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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Chureh. Iïfv. S. IIaskkll, Pastor. S.ibh i ' .. a. m. and7 p. m. Sunday SBonSfriTinrning service. Pr-.iyer tnm I ¦ . "ing at 7' oVlock. (at hoi ie Church. Rïv. Fathek Fikklk, Pastor. Uw Mui, $ A M. Ilii M a. m. Vesper, 1 f. M. Sundaj S hooi, - i m. Coiurrvirational Chunh. Kkv. V. H. Kydur, Pastor. S ibbatti BAcvice, ipU a. m. and 7 p. m. S inday Jichool iiu r mor iim len Kies, Prayer meeting Thursday evcninp f 7'-oVlock. Episcopal Church. RSV. WYLLYS Hall, Rector. S.ibb;ith services, io' K. M. and T% . M, Simd.iy Sch-wt, alt v m. Keligious services Thursday evening at 74 o clock. (Jorman Methodist Church. Rev. C. Tkankkr, Pastor. s.itU;itii mttIcm, 10W M :in( 71 1 M Suul.iy Üchool, at nine o'clock . M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday. Uní herau Church. Rev. Iohíí N'iimann, l'astnr. Sibbath erviea, 10 a. m. and 7 p.m. Sntidaf School alter morntng service. Pruy-r meeting, 'Ihursday evcning at 7 o'clock. Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev, John' Alabastkr, Pastor. Sábtmth services. 104 a. m. and 7 r. m. Sunday School ifter morning service. I'raycr meetinK, Thursday evenin at yx4 o'clock, Voaag People's Meeting, Sunday evcning 6. Presbyltrian (Jhnrch. Rev. Richard H. Steel, D. D., Pastor. o4 a. M. and 1% p. m. Sunday School ana Blble class alter morning serice. Prayef meetini;. Thursd y rvening at S o'clock. Yoting Pcoplc'a Meeting, Sunday evening f'J. L'uitariau Church. lï KR. J . T, SlNDERLAND, Pastor. S.tbbath s'rvic.'S at 10 a. M.and 7 P. M. Sunday School at u m. Studeiits' Blble Class at 9:15 p. m. Zions Lutheran Church. Kkv. 11. F. Hklskr, Pastor. Sabbaih services at io% a. m. and 7 r. m. Sundy School tmmediately after morning service. Kellyióua Mrricet Wednesday evenlog at 7 o'clock. BUSI iir-Si ARD8. BUILDER. SHOP: CORSEH ('HURCII AXD ORLKANS ST. Ann Arbor. 1021-78 W. II. JACKSOX, OVER BACH & ABEL'S. Entr.ince bv Fïrft National lïauk. 7:atf niLLUIH HERZ, HoutH', Btgn, Ornamental and Fresco Paixter. Paperlnji, Olazing, (iüdinij, and CrtlcitnininLr and work of ttvcry dawrlptlon done in the best style, nd warranteil to elve satiKfnctiou. Shop, o. 4 Went Washington Slml. Ann Arbor, Michigan. üiiMf ry ILLIAM W. NICHOLS.k. DE1STTIST1 U? HA9 REÏOVID TO III! NEW DENTAL ROOMS IJÏ'EU JOD T. JICUIH' STORE. 56')tf THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Aun Arbor, Michigan, THANSACTS &SNERAL BANKING BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. OrgaotKud auder the (íeueral Banking Law of thla &tate. the etockboldcrn are indlvidually Hable for an idiliüoual amonnt t'ipinl to tbe stock held by them, :hereby creatim; a (uarantee Vund for the liriirflt Of Ieiollorn of $100,000.00. Throe per eent. Interent Is allowed on all Savlns Deposita ut' onu dollar and npwardts accordlngto thtruli ?uf thi? Bank, and interestcompounded ieml-annuully. Money to loan on unincumbered real estáte and oth_r KOOd Hecurlty. 'Hrtcton- ChrlBtian Mack, W. W. Wines, R. A. Bea] William Deubcl, Wllllam D. Harriman Daniel Hlecock, and Wlllard B. Smtth Mmhi InWIU Mack, Tres. W. W. Wmis, Vice-Pre Chak. S. Hiscock. Caehier. 915-966 GET THE BEST Fire Insurance & $-42,000,000 -% Secnrlty !kI1 for the protection of the policy hol CHRISTIAN MACK H.'prcstnts the following lirst-class compa nies, of whlch onc, the tna, lias alone pald $5,,000,000 lire losses in sixty years : Klnh, of Hnrtford $ 7,100,000.00 Bton UiifiiTwritiTi 2 WK) ooo m) Krauklin, PhlladelpbU _ .Éi,:i00 Omi.OO (terman Am.'riaui, N. Y 2,KI 000 00 London A"uraiic!Curpuration 15,8O0,0(K).O0 Rationa!, Hartford l,200,0ü(f.0'J North (frmin, llamhart; i'ooo (K)0 00 ! lncnlx, Brooklyn '.KilO.OIXJ.OO L nderwrlters At'enry, N. Y 4,tiOO,0OU.0O Bi liberally adinsted atxl proraptly i -iiil. PolldM Issued at the ratesof premium. "Ml (IIKISTJXJIACB. FËRDONliüMBBRYARD JAMES T0LBERT, Prop., Manufactnrer and Dealer In 8ACINAW 6AN6-8A1VGD LUMBBR, LATH AND SHINGLES. 5ffiíiSJKyiMSS."a cxamine oa' A.L8O AUKNT KH JACKSON StWER PIPE CO., AND SEUü FIRK BR1CK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KKKCH. Hapt. feb.ia.'79 All ui,,,ih of Book-BInain don at Tke Caarlrr e on dbort notire.


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