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I Ayer's Sarsaparilla rOB ITKimNí; THK BLOOI. Thli componDd of the 4til I Veirettble Altemtiteê. EKvWftáÚk''. SaPrill' Hock.StlllAS? jllQj "'-'¦ á M.üdrake, Orar %fc ' wlth the Itxlid.'í oí Pot'Wak v.' ' ÏI1' 'ul Ir""' m"kl ¦ "k í ; min-t effectiul core of í Ps. v ¦ ierieio(complinttht it: - "- M flre v('r3r ïrevlt'nt and kasflft uITliciing. It iiuriflf the Woed, purCM out ttie lnrking humera In thc yatem, that nuriermlm; honlth nnd settle lnto tronblenome disorders. KruptioiiB of the (kin are lbo appearance on Ui MtffeCt ' I humors that should be expelled irom the blond. iiitcrBal denagnanH W 'h'' determinatlon of tl.e Mme humor to somo lnternal orfcan, or orirnns, whose actlon they derange, and .Ti..' ihey diíeaseand destjoy. Ayer's i bumora from the blood. r'yare gout the disorders they produce diatppen, -uch ae Ulcerattone of the Llver, Stomach, Klflney, I.ungf, Ernptions and Eruptiva Dlseaaca ,,l OM skiu. Si. Anthony,. Flre, or Eryalpelaa, I'imi.l.s. lu-iul..-. Hlotche, Boils, Tnmore, Tetter :uid Salí Khc -iiiii. Sial.l n.'ad, Ringworm, Ulcera ind Sores, líhiumatlsm, Neuralgia, Pain in the side and FIcad, Female Wekne??, Sterlllty, Irmn internal ulceration and Dropay, Dyspepaia, Emaclatlon . ith] l).-t.i!ity. With thelr departure, hcalth retnrD?. PKEPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & ('o., Lowell, Maal, ¦cal and Anslytical Cheniiat. told by AH '1 I'.'aleni in Medicinca 07 tedw The Leading Toy & Fucy doods Eossb OF MICII Ih ii vltiUng the Lity of Detroit do BOt [kil t" HEYN'S BAZAAR, I rmerly Ru=fll House Bazaar, which s nu i.%;int venue, fonnt-r BtJ of 11., ALEAMBEA DOLLAR STOEE. : ¦ wc) !-known places of public patrontlY ricently been cunsohdated undcr onc ¦ nt, and we desire to cjill special attcotloa to our large aiul wtll selecte.! line of Tojs, Fancy Boods, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Whitney Children's Oarriages, "elocipsdes, Espress Wagons, kt,, kt. Which we will continue to sell at popular prices. An early cali i respeclfullv oücited. H. HEYM & BRO., HEYN'S BASAAE, 92 WOODWARD AVE., III'.TIIUIT, ÍIICII. 1011-71 SURE REWARIM CÏÏEAP HOMES IX JttlCHIOAS. HALF MILLION ACRES OK FfflIG UÜ I OK SA L]L BV Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad Gompany. Railroad Completed Through Center of Lands. o nnt iro VioM or Soutli mitll yon lonni nhat Michigan offers Intclligrent farnurs. Yo eau do battor witli less inoncy ïioarcr Iiomc. Lanils rioli, drj-, and gently rolling. 'riinlxTPil niufiily Tvith Silgar Mflplo, Rock Kim, HaMvml, lik, licccli, Hemliick, ¦!., mikI are rail utered ly lakn, iiviT and spring lirooks. sinniK1 soiis, line ereps, lionlthy cnniaic, wkAoll and clinrclics, i ut cl Herent pop u lat ion, maiiily from Eastern States and Canada. For Booki, ltps, etc., addresa W. O. HUGHART. Land Commissioser, GRAND RAWDS, MICH. TITLE FKRFECT. 1051-1078 GET THE BEST ! LEÁD ALL OTHERS 1 EveryStyle&Price. Guaranteed Uncqualod FOR OPERATION. ECONOMY, DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. laprovements. aad Convenlenees found la o otiers. AlwaysiReliable. POPULAR EVER YWHERE. For Sale4irT Every City and To wn 'In the United Staten. Afld by John Pfmtbrbr. Alm Arbor, Micb. 10M-Klé7 ). H. DOWNS VEGETABLE BALSAMA ELIXIR Is a ture cure Tor Coughs, Colds, Whooplng-Cough, and all Lung Diseaset, when talcen in eason. People die of consumption impy because of neglect, when the timeljr uie of this remedjr would have cured them at once. riflu-one yeara of constant ue prove the fact that no cough remed ha ctood the test Hke Doten' Elixir. Vtiut 36o. 60o. and SI .00 par botUa. Tur Sale Ererywhtre. Dr.Baxter's Mandrake Will cure Jaundice, Dispepsia, Liver Complaints, Indigestión, and all diseases arising from Biliousnes. Price 25 cts. per bottle. For Salo Kvenrwhere. I1KK11Y fc JOHIHII ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENTÏ For .11 un and Bea$t. The most pffect liniment eet ¦ compounded. Price 25c and 50c. I Fur Sale Eiorj' whore. 10IH67 STEPHEN I Mi ATT, MiNlPACTriiEB OF High anS Low Pressure Boilers Of all klndv S.l(iKi: PIPES and all SHEET IKON WORK. Congres SU west, between Thlrdand KoarthsU., DBTBOIT, Itc'-palrlng done. Rlvets nnd Boller Píate for sale. 1W4-10KS


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News