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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Chiirch. lïKv. S. IIaskell, Pastor. Sahbath services, io'í a. m. nd i p. m. Sunday School litei mornlng service. Prayer meeting Thursday evening ut ix o'clock. Catholic Chnrek. Rev. Father Fierle, Pastor. I.ow Mss. 8 K. i. High Ml, io,'a a. M. Vespers 4 p. M. Sunday School, 3 % F. M. Ooiigrupatioiuil Clmrch. Ritv. V. H. Rïdir, Pastor. Sabbath services, io'L A. M. nd 74 p. m. Sunday School after mor inL services. Prayur meeting Thursday evening at 7' o'clock. Episcopal Chnrch. Rkv. Wyllvs Hall, Rector. Sabbath services, io A. M. and jí r. K. Sunday School. 1", r K. Itcligious services Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. (jerniaii MoÜuxlist ('liiirch. Rev. C. Tranker, Pjstor. Sahbath services, ioVj A. M. and 7)4 P. M. BundarSchool, at nine o'clock a. M. l'r 1 ver' meeting on Wednesday. Lutbcraii (lunch. Rev. John Neumann. Pastor. Sabbath aervices, 1014 a. m. and -j$ i'.M. Simday School alter mornlng service. Prayer meeting, Thursday tvcmng at 7 o'clock. ílpthortlst Episcopal Clwreh. Rev. John Alabastkr, Pastor. Sabbath services. ioV{ a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School after morning service. Pravcr nwetlaff, Thanday evening at 7I4 o'clock Young People's Meeting, Sunday evening 6. Presbyterian t'Imrch. Rev. Richard H. Steele, D. D., Pastor. Sabbath lorvlce, i'4 a. m. and 7( p. m. Sunday School and Bible class alter morning serice. Prayer meeting. Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Young People's MaaHog, Sund.iv cveniny ó%. I' Hilarían Chnrch. Rer. J. T. Sundebland, Pastor. Sabbtth s-rvic's at 1014 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 12 m. Students Bible Ciass at 9:151". M. Zions Lnthonin Cliurch. Rev. II. F. Bklser. Pastor. Sabbath services at io1 A. M. and 7 p. M. Sumlay School immediately lifter service. Itc.iious services Wednesday eveuing at 7 o'clock. BUSINESS RD8. II.1.1UI BIGG, BUILDER. SHOP: CORNER CHÜRCH ASÜ ORLKAXS ST. Ann Arbor. 1021 73 W. H. JACKSO.V, office: : OVER BACH & ABEL'S. Entrance by First Natioual IiaDk. -.i-Jtl HILLIA11 IIEKZ, Ilouec, Sign, Ornamental and Fresco Paixter. PaperiDg, Qlazln;;, Qlldlni;, and Calcirainlni; and work or every d';acr!ptlon doDc In the best style. and warranted to give Batisiaction. KIn 11. o. 4 West IVaMhlugton (Street. Ann Arbor, Mlchtgsrj. 638tf WILLIAM W. NICHüLS, IDIEUXTTISJ? i $& UA9 REMOVED TO HIfl NEW DENTAL UOOMS OVEK JOK T. íiOHm' STOBI. .563tf THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Au Arbor, Michigan, ÏUNSACÏS GENERAL BAOTfi BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. Organizad onder the General Banking Law of thle State, the stockholdere are indlviduiilly littbie lor an additloual amonnt equal to the stock held hy thcm, thereby creatiug a uarantee Fund for the benefit of OepOMitorM of $100,000.00. Three per cent. interest I? allowea on all SaviniíB Deposite of on dollar and upward, accordíiiíí to the rales of the 11 in k, lui d interest compoanded sornl-annuully. Money to loan onnnincumbered real estáte and other good security. Direetori- Christian Mack, W. W. Wlnes, R. A Bea] William Ueubel, W üliam I). Harrtman Daniel Hlacock, and WUlard B. Hmith Offlcers: 'HHiHTiAN Mack, Pres. W. W. Wima, Vlce-Pre Cuas. E. Biscock, Cashler. 915-986 GUT THE BEST Fi re Insurance JS $42,000,000 lm Security held for tfie protection of the policy liolder-. CHRISTIAN MACK Representa the follcnving lirat-class ciiij;i nies, of which oue, the iEtna, has alone puid $55,000,000 lire losses in sixty years : tna, of Hartford „ $ 7,400,000.00 Botton Dnderwrltere 2.500 ('OU UO i;ranklm, PhlladalphU) 8J01 000 OU erintn American, N. Y _.. . 2 HQO 0U0 00 Ijondon Auranc! Corporation lñ!s(X))oluO National, Hartford 1,2IKI,UOU 00 Ijorth (.ermaii. IlanUmrir 2,000,000.00 ' tl'ünlx, Knoklyn„ „ ' SOU ÍKMKH) Underwrlters AXency, N. Y „_.. 4,'(iOu!oou!oO Losses liberally acljustert atul ))romptly pala. Policios issued at tlie lowest rutes of premium. 1021.73 CHRINTIAX MACK. PERDÖNLÜMBERYARD JAMES T0LBERT, Prop., Manufactnrer and Dealer In SACINAW GANG-SAWKI) LUMBKR, LATH AND SHINGLES. Al.SO AlitNT FOM JACKSON SEWER PiPE CO., AND 8BLL8 FIRB BR1CK. JAMKS T0LBKRT, Prop. JTllJt feb.l.'7i A" Uind. of Book.Bln(UjIC a.e t The Courier offlee on .hort ¦tle.


Ann Arbor Courier
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