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FOR SALE A LARGE BANDSOME Illililllil flUE A fine animal and Splendld Roadster. Also Carriae, Harness, Robes,etc. Inqnlre t 35 South Mala Street, or 43 Wachlngton Street. A. L. NOBLE. 63-tf Hortgare Rule. DKFAULT havlng been " In the condltloss of a ce rtaln lndentnre o] mortgage executed hy Hujíhey McLaugulIn and Mary Ann Mcljiukrhlln, bis wlfe, of Sylvan, Waahtenaw county Michigan, to Rice A. Beal, hearing date the Tweaty-Third day of May, A. D , 1X78, and recorded In the office of register of deeds for the connty of Washtenaw, Ín the tate of Michigan, on the twenty thlrd day ot May A. D., 187M, ín líber 6 of mortgaties, on page 3!M. by which tbe power of sale contained thereinhas hecome operattve, on hlch morteaee there i clalmcd to he doe on the 234 dy of Mar, A. I) , 1881, two yearly lnstallments of Interest on sald principal suro, being UN. together with an attomey's fee of l'W, provldfd ror lu sald mortgaee. In all the tam of finir baudrcd and forty.four dollars (t-H-li. and no proceediugs havtng been uiftltnted to recover sald sura or any part thereof. Noilce therefore Is hcreby glven, tbnt on Kriday, tbe 18th day of January A. 1) ,1!SÖ, at 10 o'clock in tbe foicnuon, at the est front door of the court house, in city of Ann Arbor, in the sald connty of Wasbtenaw, sald mortgage will bs foreclosed by vlnne of tbc power of sale theruln contained, by a sle at public anctton, to tbr hlghest bidder of the tuortaged premle descrlbed in sald mortgaife. or so much thcreofaia may be sufflrient to satlüfy the amoant dne on said mortgage, vU : The soath-east qaarter f ü) of the south west qaarter (!) of secüon thlrtyflve (35) In townshlp one (No. 1; sonth of range three (3) east, In the townshipof Lvndon. Also the north part of the nortb-wtt fractlonal qaarter of sectlon two in tuwnshlp two south of rangi' three east in Ihe town; ship of BylTan, and all that part of scction three. townshlp aud range last alorenaid, known boundea and deicrlbed aa tolluws. to wit : Begtnnlng at the nortb-eaat corner of aald sectlon three. running thence weat on the north line of said sectlon about erenty rods, thence south parallel with the east line far eoougb to lnclude wlthin a line drawn eaat parallel with the north line of said sectlon to the east Ine of sald sectlon, thence east to section line and thence north to the plac of beginning, belng in all one hnndred and slxty.eight and 28-100 acres of land more or leas. Datad, October 21. t, 1881. R. A. BEAL, Sawti & KicowLTOif, Mortifagee ' Attorneya for MortgagM, 1M1-T8


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News