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Chesaning Argus : Henry Jones informa lis thal be has a swarin of bees that made liim t'iis season 131 pounds of honey and swarmcil once. The yonntr s-;irm dkl joikI worl for neiv beginners, making 50 pouodl of the sweet. Who can beat t? Quincy Herald : On the 9th of Nov., 1881, Mr. Cornelina Streeter of Algansee, placed upo n our desk, a small limb of an apple tree, upon which are flve green apaples each about (lie size of a buttcrnut. Tliese are the second erop of apples upon táins tree ríi ;- eason. The Michigan Ohristian advocate has assuuied a ncw fono. It comes to us this weck in the simpe oí a qtuuto instead of a folio. It is of a mueh bandier size and is printed on better papel tliaii formerly. ín Ita mu fbrm it wH contato from six to eight columna mort; of reading matter than beretofore and will cost about twenty dollars per issue more. Adrián Times: It is saiil th:it tlie churohes are profitiug by tlie refusal of the trades people to take punched coin. A man with a halt dol lor with a hole in it will put the coin in thfl collection box rarher than contribute a ten cent piece without bicmish. The chareta officials are able to spil Ota mutilated ooa al dtocóunt, and they flnd Unit the collections are ¦nostttlly liberal, even though eunning ÚbriaUana are pasBinéoff uncurrent money in their lendlnga Ene Lord. Chlppewa County News: There bas lardly been a captain who bas admitted ïat his vessel bas "struck" going down ie Sault River, since the opening of the ew lock, and the boats have been loading o thtrteen feet and thtrteen feet six. [owerer, sracethal time we have noticed bat the dry docks at Cleveland and Detroit ïave been pretty constantly busy docking ie vessels running up here. Oh, no, they on't any of tliem touch the bottom. They irobably all go into dry docks on general rinciples. Charlotte Republiean : A political milenium is nearly reaelied in Detroit. The Jost and Tribune is too good to support part of the ticket nnniinated by the ReMiblican city convention; and the Free -"ress is too saintly to support a part of the cket nomiuated by the Democratie city raventlon. Tliis kind of Sunday school jolitics does very wcli to read aboat in the .ick part of a spelling book but it works arm in the long run. Dissension, loudly dvocated, does not have unity for an offprlng. Harbor springs Repuhlican : Bank robleries, grain gambling and open violation f law by saloonists continue to go on unbated in this land of ours, and it seems lat laws are often made but tobe broken. t is plain and well understood by all tbat bealthier public, moral sentiment, one ïat stock gamblers and all classes of eviloers will not dare defy, is needed. The ecuniary and moral in terests of the public emiind it. Every now and then there is corner run apon wheat, corn, nails, and ven produce, by tbis precious band who ttempt to get rlcb without work. No swindling den. Jackson Citizen : It is a great nuisance nd abomination that there are persons bout Wasbtington gabbling to the effect bat Guitcau has a caso and a chance for cquittal. (iuitcau shot President Garfield ¦c believe. He admits that he did so, and calis cold-blooded murder "removal.'' So lorrible is bis crime tbat there is talk of isanity. Is all Mime then a sort of madess? Do people know wbat tbey mean hen they talk of insanity? Guiteau was ane enough to make very careful calculaons to secure his safety after liaving fired üto the PrBSldent'i back. He is sane nough now to be in a sliuddering fear of mob. He is sane enough to be banged. 11 the righthe bas is the rigbttobehanged fflcially. Port Iluron Times : On Christmas evo, 879, the store of Fish & Sons, on Water treet. now occupied by Geo. Fish & Son. s a grocerv, was robbed of two guns, artrldges, cigars, etc. At the time it ocurred no cine conld be obtained to the ruilty persons, but a few days ago Chief iain was nolitied that if be would arrest Win. Cumpirey and Win. McCulloch he ilght Teco ver the guns. He accordingly rresied them on Saturdarv and recovered ne of the guns from Cumphrey. McCul111 1' sUl tit lio liul one of the ruii8 t lis house, and olllcer Reynolds was sent with hitn to get it. On arriving at the louse he Raid the gun was in the cellar and lie ollieer allowed iiini to go down after it. ''ailing to return at onee, the offleer went alter bim, but he was not there, having eaeáped thyugh a wlndow. Reynolds secmed the gun and then hurried out of the house to look for McCulloch, but he could not be found. I was ulterwards learncd that he had gone to Sarnia. Clinton News : The two schools of medicine of the University are still wrangling. TIn' two oontending partics bad a hearing recently before the boanl of regents who will take the evidence thus gained into Obnsideratlon and give their decisión at their next nieetius.', 1 cc. lith. Toan outsider it looks as thougli this interminable wrangle and jealousy between the rival schools of medicine was a disgrace to the University. Wby can't the men lüred by the State to teaeh llie principies of medicine perfona their pedagogie dut es without quarrellng with eaoh other llkecatt and dogsf Wliat is the use of recognizingdill'erent sclioolsot medicine in llie Tniversilv, ajiy way f lsn't it the facts and ]rinciples of the science that the Studente want, whethet tauglit by B bomeojütthist. alloiathic, eelectic or quack? Isnt the object of the science and art of medicine t prevent or to cure disease, and if so, wliat difl'erence does it make andef wliat name tliis object is acconiplisheil ? Vfe hope the time will come when "schools of mcilicinc" .shall be a Ihilig cil'Ihe paal and when theonly motive of teacher and student sliall beto flnd the truth wherever found and apply it in the interest of sutVering luimanity. Sarnia Observer : The last oil well put down iiy tiic Sarnia aasoehttion was on the liinn ut l'clcr l.ambe, aliout three and ¦ half miles to the ioutheast of the town. At a depth of 000 feet there were soine indicationa of oil, bal the prosecution of the work was summarily stopped last week by the llow of gas l'roni the well eatehing fire from a tor"ch In the hands of one ot the drillers, who al the time was at a distance of B feet from the well, the wind blowing at the linie in his direetion. The ignition of ga8 in au oil well is by no ineaus uu((iininon, but this particular blaze soon (levelnped sume unusual features. The gas. instcad of Imrinnir quletly in a small circle around the outlet, seemed to be forced out wiih extraordlnary, power, and the volume of vivid, gllvery Qame is fully :'.O lect blgh. lint the most remarkable featUN of this very remarkable exbibition is tbat at Intervals ol cxactly '¦" minutes by the wateh there is a grand eruption of water wliich mirtglea with the llames, and so far (rom ezUngnlshtng them, drives them la iheets abare tlie hfffhetl trees, umi falte in showars tbr a considerable distanoe around the well. This cruption ol water wiiieh lasls aboul tuoor t lire. ¦ minutes, is preceded by a gradually Increaslns roar, acciniianicd hv a series ui ]iuwcrful gasps like ol Mme inighty eilgine. Twcntv loadfi cf salid ucre Ihrowu on, bilt without ell'ecl. Atlcrward t nuniber of tarpauttna wen' plaoed over the vent and salid ihrown on top, but the llames belched out with apparenUy onaarpaased vigor, throwlng ihi'sc Impedimenta aside as f tlny were -o many leathei-s. Large nuuiI ! ol people have vi-ited the well.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News