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Plof. G. V. Henwick, of Ann Arbor, will opeo a tohü NMtetiMihatitiAkfewdaji. There is t;ilk of organislug another cornet band in tuis village. Sorae eight or more musieians are willing to join. DEXTER. Chip Basket.- The lied Ribbon Club eleared $15 by in oyater supper last Friday. ïhere is considerable sickness about the couutry. Chris. Miller hasinvented a simple and nefcl wimlow fastener. MANCHESTER. The assodation of alumni of the Hlgfa School is considering the matter of a leeture course for the coming winter. SALINE. tfi at markot men are cutting In iriccs and have caused the priceof meat tobe reduced 13 or 20 per cent. Another shipm ent of grein, clothing, etc., to the lire infieren was made recently. J. II. Bortle and Frank Kidder went hunting. Tuesday. aml wcre rewarded by bngjfing 14 wild ducks, six fine pickercl and one loon. John is bound to maintain the reputation of being the most notorious old huntt'r in town.- Übserver. YPSILANTI. U. K. Frazer spoke on tcmperance at the opera house on Simday atternoon. New and orlsp $5 counterfeit bilis on the state bank of Troy, N. Y., are circulating. Look out for them.- Commercial. It will require $12,000 or $15,000 to start the boiler manufactory that is talked of, and practical meclianics stand ready to invest $4,000. So saya the Commercial. Tlic oAem of the Ypsilanti Impnoment Assooiation are: President, Clark Cornwell; Vk-praticWat, 8. W. l'arsons; ry, Austin (icorge, and Trensurer, C. AI. Hnrris.- Ypsilantlan. The Grand Trunk Railway has appointed Jas. II. JkKinstry ticket ageut at Ypsiluuti, and he tl now selling tickets over the (iiand Tiuuk and Krie Kailroads and all thtir branches. Xcw York ticket.s aro now sold fnr $4.00 and Boston $).00.- YpMbntian. Mr. George M. Woodluid anti ilis-s A!l;i Wtoe, the cl.xutioni-i. were nnlted io tnarriage by Rev. Rollo Ogdeo, ( ctobi i 30, :ii the reside nee of the parenta, No. !2 Mandrake itreet The bride' frlends i rut he -n il) gr i platforms as hj fullya baethflBeofOhloandsurroand Ing State - Cleveland Leader. Taeltappy bride aml brldegroom h:ivc the kin 1 n h. "tillarle circle of frlends al thelr childhood home. - 'i'iiitacriial. W ' are having new arrivalá r ¦¦.¦ riv. A leu weeks ao in t lic fíernml piopt-r, Uien ere two hoodred and sevente n iudiiits now tliere artí two bundrejl :.nd forty-two Ix-sidos otkera lio re 1 classifiinl. That tlie populartty ol thi umi Immmíos m leen irom tbe feet not only Mloblgra mida a large cMefatioo, but ilo niüiiy ot the dtlicT States rt weil reprcstntetl, and all s"';k weU :iml are liijjhh ilc.-i-ctl with tlifir aliiüi niMlcr, and excellvnl eorpifll teadwn eonneeted witli it. - Ypsilantian. Three of the western siatcs sent troopi to Vorktown at tlic review on Thnr.-day. All the original 18 stalcs wiiiuh sent the old "Contini'ntals in tlicir rftgged rcirimentaU" to the revohitionary nnnies Ml i'picsciiIimI. Fiiht i-iiinc t lic t hathain arlillery iitM.curia, tb oldesl oranizatioii In the parade. It datrs tnuil ITStl. and ilgima were cast in 1755. Gray and Marlet are its colors. NVw JetMf nt I SM lialtalion of picked men, and l'ennsylvania t full regiment wearing lon blue oyercoat and perfeetly equljtpod for active ffeld mm ice, aren to Iwrenaoka, OMitaaM and cofl'ee cups. Dclawarc sent a sniall batialiim aiKi her i'th reglmsnt, which m accouatedope of the bat lookjng in the whole line, and aho the Boston eadets in tlifir haHdMUe nnil'oini. Nct after the 'Jth oaine the crack Iíaliiininc regiment, the 5tb llayraland. South Carolina had Urn ftnc loinpaniis 00 the gronnd, one oí which bon the old Fntaw battlc tlar, and Ni w Hampabirti (bllowed with three coupaoies in daik-llic. 'iiginia made a very haiidsoine kpptantBOe, with a squad of cavahy, fmir reglmi gtay infantry and srveral unutlarhc d COISpautes, atuong which wan dored treopi n h" fo more applaon than ay bl the rest. New Yurk was representad by the l.'ith regiment lnm Bronklyn and two coinpanies trom BttffalO) with Uoihsoitli's band at thcir hcail. Xorth Carolina gotong the Southern States came uext to VllglüU in the nuniber of her troQps, Imi tbey wiic said to have (OS miuli a irly of nnil'orni for the best eft'ect. Rhode Lsland forwarded two Providence oomparne, and Con nectieut sent a full regiment wkiob was delayed on tlnL sti;imcr but liially reached theground justin time to fal in at tlie raar of tbeTolunteercolutao. Ottpe three States outside of the old K! vhich sent troops, MiihiL'aii clearly stood irst. with her six eompanies from ditlVrcnt rtgio Vermont sent two eompanies, onelVoin SI. Albans and one from Urattlebon., and a Kentucky battalion of lic wmiajtniei brought the total number of it&tea rejjresented up to 16.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News