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What She Should Do

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From the Home Journal, New Vork. A stiorttime slnce an artiele appeared ii the columns of tliis paper, bciii' I wl of a lccture delivered bv a proui nt-ii woinan bi'fore a wellknou n New Knglam society. Tliis article dealt so directly will the needs of wonien, and contaiiml - iiüiny hiato wliicli wan raluable, that ii naturally attracted no little attention, aiu has, we lcarn, heen a subject ol' OMBCnt in social cii des in neariy evcry part ot II land. Re&lizing that no subject Can be ot more vital inixi-tance, as well as inirr. -i to all readers, thau the condition of Uu women of America, Wi have collected au: preparad wttb conatderablecara, addittoiu Cacti baaring OH tbe saine subject. The ladics rf this country have ban more observed and talked ab ut than tho of any other land, and Europeans alwavs notice their charactoristios - usually with admlratloD. Sara Iiernhanlr declareil she did not sec how any one rould resit fallin; in love with "Ihosc prettv American ladies." Slie miglit have aildcd, that even her far-famcd Kreucli nation would thul it difflcult to equal, mach Icss excel, American wotnen in naickness of peroeption and bcUancy of intellect. The mimls and mamen f American wennen are all tbatean be dealred; bat it is a lamentable tact tbat lluir pliysical framis are l'ar inferior in ooraparwon with iheir social and mental eharaetareatlcB. The womea of Bngland ure DOted for their florid lieallli; these ut (iirniiiiiy lor tlic-ir Itrong COIJstitut ions, am'. tin; ladies of Kranee tor their exeuberance ofspbiti;bul American vromen possela o one of theae qualitiea iu any proniinein e, and all of tlieiu in a sliht degree, The reaaon of thii must de plain to every can lul olicrver. Sedentary way-, ilevrition 10 foshlon - but above all and more tban kU, OanleaMWM and indifference to daily iiabits and dutte, have rendereil tbe women ot tliis land tar less strong and healthT "'au it. Is Ulier their duty or privilege to be. Thta Irregular and inilitl'ercnt inanner of living bringa about the must re.-ults and is bolk directly and indiieetlv of nntold injnry U) tlur race. 'l'he canse, therefore, beinjr nianifestly under tbe control of the womeo llieinstlves the iowerto remove it must naturally le ander their control also. Amciieun women can possess just ál eliarmed lives as though tbey iiveil in Europe or any foreign land, If they only desire and determine to do so. The prltiiary cause of sull'ering from dlteaae la Impure blood. The performance of tbe functioiis ofwomanhood and motherhood is not a disiase, nor ihoold it be treated as snch, and to maintaiu one"s licalth the orjjans which inake and purify the blood must be preterved In, or restored to, their normal condilion. These organs are the kklnevs and liver. It is the office of the kidneys to take trom tbc blood the polaonom matter which tías been colleeled trom all parts of the lody anil paM it off from the sys-tem. If they are Impaired In their actíon they caniot do tliis work, the poUon accunuilates, all the organs which are sustained by the Dlood are weakened and give way, and inally the kiilneys and contiguous organs lecome thesource of great pain, and without prompt relief death is certain. It is the office of the liver to extract other mpurities from the blood and utilize a portion of them for digestión. If the liver is lisotdered all foruis of dyspepsiaoccur, the Kwels caniiot expel the waste matter and lie most distressinff inconvenience follows. This is especia lly true in tbe case of women. nil If the bowuU are thus iuactive and verloaded the neighborin; organs, which particular)? dependent for tlieir right action upon the state of the liver, bowels and kidneys, become displaced, and tbe :onsequences which ensue are too well cnown to require restotement in a suggesive article of this kind. The secret, how'vcr, of preventlng these manifold disorders is to keep tbe kidneys and liver in pereet working conditlon. This is reaaon, his is science, and it uppoals with force to be raflfering womeo of America. When tbc body is in a healthy condition hen coine beauty of complexión, elasticity of step, bopefulness of disposition andcomort and happiness in tbc duties and esponsibilities of a family. There is, tbere ore, every incentive to secure and preserve raoyant nealth. Warner' Safe Kidney and I.ivcr Cure, the remcdy described in the lecturo to wliich reference has ilready been made, is receiving, as t certainly merits, the most carefnl attentionand the trial of the women of the land. It is a pure and simple vegetable remcdy which is now domg more to bring health and strentli to the American woineii than an}r one thing which has ever been discovcrcd. It act direetly upon the liver, kidney and adjacent orgaus, soothes any ntlamination.allays, all pain and places those organs in a condilion to bring health to the body and happinesg to the lift. The manufacturera of this great remcdy, as we leuni i'rom the lecturc, liave the ritten thanlcs of thoiisands of women - many of' them of geai promincnce - but these letters are very properly regarded as too sacred for publication. No truc woman is pleased to have her physical trouble tlaunted in the eyes of the-world. The unqueatlonable value of Warner's ale Kidney and Liver Cure is all the more lanilest from the fact that hcretofore no dequate remedy for the ills of women has ver been discovered ; nor have the medical rofession ever been able to aaeist woman n her troubles as she deserves. This is, erhaps, largeiy duo to the preaence of so niicli bigotry and Intolerancè In that proMlOB. The history of medicine is a hisry which illustrates to the fullest the laryey, wbo disco versd the ciroalatloo of ie blood, was driven out of Bngland. ennor, the father of vaccination, was opiressed and scholled at. Thompson, the ounder of the Thotnpeoalaa theorv, was he vietim of a hateful conaplntcy. Morton, i HasaachusettB, who Introduced Che use of ether in snrgical operations, wascharged with witeheiatt, and yet the discoveries of these men are today recognized as of infinite benefit to the race. It is the aotemn dmv of every physician in the land to take advantape of everv aportimity which is within his leach; not to promotc the intertata of this or that school, but to heal tie peopleof their infirmities. All have witnes8ed death-bed scènes and telt that if kill were eqna] todisease death might have been postponed many years ago - that science it use u ere made of all the agencies she has revealed) was cqual to a cure. llmv niniiy a time in the experience of all has tlii been been illustrated ! A cold is contracted, it refina to yield to a flxed fonn of treatment, tlie physieian may not lic eaudid enough to cali In the aid of 'ut her schools, or of independent agencies, and the dear one dies because the doctor will not exhanst n-ery expedierd known to the world for relief 1 If he hare the couraoe of his eouvictions and employs oatslae agencies be la vlsited with expulsión from tlie society of his fellows. and forsootli, be ome what they choose to cali a " quack." U hen they have exhausted all the agencies approved iy their schools they " shirk the regponalblltty " of the death of their patiënt by advising n. trip to Colorado or Florida, or a voyage to Europei Such treatmeut may be in accord.inee with the "code of ethics," but in the view of the unprejiuliced public it is downright cruelty, if it may not be even more itrongly charactcrized. There is no reason, however, why the TOOMB in this land phould not possess the best of health and spirits. The character of the country, the activity of her Mrroundingi and the opportantttea afforded for recovering lost health and retainlng tlie same are greater than tbnae of anv other land on the (ac of the glolx". By a earelul ohservance of the pialo and simple laws of health; by a watchl'ul care over daily habita aiid duties. and by a rerulatiou of the lite with tlie remedy above named. whicfa has beeoiiie 10 prominent and valuable, there is no reason why all the dealrable thinn we have mentioned may not be Mcnred In their Mgbett degree. li ¦ tberefore a maUer of Importen Ütatall oiiien rivc this subject the attention vhich t deserves, and the care which they re able to liestow, conscioiiR that tlieir ll'orls are eertain (0 hring them -rtr l ïealth and long happy Ihe-.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News