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Show ycsterdny. The name of the post oftice heretofore rulled Palnt Creek has been changed to Newoomb. Ad order from New Hextoo for a rold watch was reoeivecl and fllted by C. Bliss & Son, ycsterday mornlng. líichael Hangsterfer, of the flfth ward, dicil on Saturday last. Bl8 funeral took place from hls rasidence ou Snoday at oue "'dock. The I. iiilics' II. niinM)iuthic Hospital Aid al ion wDl meet in the Faeiilty room :il Ihe hospital, 011 Thursilay, Nov. lOth, ' o'clock p. m. The Dailf News is now ])rinted from a press of its oivn. Stcam power will soon !¦ sed, the Btem transferred i'rowi Kberbuch'a no.w laboratory. Mr. Georjre Marsden lost $17 wovth of eabbagea and cauliflowera un Monday nihi - another eKampte of the llberty atlowed ou Hallowi-rn. NYw tin roofs are being put on A. L. Nobli'V store, the bank, nul the Courter office. A nail is Qriven lierc and theve between sbower. The young daughter of JIr. Alien, blackHinitli on the córner of Main and Cfttherine Itreetê, died last Tuesduy. The funeral took place Tliursilav af'tcrnoon. Nearly all tlie memben of the pólice forcé went to Ionio with prisoners in tlmir charge last Wedneaday. The circuit oourt is rapldly dlsposing of cases this term. The band boys are talking of securitif; the services of Mr. Fox, of the law school, as teacher. He is a nuraber one cornet plajer, and just the man to teach a band. Sidney Jlillard bronght back with him from Yorktown several bolls of cotton whicli lie uicked from a field near the encampment. have a oonple of fine speolffiens of the same at our office. Hi-v. Mr. Sunderland'g next Snnday'a subjcfts will be, in the morning, "The Life of Dr. Clianning;" in the evening, "The Mythical EMfcent in the J5ible;" before his students' Bible class, atnoon. "Isthere a God ?" _____ All premiums awarded at the touiity fair will be pakl to tliose calling at the office of the treaourer, Dr. Smith, on or after Friilay the 4th inst. Parties calling for that pui pose will ple.ise sLa.te thelr buincs ,-it the uoor. The fust oL tae series of Stuulay afternoon lectures In University Flall will be dellrerèd next Sunday at 3 o'clock. Dr. Wlnchell will give au address in meinory of the late Bishop Haven, ex-President of the Univeisity. ? Rciisons for not flllag information for ivsi-ting an offleer were filed yestcrday, In the ':ise of the Gidleys, on the ground that the oflker on attemptiog to make a levy 'li.l noL m""""" liis c:ip:u-Hy and tllopiir jiose of his piesence. VVednesday evening theGcrinan Laborinj Association crlebrated the fifteenth anni versary of thelr oranization. Thcy had jrood time, while the refreshment passet around, and rtarted in on the new year a Btrong mul ilourishintr body. Gracc, the young daughter of Profes sor Otis E. Haven, Superintendent o Schools at Evanston, 111., has been quite sick witta typhoid fever, but is slowly re covering. 8he is graadd&utfhter of Mrs Siitherland wlm hu gone to that city. Mis. Carrie Braithwaite and Dr. 1. 11 Qarriaoo, oL East Greenbush, N. Y., were marrieU Bept. 28th, at the residenee o Dwigkt Leland, tlie bride's cousin, in Madi son, X. Y. 'I'Ih; brille formerly resided, nul luis many friends Ín Ann Arbor. A business man in this city has written and pasted in front of bis desk : "July 22 1881, quit the use of tobáceo In every fo'rm, declarlng it to be injurlous, and expensive. After twenty years of experience lie tliinks be has a ritflit to judge." The postal authorities have given postmaaten permUgion to correct tbe addresses on niisclircctcd mail matter. This will prevent a great deal of what bas beretofore been a ustless delay In the case of sucb matter, but it will inorease caielessness in fllreotlng. In the Circuit Court, yesterday, an informatiuB cbarging a technical false imprlaonment,wuflled aainst JusticeGranfrer, to whlch lie pletded Ruilty. He was nominally íitic.l live dollars, ilr. Granger hínuelf mggetüag flw dollars instend of one dollar. Saturday erening li tbe time appointed for tbe Diokens lóela] at the CongregaHonal Chnrch, The charaotar have been selceted witli care, and the persons repreBenttng them are admlrably fitted for their 1 roles. If yon wisb to have :i jolly time, go to this entertainment. Mr. Marx, kaown among the boysas LHtle Mark, was giren a serenade on Monday evening by Professor Otto's band. The boys were out in their new uniforma, tli Whfch thcy are cxceedinglv well 'i and look vciy tinc JJ e have in hand a copy of an address delivered by i:,v. Dr. Cocker before the ¦' Initltute oL the Detroit Annunl Conference at Port Hurón, Mich. The UbjeO f the discoure is Modern Scepit la a thorouííhiy pbilowphieal ¦¦ andihonld be read by every one ;:;;;;rii;lllybythos,. whoareinclined The Presbyterians have cngajiccl Proftgsor Slraondi to ply the organ in tin-hïiiircli. Mrs. Warden, teacher in the sohool of music is to be leader of the qulr. Certain of the city papers have made the statement that Miss Kellogg made her flrtf appearancc before an Ann Albor audience on the 26th uit. The truth of the matter is Miss Kellogg sang in Ann Arbor about ten years ago and probably before as criticul an audience as the one th:lt listened to her last week. The roof of the Codrikr building was removed last Wednesday for the po rpose of putting on a new one. A rainstorm came up, however, and drove the workmen in from off the roof so we wei obliged to fight the rain until one o'clock in the morning. Fortunately no great ilamage was done. The St. James Hotel, or old Gregory House, will be in full running order, and the doors will be open on Monday next. We are inclined to believe that the above statement is in the main truc, but how we are going to flnd an item to hereaf ter fill the place of this standing local, we ennnot say deiinitely at present. Oa Monday lust the stove-pipe in the room ocoupied by the sixth grade in the fourth ward school building feil down. The timely use oí water prevented a fire. Tlie pipe was not sccurely wired in the lirst place. There is no excuse for such au accident. The afternoon session ot' the school was not called in that room. -- Last Monday evening the Ann Arbor Typographical Union elected and installed asofficers: E. J. Morton, President; John Green, Viee-presiilcnt; J. B. Saunders, Corresponding Secretary; Xouis Guenther, Financial Secretary and Treasurer; Wm. Aotion, Seargent-at-arms. John Williani Keuting, Robert Shannon and Geo. Stauch were choxeu :is Board of Directors. Among the entertainments of the week was a walking match between Miss May Marshall, of Chicago, and Mr. E. L. Rooks, of the law school. The match took place on Tuesday evening last, at Armory hall. Mr. Rooks gave out while walkiag the seventeenth mile, owing to his exertiiig liiniMlf too much in other directions. KiM Marshall was beaten last week in Vpsilanti by a man named Penniman, but is a very even walker. Mr. Wm. Streetcr has handed us a letter writlen from the post office department of the Confedérate States ói America and dated irom Richmond, Va., July 2üth, 18G1. This is quite a common pleee of literature, describing the battle of Buil Run trom ¦ rebel standpoint. The writer hopes that the result of this battle will open the cv es of northern people and "show them the foily of attempüng to subjugate Virginia, or any other Southern State." Tlie last use to which big feet have been applied is to stop up holes in the sitien niks while the Iadie9 pass over the dangerous places. We understand froni various hints that a younj; lady left a grave and reyerend senior in such a predicament on that excuse tor :. liridge across the Huron River a few evenings since. The boot was abont as larjre as the hole and the hole about as large as the boot. Wliat was done ander such circumstances we leave to the itnagination of the reader. The next entertainment, under the auspices of the Students' Lecture Association will be given this evening in University Hall, by the Slayton Concert Company. The troupe consists of the following well known musicians: Joseph Heine, the blind violinist; MissErama Hovey, prima donna soprano; Miss Mae St. John, contralto; Mrs. Ada Helne, accompanicst Mr. Jas. L. Johnston, tenor; Sig. Folsini, bariton?. They all have first class reputations, and should be greeted by a large audience. About 1 o'clock lust Tuesday a little disturbance arose near the corner of Main and Catherine streets, caused by the use of too mueh poor whisky. A crowd was soon collected and the sidewalks were blockaded. The amount of vile and indecent language that was poured forth, was a disgrace to any community, whether civilized or barbarous. It was no fault of the pólice, for they cannot be omnipresent. The only way to stop such occurrences is to that up some of the saloons, of which Ann Arbor has more than the nuniber generally considered sufficient t supply the market with stimulants in a place of its size. People who did not know that Monday night was Halloween were convinced that sueli was tlie case when they came to view the streets, sidewalks and fences on Tuesday inorning. Jf there were two pieces of furniture for yard, street or building, that were not Intended to be placed in eonnertiui witl cn.'li oHinr tllpy wel'P. foill f" be in close proximity on that mornlng. Gates and lamp-posts, boulders and sidewalks, were found to have fornied a sort of partnership, with the intended parpóse of breaking skulls and of cracking sliins. The groups of miscellaneous inanimate objeets that liad mysteriously gathered on the corners during the night would lead one to conje'cture that a secoud Orpheus had been trying his musical powers on Ann Arbor's real estáte, üur forefathers suppo8ed that spirits roamed about on this night; but judging froni the hideous cries that disturbed peaceful citizens, we are ín- clined to believe that there was enough flesh abroad to elothe a good many pairs of strong lungs. As it was Halloween, we suppose that it was all right, and that law and order must give way to ancient customs.