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Tecumseh is to have a lecture course. There is talk of moving the Blissfield foundry to Adrián. The jury have found a verdict of guilty in the Hall murder case, There is great necd of a lighthouse and a fog signal on Harbor Point. Grand Haven complains of an epidemie of whooping cough in its midst. Benton Harborexpects to rival UlobigBn City In the lumbering business. Peninsular car fnundry at AdrUtn i being increased by several addutons. Some 4,000 bushels of potatoes have heen shipped from Sault Ste. Marie this fall. Boys at llanistee are practicing with slung shots on dogs, windows, and the llka. Centerville is having a temperance revival. Hughes and Ward are holding meetings there. The probable source of supply of water for the propsed waterworks at Adrián is Spring Brook. Petoskey has voted in favor of bonding the village for $14,000 to complete their water works. It is thought that the location of the new asylnm at Traverse Ctty will secure another railroad there in a short time. Ilunters in the Northern woods report that the deer are moving to the NortU. This is another indication of a mild winter. Chas. Bidwell, of Lenawee count.y, lias been chosen president of the State Sliciiil-' Association at the recent meeting at Grand Rápida. The Howell foundry is building a brick iddftion 38x66 feotto the north of the mato building. Still another addition is to be made soon. The Chippewa County News published at Sault Ste. Marie says; "The melancholy days have come" when we go nearly a week without a mail. Stanton b havlng a posLoíBce war. Some of the leading citizens want to change postmasters while others do not. Twopetitions liave been sent to Washington. The paper mili ' at Palmyra has been obliged to shut down, as the roads are so bad that straw cannot be drawn in sufficient quantities to keep the mili running. A few days ago the Wabash railroad track, near Montpelier, sank about four feet for a distance of 700 or 800 feet. This did not, however, stop the running of trains. Col. W. C. Fitzsiinmons of Tecumseh, formerly of Lansing, has gone to Central America to negotiate important business for ex-President Grant and others.- Exchange. The city council or Adrián propose9 to bond that city to the amount of $75,000. These bonds are to bear four per cent. interest, and the money is to be expended in procuring waterworks for the city. Dr. Harding has been appolnted assistant ït flasTong $rfaWM"krti8 geon here to give assistance to sick and disabled seamen, and we are glad that the appointment has fallen into the hands it has. - Chippewa Countv News. Eli R. Miller of Kalamazoo, president of the state flsh commission, bas gone to Washington to secure a quantity of Germán carp for distribution in various streams of the state. The commission bas made arrangements for the hatchingof 30,000,000 whiteftsh during the coming winter. - Lantlng Kepublican. Judge Campbell has the stone foundations laid for his water works buildings, and the pipe-mains are now laid as far west as Mr. Hannah's house, and from the engine house to and across the river. Another car load of piping was received this. week, and two more car loads are on the way. There will be no futher delay on this account, and the pipe-laying on Front street will proceed very rapidly. - Grand Traverse Herald. A party numbering fifteen persons, having surveyed the old south line of the railroad projected by the Air Line Company (rniii .ii..-l..n to FuiicMlc :iit dow engaged in surveying what is called the north line. A citizen of Plainfield oflers, it is said, to ;ive $20,000 if the managers will make that place a station on the line. The surveying party are cordially welcomed everywhere, and the people of Waterloo are inrticularly elated over the prospect of railroad connection with the outside woxld, which this line promises. - Jackson Patriot. Mrs. Sarah Patterson writes to a Detroit paper f rom Flint that she is 62 years of age this month : that since the middle of May she bas made a quilt with J87T pieces, seven mens' shirts, two dresses ; lias taken care of the sick three weeks, has done the woik of a huusehold all the time, hasniilked three cowsregularly, has made and sold !." poundgof butter, besides that usoil liy the family, has ruised 50 chickens, and sold 150 dozen sof eiigs, hasknit three pairs of sock8, besides helping to get in the hay, and has walked live miles to the city and back in a day several times- Jackson Patriot. Mayor Russell of Mt. Clemens w;is retnovedby Gov. .Terome in accordance with the statute of 1873, whieh provides that any member of the eouncil orcity olöcial dlreotly or Indirectly Interestod in any contract with the Corporation ol' which he is ;m officer ghall be fined not less than $.")U0 and be imprisoned not less than one month, and shall forfait his office. Mr. Uussell was proprietor of the Press, which publiMicd the ofllcial proceedings of the council, Complaint was made to the governor, and he (lirectcd Prosecuting Attorney HaflSCOid to Investígate the facts. This was done before Circuit Court Commissioner Sone, who reportad Mr. Rtt88eTl guilty of the charges nreferred, with a full knowledee of the


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