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FÖR SALE A LARGK HANDSOME I IM 1 11,1 MI A fine animal and a Splendid Kuadster. Álso Carriace, Harness. Bolies.etc. Inqulre at 35 South Main Street, or 48 Washington Street. A.L. NOBLB 8-tf Mortgaire Sale. IwEFACLT havine been made In the condltlons F of a cirtaln lndenture of mortgage executed by Hughey Mi-Umjhlln and Mary Ann McUuthlln, hl w fe. of by van, Washtenaw county Michigan, to Rice A. Beal, bearlug date the Twi-nty-Third day of May, A. D., 1878, and recorded in the offlei of register of deed for the coanty of Washtenaw fn the state of Micbican, ou the twenty thlrd day o( May A. D., 1878, In llber 66 ol mortgates, on paire 344 bv which the power of sale contained thereln ha bicorne operative.on whlch morteajte there In clalmed tobe doe on the 23.1 day of 3av, A. 1)., 1881. two yearly Innullmenls of lntereBt on said principal Kum, belne 414. to(fether wlth an attorney' fee of {30, provlded for In ald mortaee In all the gm or four handred and forty-lonr dollar ($444), and no proceedlngi havlng been Inetlluted to recover eald um or auy part thereof. Notlce therefore 1b berebf (flren, that on Frldny. thu 13th day of Jaiuiarv A. D , UU, at lü o'clock In the foienoon, at tüe eau front door of the court houae, in city of Ano Arbor, In the said cuunij of Wasbtenaw said mortcaie will be forocloi-cd by vlnue of the p'oer oi ale therein conulued, by a Bale at public auction to the i hiKhwt bld.lir ot the luortwed prambtt di-BCribed lti ald mortxatje, or ao much thereof u may be Bufflcient to satisty the amoant dne on xaid mort(iage, vlz: The ooth-aat qaarter (-)or the soutbwest qaarter (fc) of cctlon ihlrty-flv, townBhlp one (No. 1; onth of ranKe three (.) ,aei In the townxhtp of Lvndon. Also the north part o! the nonh-wt fracilunal quarter or MCtion two In I townstilp two Bouth of rniie tbree east lu tbc townhip ofSylvan, and all that part of sectlon three """'"P' rng last aforcsald, known bounded and decrlbed aa rollow. to wit : BcRlnntnr at the north-ea.t mot of sectlon three, ïunnlnK thonce west on tbt uorih line of sak! ictlon ubout serenty rods. thence onth parallel with the east llue far enoiiKh to lnclnde wlthln a line drawn east parallel with the north line of eald sectlon to 5a iaitt line of ald section, tkence ent to aection and thence north to the plac of blnninir, b.inK In "n one hundred and Blxty-elght and 2S-100 acres of land Oated, Oetober 21sl, 1881. SiWTiB Khowltoi, ' ' M,1,,,, Attorney for Mortgage. IWJl"


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News