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Bcvwe Iomm hare resulteU tioina rise in the Ohio and Musissippi rivera caused by the recent heavy rains, hut tlie water is now lallhiji ni])iilly. M alione is sure that .his party will carry Virginia by a majority of 30,000 while the foliowen of Daniel are inclined to thihk that bis chances are good. Henry Ward Beeclier bas retired from the editorial chair of the Christian Union. Uil -uccessor is Dr. Lyman Abbott, who bas been bis assistant for years. The President has renominated Stratham to the Lynchbnrir, Va., post office, although the Senaic dtd not conflnn blm. ThU means war upon tbc bourbons. Tbc name of the now Chinese Minister to the United States Is Clianp Choo Ta lic bas rccently held a pogition in the Chinese fovernment similar to that of Secretary oí tbc tretiéry in ottr own. The Mechanica' National Bank, of Mewark, N. J., suspended business on tbc 30tli uit. The liabilitics are more than $-J,000,000. Tbc cashier bas coufessed to huving illfully mi.Mised that amount. A recent dispatch claims that ut the pproaching sesslon of parlianirnt in Canada a rncnibei' will takje the KOM of that body on the desinibility of ('anadian independencc aml the ripatUn "t bW uibrístrate. The Frcncli IM Citmian visilors t t lic Yorktown oelebration ure vi-iting the principal iitics of tbc union, and are everv where trcateil witli tbc respect and honor due tbem. Tbey aio baJBQoeted nearly every ihiv. Col. Qaofgt Owk, i liicf ot the I iplomatic and consul división of tbc tiftb auditor's oflice of tbc Treasury Department, rccently passed a claim for $-J,0(JO wlilch m prououneed illcal by the SntooofH trolier, His rcoignation wu requeate}and in baa rrnigmcli Au zehMige s:iys tbat ¦ daugbter of Kcv. Dr. Higbland (iainct, United Qtatea Minister to Liberia, is teachiug school aa a inissionary In Liberia on the very S[ot where Dr. Garnet's grandfather was taken prisoncr more Iban a century ago, and sold to a Maryland slaver. N 'Vember 15tb lias been llxed upoo ai the date for holding a general meeting of 1T intern Republicans in Washington, to arIWga tbc akenhtp cainlidatc matter. The Speaker of the next house will nndoubtedly be a western man and Kasson, of Iowa, seems, at present, to stand the bet) chance of elcction. As tho Hall murder case progresses it bcgins to look as if Hall ought to be "sent up" for the remainder of tliis life, and to be friven warm quarters in the next. Hecontiiled in another jail-bird, wbo tcstiiied tbat üall told li í 111 that ba had poisoned two other persons besides his wife. The testimony seems to be strnlght-forward and ought to convict. In the suit brouht by Campbell, of Utah, to iiniiul Cannon's certifícate of naturallzation, Chief .lust ice Hunter bas decided in favor of the former. "The judfie held that on the statement of the complainant and the admissions of tbc defendant the cirtiiicatc was raid on its face." 'l'his decisión will probably settle the contest the of delegates pent from Utah in favor of Campbell. The Detroit Kepubücans nu Saturday, OOtli, uictili. kk i' 'II' - " lnfi in'iii! ii.u 1' '11 for city officials: Mayor. Win. (i. Thompson i City Clerk, Alex. A. 8;venger; Treasurer, Wm. Parklnaon ; City Attorney, Jciliu B. Coills, Pólice .lusticc, A. E. Hawes; Justice of Peace, F. A. Lcinkie. Xt Is a strong ticket Mayor Thompson hasgivcn sueh good satislaction that there will be very little opposition to him. A report comes to us that on tbc moming of Oct. 28th an attempt was made to rob one of the French delegation of visitors in a hotel in Philadelphia. The burglar was seized and detained until the pólice arrived. He was taken before a magistrate, indicted, tricd, convictcd, and senteueed to three years' iuiprisonmeut the same day. if such speedy justice could be meted out to every criminal, there wonld be fewer crimes committed and no neccssity for the fnqaeat lychlngi tbat va hear ubout. The proposed meeting betwecn the reigns of Italy and Austria is ¦ tliing of the past. The reception whicli the king and queen of Italy met at Vionna w:is cxtreiueIy8'í';fl;"í!' ' n,„ rpnort i that the "Austriau Emperor, after clasplng the King in his aruis and riving liim tliree timea a wann accolade, kissed the Qneen's hand repcatedly, Uien oHered his arm, which slie hug;ed in a most natural and aiuiablc marnier." A few such meetings will do mucli toward harmonizing the ojinions among European nations. During the past ten days New l'ork ha been in danger of a water famine. It was found DMHHDJI to shut down the gates of the Central Park reservoir, saving 10,000,000 gallons. At onc time it was thought probable that the great manufacturing establishments of the city would be compellcd to suspend operations on account of a lack or water. Then reports come trom Boston that the water supply was failing there. The heavy rains reached the East just in time to prevent suffering, and now the danger in thnt direction is past. Ilarmony of feeling between England and the 0 nited States is shown by the salute lired in honor of the Uritish llag at Yorktown. Now the American flag is to receive a similar honor in Londoii. A dispatcli says : "A novel feature of the lord mayor's procession will be a banner of the United States escorted by a guard of honor. W'hen the lord mayor's procession reaches Westminster the American ñ&g will be borne to the palace yard and massed bands will play an American national anthem. The secretary of the American legation writes that he Is sure that this graceful recognition of the ties binding the two nations will be rceeived with the greatest pleasure in America." It is the duty of the president of thi Beo ate to select a caterer for that body. This has been a prolitable posición, but Mr. Davis is introducing reform. "He requires that each applicant furnish him with a full bill of fare with priecs. These he is comparing with the bilis and prices of city restaurants, and declares that, as a general policy, the fare sliall be as good and the prices as low at .the Senate as at other city restaurant. Moreover, he will not allow the Senate carterer to win favor with Senators by serving them at a low rate, while he charges the casual visitor a hlgher one, as has been the practice heretofore." The need of reform has been feit here as well as iu other departments, and the principies on which the selection is to be made are to be commended. A terrible disaster occurred near Rock Island just above the bridge aeross the Mississippi on the niglit of the 27th of October. The stearaer, Jennie (iilchrist, had just passed throngh the bridge when the engincer discovered that the nxl that was uaed to reverse the wheel was broken and the boat at once began to drift down the river. Through the want of self-control of a drnnken crew, a panic was caused araong the passengere. The boat fiually struck a pier bursting both boilers. The ing out nearly suffor.-iti-'l thoae ulm had taken refüge on a barga tiiat the ataaflMl had in tmv. wreek tlicn driftetl down lieiity. The cries of the distressed were. heard on theboat, Evansville, and he went to the rëscue, saving 17 out of 33 pastengers and crew. Mr.'1 for (iuiteau, lia caused subptinas to lic issucd for the tol lowin: witm Mrs. Augu.-ta Parker, J Kirnan, Geo. T. Burroughs. Fraii Lile, and J. Lewis Lee, all of Chieag 111.; C. J. Joslyn, of Oneida coinruunH N. Y. ; Everett O. Foss, of Dotar, N. H. John A. Hice, of Morton, Wis.; E. O Spitzke, of New "i ork : II. 15. Arinerliug of Wilüamsport, Pa. Tlie Michigan erop report for tlie inonil ber 1881, hm !een publUhed: "Ko tliis report returns have baan reeeived (roa 1,003 correspondent, represeuting 66townships. Oi tbeae ratona M ara tnm 386townxhips in tfcfl -outlii-rn tour tierso counties. The returns were made between ( IcIuImt Ist and 1 Kb. The estimutes show that tlie acreagc sown to Iu;il this fall i but little if riny gfWtfer than in l!SNO; tha the number of aert of potntoes raised m about the same, but that the yk-ld par acre not over tWO-Ultrdl as mocha and tli:it tin acreaga of dorar aed was afobut obe-4ftl Rroater, aiiil the yicld pur arrr OtW-fburtl prester, Umi in 1ho. As thei-s has proba bly baan oonsideiBbto wheat iown sinc October 1, the estimatc is tOO low and later report are likalj to cbangu tlie estiruatcsiif tlie yicldof dover seed and po tatoes." Tlic'rains and warm weather have made the prospecta for a fine erop of whea next year very atfOMuragtagi Ainong tl1 ipeetal dltpatcbei of Oi I from Washington, is found a straogu tory of a mm WBTJ lm scnteil Iiimself at tlit White. House bearing a letter whicli reuil a l'ollovvs : John Wollng, youarp liereby inforineil tliu l)r. Juo Homiing La luwlully uiecUMl Presiden ol Um UuiuhI SUilt umi ucou;le8 lue w li iu House every day. ALMIGHTY QOD, i kmmuDleatd ly the Holy Hjunt The man in ojuation a recoguized os i "crank" that had tried to pain adiuissioi to the White BöOte list Muy. Ilis admis íion w:is refmed by the doorkeeper and hc tried to force his way in. DoQrkee'fM Deii-inoic aeized liini umi a daapatata strug irlr cnsiied, daling wliich the madmai ilrcw :i revolver, bul ni prevented tion using it. Tlie l-crank" gave liis name :. Dr. Jno. Noetlin', ret-idiiiff at ('ule-ville ('n.. ';. lie has been ata hote iLttoe Scit. 38, feglstered umlcr the name of John Woting. Laat M;iy ha wasarrestet and ent home. It (Initeau is trelited witl leniencv, the city t Washington will soon be so full of (rampa ttld senii-lunatics tha the lite of the President not only, but tha ol every official, will be uusat'e in thecapi tal "t tlm greateat repobllc in the worid. Tha Mcukegon sunnuar ies tlie condition of allaire in that citj since the strike: Just oue Wtik haselapsei gince Hoakegon was in a state of grea coinmotion. l'pward of 4,ÜU0 labcring men were on strike ; about 300 soldiers were gtrtaoned al the county cotirt house Sheriff Waters' conduct was severely critieied tor ordering the tri-ops; Col. DeLong ¦ ;cs taken to taak for addressing soine reinarks to the strikers; the mili men refused to run their milis less tlian 11 hours a collision betwen the strikers "and our State militia crowded itself upon the miiuU of timid and frightened people; blushing young damsels improved the occasion imint usely by btcoming acijimijited with the starched up soldiery ; at nlght the dauntless soldiers told their comrades of the nar row escapes of the day; pollceioen chatted with one another as Ut what course coulc be pursued wkan they had placed all Hit soldiers In dtirance vile; "on the fence' eiti.ens had two chairs, and did not know "'ii ' ""l l" -' ' n niK)n tne naniest, tlie strikers held their rt.gnlur mit-door meetings; petlttoai poured in upon our unfortunate .Mayor asking him to use bis own jiKljrtnent; the supervisors asked Prosecuting Attoiney DeLong to realgn for obvinus reaaona; tlrc Col. stoutly refused and took a pleaaure trip to Dakota. Sixteen milis are now running at ten hours, seven at eleven (with small crews) and some have shut down entircly for the season. The entire trouble has ;0kui Im.ii adjusted and Muskegon hoorns along livcly once more.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News