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J ... [I PROFESSORtA "4 A l "11 -¦¦ j mmJVj 1 Mwln fnuu l'rofcor ilorwforü' AcM rimgphat. Bcommnidd by Icadinj? phyfrlan. lfftkPM lijjliltT btwmitf CMMt (., and U h. tlthier thuu ordluary líaking I'omilCT. In run. Soid at a rrasonablo prlrn. The llnrufonl Alcuunac kik! ('ook BmÉ ¦?ut freo. líumford CTumical Wort. FrovideTiep, R. 1 and 83 lAkc Bt. Chic go. 1038-7 IKÏlDCISZKSQ ln HrfEiilnto tho I,lvrr, posillvcly nin II III! DynprpHlfii Índice! ion and Sirk I III llcndnrhr, pn ¦ nr im-l ipm Ion. rv I lij miivii Iti t ioii-ncNN, relieve of ,1 Hl ÜMiii, purify the Biood.Haiwth' [I IrJ nrvN, correct the Simiiacli aiul ilowcK , J U aiHI lliOllM'. ' II lih. Iim iuoriiic. lu ril v and II il. Tfirv -up.i Hrnlu. M ii -#! ilar aml III Ncrvií forre, V'l aro r t" the Kh CrHilctl, 3 y Tononn1 Si re nul li tothe Klm ti-inl, I ¦ ' Nou i i-Imim i.i .....¦-. lf v, ¦ ¦ . . ! . w much I ¦ t-f nniN, TUT TttrTT. ft créalo i I ¦tti.!r.. ¦ L ¦ . Oo m Mí I KM ,, -- 1., ,. (¦¦ t 'Ki i i -, tlMT nt I ymiamanKuishln rruinl n door J IM ¦ niiliniiiii nl . (htTMorli OT Hiirnnr, ¦ [lor lf your Jtiiiin Isi.vcrtan'd.Mam-U'tt I ul üiid Pfrrre Wcnkoned y lnss of Bloep I II ptlte, 'ir hu-in, "tf trafn, thvy wlll [f Hl Nnlirl-h. STn lijft h. n a tul y -mi. ¦ uta ILomjaounS-jiJf IS A REALLY RELIADLE REMEOY FOR WASTINC AND NERVOUS DISEASES. Alter numtTuiio experJmenig Mr. F6II01 In producten thic cymblnttlon of llypophocphites, whicli ha uot otily rectorad him to in-alth, bal has !-inct' bcfii found bo raccMsfol In the treattiiciit oT flisesHe cmaiiatiiitr fnun loss ol nerve pwtr, and ontcqnentl] mniCDlu rulaxation, vlz : Aphouiii (Iom ol wii -i ) NcMirafgta, Anemia, Ni rv.mi DebUltjr, Cbronlc Dlarrboea Whooj'ing t'ouu'h, Dyept' '' ction of the LiiDf, Fever and Agne, Palpitatlon of the Hcart, Leocnrrhii"!. MeUDChoIy, Mal;iria. M.'i.ta! 1) pre-sion, Waiwmw MALARIA. Pertooi l-v nsr in malario - may j.rntoct rh t'om HUCkl of h-vt-r by tbfl une of FelIown' (mii ml Myriip f llypopliopiilles. [11 effecta in lonloff up ihe sysn-m endhjc- iif to ward of conragioni dliorderi and puccaïlfnilj rorabat diThe 8olul)lf phoBphltea and thoother llfe-sustalnini principien coraposing Pellowa BjpopbospbitM nrv fio carofully propnrtioned ana "O judicioiuiy mlnffled that their accon apoa tbe Derrea, muncle aud mtnibnaei In Impartínc virality, Btrencth and healthy actinii ig generalij apparent wiihiu twenty.four honra and the ood effocti uxjierienced are of a permanent chara i f TH E G RE AT C URE RHEUMAT1SM ¦ Aü it is for all diseases of tho KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. Tt oleansos the aystem of the acrid poison tliat causes the droadful sufferingr which ' only the victima of fihoumatism caá realice, , ; THOUSANDS OF CASES of the worst forma of thls terrible diacase , have been quicfcly relieved. In a short time i PERFECTLY CURËD. 1 hu had woiiderful miccesBt and an immense I sale in every part of the Country, In hundredBofcasesit liaocured wheroall else had failed. Itis mild, but effleient, CEKTA1N , IN ITS ACTION, but harmless in all oases. tirlt cUatiM, Nt 1 hm and cItc New ' Life toall the important organs of the body. , The natural act ion of the Kidneys isrestored. The Li ver Is cleansedof alldiseaae.and the ' Bowels move freely and liealthfully. In thia waythe worst discaaca are eradicatcd from the aystem. ' Au lt has been proved by thousands that 1 la the most cffectual remedy for clcansing the -( systemof all morbid seeretfons. It shouldbe used in every household as a SPRINC MEDICINE. ', Always pure EILIOÜSNESS, C0N3TTPA1 TION, PILES and all PEMALE Dmosaee. Ispiltupiiilry VfcrtablrFornt, intincaiïfl, AlBO in Uquld Form. vt-ry 'oncentratcdfor ' th' u-iiiwuiiiiotrfiuiilypn ', paro it. Itactticith erjual efllciencyxnetthtrform. . get nor tour nuuGGisT. rnioE, i.oo WXLU, UCBiRBSOS M Ce.. Prj'i, ' fWilUfnil :li" .lrypwt-palil.1 "¦ III.IMiTO. VT. IO27-TB Turrs PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPÏD LIVER. Losa of (ippetite, Nausea, bowols costive, d.with a dull aensation in the back part, Pain nmler the shouldirblade.fullness aftci rating, with adisinclination to ciertion of body or mind, Irritabihty of ti-mper, Low Kpirits.LoBS of memory, with 11 feeling of tiavinpr neglected somo düty, weariness, Dizzineas, l'lutterinc; ot tho Henrt, Dots before the eyes., Hnidache, Kestlesaness at night, hichly colored Urine. IT THESE WAENIN OS AEE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUIT' 8 PILLS Iirtt eaperially adapted to mu-li cs-s,ont dote fceeti Hiirhnchane of fee lint as In agf ntltl the HufTerer, They laevaaM Aiiii, nnd cause the body 10 Tilic on Klrah. tli" the ü.vslem Is noiirUli'1.:t: ! ly W: 1 1 Tonir %rtlil(n the ll)[-ll ItrstilHrMooUare prudacd. Prli ¦ nis :a Tl:irn HU. N.Y. TUTT'S HAIR OYE. Gray HAiaorWHiaKEM el - v BLAI K li. ' H Impar I s a natura; '?!¦ Office, 35 Murray St., New York. (Dr TITT'S 1 iM II. i.r Vah.aMr Information an4 k I Mful Krrlt. wlll 1 mW IHIK ua nilirtltmm.J 1032-fl rmmJ C ?. ELLIOTT, IWjm Wst-Dptisiin yoVyjflf ' detüoit, woH. Mn'V'viif BPEClAI.TT.the dDïl'taL ';l1' . taclee r tnl f.r I'anqthUi. AsenU wnnlrd for the una Work of G'ARFIELD The only completo story of his noble JIfe and traplc 1i-aLh. Fr.'sh.brli intlyprtntwf in Enyllsli ami (4tiiiiui; iniig-nifi.pmiy illnstratcil; lxolc ver DQhlUhf'l. By John i . Kidpnth. 1,1.. 1. f A iTTT niI i'oimt bny tbe catcapenoy, reVAU XXUiX i with which tho countr) They are utterly wnrthlons;an)!itr;i .cmorvnf ihepreat dead. andn1 i tbt public. Th la book Is entlrrl.r aWi Theonlyworfcworthy the thema, Seud fiOc. in itftmpi'-for Airont'rt Outfit. J. C. CHILTON A CO., Detroit, Micb, 1063-6 khL KINDS OF BLANKS PHlanD OS SHOBT SOTIOB AT THE COCRIEB JOH BOOMS.


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