detroit has a poundmastcr named Damm and when the women go to hini after tlieir bovines they say: "Damm, you leí mv oow out or 111 tear down the fence.- Kx. ' The planting of eel In the lake In tlie vicinity of _Mt. Clemens, four years ago hy the State rish ootooiteslon, has resulted ín im. i ' ;imiiimhi uapiure ot goou sizoil eels. David BwiglH, of the Engineer Department of the anny, is makiug a eurvey of Charlevoix harbor, lor the purpose of aidmg in the intended improvements of the same. The contest between Saginaw and East baginaw for the location of the new court house has been decided in favor of the ioriner. The building ig to cost not less tliau 5"0,00O. The car shops of the Port Huron and North-western railroad will be located at Port Hurón. A round house is now bcing erected fo"r the accommodation of twelve engines. The telepkone and telegraphcompanyof Detroit have abandoned their attempt to put up an exchange in Battle Creek, aud nothing furtlier will be done about it until next spring. H. C. Wentworth, for 27 years past General. Passenger Agent tor the Michigan Central railroad company, has been eiren a'ndefinite leave of absence on account of Infringers of the drive-well patent are getting themselves into trouble. Bills of complaint are being filed against tliem by the patentee, in the courts of seveial cotinties in this State. Four inmates of the Wayije Co. Insane Asylum have been pronounced cured by Dr. Bennett and have been sentto Detroit. These are the flrst cures that have been reported for some time past. ¦ It is reported that Mrs. Frankie MillardLawrence, danghter of G. J. Slillard, of Pewamo. died Öept. lOth, at Slidnapore, India, where she has been engaged in missionary work for the past three years. Eli Gray, of Tecumseh, has been appointed as European agent for the extensiye flouring milis of Pillsbury & Co., Minneapolis, Minn. He is also agent for a Cleveland and a Chicago packing houe. The Grand Trunk authoritics are said to have under consideration the plan of buying the Driving Park in Battle Creek for the purpose ot having more room forskletracks and therefore better facilities for switching. Now that Adrián has decided to have water works, the good people are begining to look around for a source toget tlieir ¦.r-r'r - -r. oiwi'tiuuiis nr tviut-i rmiii difforent streams are undergoing anal siat tho University laboratory. It is claimed that the whole number of members in the Detroit conference of the Methodist Episcopal churcli, at the close of this conference year, was 25,445, and of probationers 1.096; total 27, 141; an iggregate decrease from last year of 153 members and 215 probationers. The health of the Hon. M. S. Brewer, of Pontiac, lately appoiuted consul general to Berlin, is very poor. He is reported to have asserted that this was the principal motive thatindneed hiin to accept the nomination. He is now in Berlin trying to ma8ter the Germán language. An exchangesays that John Hickey, who is in jail at Pontiac, on charge of burglary isa wituess in the Hall murder trial. Haü is in the same room at the jail, and Hickey tcatilics that Hall detailed in his sleep hovv he pnisoned his wife, and that afterwards he (Hickey) told Hall of it, and that Hall then told him that he poisoned his wife also his own father, and the husband and ! Jaughter of Mrs. Murgeitroyd. The Hurón Coiinty News says: Krom our own observation, we eÜnate that aboutone-half of tliose burneilout throu'li the county, aided by relief, have new houses up and areoccupying tbem. Othora have luniber on the ground and ere winter arrivés will have a shelter of their own. A few have made otherarrangemeutsfor the winter and postpone building until ncxt season, someof these beins; anxlous to sell. The death of Mr. J. I. Talmade, ol ISlissiield, ocenrred ut Adrián on the 8Bd of Iaat moiitli, Mr. Talmadfre was one of tlie pioneers of Lenawee county. He eame to that country from the State of New York in 1884, by the way of Toledo, on the flrsl steamer that entered that port. Ilis witc who is still living, was a Miss Abiurafl t isk, sister of James, the rallroad king, who was shot by Stokes a few years tgo, Tlie Lansing Republican says that Uev. II. F. Spencer, formerly pastor of tlie Central M. E. eliurch in this city, is the new pastor of the M. E. ehureh at Aubimi, V V., and Onda himaelf in au uip)MMI situatlon. It is not, however, any fault of lus, but the difflculty arises from the removal of the former pastor, Hcv. John Clyiner, by the bishop. The congre-ration wanted to clinfr to Clymcr anl thixatcn m withokl needed supplies from the new nastor. A ras well on the farm of Mr. Forsythe of Blissfield, is to be utilized. wi II ia only iiine miles from Adrián, aml Mr. V. S. Hicks, of Ann Arbor, who lias badsome experience with gas wells, has made a contract with the ownor of the farm for the exclusive right to sink wells on the same. It is Mr. Hicks' plan to eonduct the rato Adrwn. ïf it can be nrocured in sufflcient quantities to pfty, and use it for illuminatniff purposes. The plan s not a new OM and there is no reason why it should not succeed. The Port Huron Times of Oct. 21, oontams a t-o-ooliiinii artlcle exphinatoiy of the action and work of relict' perfnrmcd by the I ort Huron committee. The writer seems to have conflned himself to fan and pointedly discusses in a spirit of fairness the diflerence of opinión whicli have existed between the Port Huron and Detroit committees. SlnoeruwUngthcartUile in the Times we are more than ever conviuced that the controversy was untlmely and that the various relief committces have : performed valuable work for wliicli 1 1 1 . v ' are entltled to the thanks of the Dublic- 1


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News