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Ayer's Clierry Pectoral is a renlly remar kuble and time-honored medicine. It is tli ¦ best ramedy known'for dlteaaeaof the tlnoat aml hragh The Echo ooghl to have a thousand suiKribera in th!i county. It will fonn au adtnirable companion and supplement to the ( u ïai'.H, which of course has Int claims on the rcadino; public of Wa.-htenaw íounty. Il i mi) y 7.") ce 'its n y car and can be had three inonths on trial fof 10 cents. CuinpIIrations. [f the tbonundi that now have thelrreet anti comfort destroyed by compliratun of liver and kidney complalnti woold gfive nature1 Wort, a trui thev rould be epeedlly cured. It actyon both ergani at the ame time and therefore oompletely filis the bilí for a perfect reraedy. If you have a lame back afid dUonlered kidoeya use it at once. Don'tneglectthein. - Miiror and Farmer. It is impossible lora woman af ter a faitliful conree of treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compmind, to continue to sulfer with a weakness of the uterus. Endose a stamp to Mis Lyilia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for her pamphh ts. Henry's Carbolic SaUe. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Hrniea, Sores, Uicers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped [lands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Skin Eruptiona, Freckles and Pimples. Besure you get Heniiy's Carbomc Salve, as all others are but imitations and counterfeits. Price 25 cents. Dr. (ireen's Oxjgenated Bitters Is the best remcdy for Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Malaria, Indigestión, all disorders of the stomach, and diseases of the blood, kidneys, liver, skin, etc. DURNO'S CATARRH SNUFP cures all affections of the uiucous mcmbrane of the head and throat. DR. MO'fT'S LIVER PILLS are the best catharlic. The Leading Toy & Fancy Goods Eousb OF MICH. Whtn visiting the City of Detroit do not fail to HEYN'S BAZAAR. Formerly Russell House Bazaar, which is now Incated at 91 Woodward avenue, former stand of the old ALHAMBRA DOLLAR STORE. These two weJl-known places of public patronage have rcceiitly been consohdated under one management, and we desire to cali special atttntion to our large and well selected line 1' ppapa r-in-r (Joods, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Whitney dtflttrena 0 Velocipedes, Ezpress Wagons, &c, &:. Which we will continue to sell at popular prices. An early cali is respectfullv solicited. H. HEYN & BR0„ HEYN'S BAZAAR, 92 WOODWARD AVE., nr.THOiT. fililí, inii-71 ¦RS. LYD1& E. PIHKH&M, OF LYNN, USS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEQETABLE COMPOÜND. Ia a rnslllvp Cnra forll Ikai Plnil oinplulnlt al nkntHU ¦ orommou toour belt fennlo populutlou. IlwUlour entlrely tïie xont f orm of Famale Complkinta, all OTarian tronbll, Infltmmation and Uloar tloo, Falllng aiiil I)lilacaraenta, and the conaaqnant Bplnal WeaknaH, and lt iHutloularly adapUd to tl Cnanga of Llfa. It wlll dUioWa and pel tumor f rom tha nterni in an early itage of devalopmeut. Tlio tondenoy to oan crroui bumorth0rlf checked very ipeadUy by lta un. Xt remoret f alntnesi, flatulency, deitroyiall orarlng t ot ftlraulanti, and rHTi weaknaM of the atomaoh. It ouraa nloatlng, netdacbe, Jierrnti Proatratlon, Oaneral DebUlt y, eioepleawau, Deproialou aod lniUgeitlon. That feellng of boarlnj down, canIn( pain, welghl and backach, iê alwayt permanentlr oured by lta vim. It will at all tlraei and under all clrcumitancai act In harmonr wlth th lawi that goTtrn the femala iyitem. Tor the cure of Kldney Complaintt of altear m tolt Compoond If anmu-pasaed. LTniA E. PINKIIAMS TEGETABLE COM' POÜMD i prepared at 133 and 35 Woetera Arenua, ijnn.Maja, Pricetl. Blibottleafor 5. Bent by mail In tbe f orm of pilla, alio I n tb f orm of loiensM, on neelpt of price, tl per bo f or elther. Mr. Plnkham freelyaniwen all letten of Inqolrr. Send for pampalet. Addraaa ai abore. Uentlon tMt faptr. Ko famlly ibonld be without LTCIA K. PltfKSAM'S LITER THÍB. The? cura oonatlpatlon. bUlonnnai, and torpiaity of the Her. 16 oanU par box. ¦ar Bold by all Druaslau. -fc KI84-niB Acenta iranim for the Llffc and Work of G'ARFIELD The onlv complete story of hls noble Ufe and traglc death. Frih,brllUant,rellKblp. Kleftantly prlntl In Encllah nil Orinan. iiiiiKiiin'-fnlfy llhmtrfttd; haiKiHonii-ly bnunil. Fiisu-st fielhn boolc fverpnhllihl. By John V. l(ilnth. I.I.. 1. P A TTTTflW x "ot buv the catchpenny, retAUllUJl vampprt cmpai(i boi.k wlth which th country Is floodl. Thpy are utterly wr)rthlesn;anoutrnge opon thememorvof ths:rea( dead, and a base fraud on the public. Ttils b(-"k U aitlr#tLr dw. Theonly workwortby tb a theme. Send 6Oc. In stamp for Agent' Outfit. . ¦ 1- J. C. CH1LT0N & CO., Detroit, Micb. ¦Hl


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