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Neuralgia. It has been aseertained that tke most invetérate cásea "i Neuralgia are cnred by Feüow's Couipound Syrnp of llypophospbites. l'hvsicians say Hopt and Malt Bitters are th bent. When a oongh sounds like Croup - tliat is ilry and hárd - do oot delay un InsUntl (iive Downs' Elixir often enongh to keep the eough loóse, and the dangei 11 iood be over. As a remedy to purify the blood, notiiing can be found eqiial lo DK IíAXTKK's M aN dií.vkb BlTTKKS. l'rice 25 cts. per bottle. ín Hknut & Johnson's Árnica and Un we furnish you alarbe bottfc for 5U cents. A Ouiili, 'oíd or Sorc Tlirout shonld be stopped. Neciect frtqueatly nülts Id an Incurahlp Lunir; Discnsc or Consomptlon. BKOWN'S BKONCHIAL TROCHES do not disorder tbe stomach like cougb syrups and babUtms, but art (lirectly on the bifluud part, aüaying Irritation, r relief in Asthnia, Bronchitis, Cougiis, ('atarrh, and the Tliroat Troubles wnlch Slofera and Public Speakers are subiect to. For thirty years Browil'l Broucliial rrocbes have been recommended by physiciana. and have alvayi n':vcn perfect tatiafaction. Haviag bosn tested bj wide and constant nsn tor nearly m entin ri'inTiition, they have attaiiifd wcll-incritc( rank UOOOg the few staple remedies of the Sold ut -." cents a box evtiyu line. S1,5OO MT vcar fan lic r;i'üy made at home working tor E. (i. Rideoul A Co,, u Harclay Sireet, New York. Scnd torlljcii catalogue and f uil particular. 1061-1113 PILES ! PILES!! PILES!!! A Surc Cure Found at Last. No One Xeci Suffer. A sure cure Rw the Blind, Bleedlng, [teb [ngand (Jlcerated Pileí lias been disoovere by Dr. Williams (mi [ndlan remedy),calle( Dr Wlllianis' ladian Olntment A tingli box has cnred the worst SÉTOPlc CMBS O -" and 80 yan standing, noone neediuffei livi' minutes altrr tpplying this wonderfn Boothing medicine. Lotiona, Instruments and Efectuarles do more barm than good Williams' Olntment absorbí the knmnn allays Intensa Itdüng (partioulaily a niglit after getting warm in bed), aoti ai a poltiei-, gires Instaat and painless relie-t and is prepared only t'or Piles, itching o; the parta, and notbiog ebe, Hcad what the Ron. .1. M, C'otlinberry of Ctereland, says abont Dr. Williams' ín dian Pile Olntment: "] have used sene. of pile cures, bnt it affords me pleasure t say that I have never foOnd any thiiiL wíiich gave raen immed late and permanen reliefas Dr. WUBams1 Indlan Olntmeot." For sale btv all druggists, or mailed m receipt of pnce $1.00. JAS. E. DAVIS & CO. Wholesale Uruggists, Detroit, Mlch., Agenta. 10 81 Tor sale by II. J. Bhown & Co.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News