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Plenty of work for laborers at Manistee Caro It Hiitiitiiir the streef blfep quesPumpkin nre fifteen cents apiece at AllegHU. A 16,000 cliair facto is talked of at Reed City. isa Mai-hal!, the pcdestrian. walked in ( uro last week. A Rímale charivari is the latest sensation at J.ynu, Micli. i'ottcrviii,. haid un íirst viii-iee elcetioa last uci-k Wednesday. Oiieliuiidredand seventy-tive telephones aie ni use in Muskcgou. 'l'li'1 bottti th:it are nowgoing up froni the Saull uc on ihcir lat trip. Win ;A. Kond has been arrested forsmu-gling goodg at Sault SU. Mrle. Counterfeit is beinj; msaed in Al pfii:.. and h is conjeotared tbat the same i made at that place. TliesoniliHc-terncountiesfroiitiniLakp Hicbigan want to foim a congresslonal district liy ihcniM-lvca. _5 formeriy local editor of the Trlbnne, has resuscitated the Orand Rápida Society New. Ansoi, Sli.ifer, of North Brancli, luw boujfh) Bince My, l.OoOhead of cattle, and lt7(W head of sheep for shipment. l'lic L. S. & U. 8. railroa.l forwarded lr,m Allegan iu Sept., G,OÜO,000 pounds of freight. 4,000,000 nioru thaii iu Sept. last year. Üowairiac can aftbrd oniy two dollars per week for marshal's salary. nd expectshim to makc all Ins aii ests for the week ou Satuiday afternoon. Scveral brick blocks and a large hotel are to !., built at Port Uuron, next year. It is thoiifílit that car and stove works will be estublished there also. At Cassopolis a few eveninrs afro lome prttv snenk thieve9entered three stores and th postoffice tlmmiru breken Windows in one nifiht. They obtained about twelve dollars in money. At the exammation of the vacant cadetsiup iroin thusixth eongressioual district, at Lansitig, on the 1Oth inst., there went eUyen applicants. Thomas H. Reese, of WJHIamston. was the succeesful candidate. tifia reponed that J. II. SchultzJformerly pubilsher of Minden Post, lias made arrapgements to pubiisha paper in Port Humn. Jt will l„. calted the Tribui.e, and independent in politics. The nrst number WBI a,(i-:ir 1 11 ahout three weeks. A dividend of $,-00,000 will be paid by the Calumet and üecla mine this raonth hiinirs the the total dividends up to pO,3oO,000. The mine has ore "In sight" for twelve years work, and during the past year 18,000 tons of copper have been taken out. The Newaygo Republican says 150,000,00(1 leet Of Idl's &ra in mm aoli.l jam ubovo Crotou pici. Thedrive hung up at Crotón On Miiirday. the men on the rear being paid oil nntl rtlschargwd. The logrs in the rivcr balow Newaygo are thoiijfhtto besuffleient tolasltlic Mikegou milis through thissea8on s lawlng. The Shiawassee American of November I9th, pnbHshed ut Cornnnt says : Prof, l'atrirk Quinn iiitormed us Thursday that be had diseorered a ncw cornet in the south, at elght o'clock WedneacUjr eren laf. He says the atar was as large as an iron te.ikettle with a taU about ten feet long-. He says it can be seen by the naked eye. It is reported that snit tías been struckat Hirnion City, near Alabaster, on property owned by Harmon & Cronl. The depth of the shaft at present is 2,000 feet, and the inteutiou is to go 80 feet deeper. Over 175 feet of salt rock wat passcd through, when th.; Trell begin to flow abundantly and the bnne pioved Co lie ufa vei-y stroug quality. Hickey & North.ofPontiac, areshipping f rom flve to ten barrels of poultry per diiv to eastern markets and in a day ortwo will ¦hip :00 live turkeys. These are the only min who ever made money catching the cominoii brook chub for nnirket, upon whlch tliey gleared about $300 in a few 'i.ix-, and t will be strange if they don't coin money in this poultry trade. rnverae City h quite jubilant over thn decisión of the coininittee to lócate the new Insane aaylaia at tliat point. The commission will purehaM :i!)9 acres of land. The asylum willcost $;00,000. The climate of Northern Michigan is liealtlit'ul and the scenery beautlful. Murdcren and heavy defanltel-a will Mnd h one of the Ipleasantet placea In the workl in which to live. George A. Fltch, for fifteen years editor and proprietor of the Kalainazoo Telegaph, State printer two years, and a noted politici till ISO."), when he moved away, died in Washington, Sunday nijcht, of canedrof the stomach, aged 51. He was alwf ys dlgtingulahed as an organizer and was one of the lirst to advocate the formation of ¦i new party abont the time of the organization ot the Republiean party. It s reporUd thatthe pine purohnsed by Alpena luin bermen on Spanish Kiver liraIté, Ontario, has been sold to New York parttea for $i:iO,()00. Tliis sale is said to have been eonsummattMl bv theshrewd and sagacioas ex-Judf of Alpena connty. as¦iitad by Crozior Uavidson, of Detroit, wlio are to realize all over $75,000 for thcir service Wonder it' there are any mu. NV Vorken who wotild like to buy Bpftolah 1,'ivcr liinits.- Alpena RepoitOC Th(! Union School building at Corunna waa totally dwtroyed by lire on the 14th i nst. The building contained the school liliraiy and apparato valued at $1,000, and the ladies llbrary ooniistlng of M0 volumes, all of which waa burned. The structnre' as tinilied ata cost of $20,000 in 1868. The insurauce amounted to $15,000. The subject ot' ward schools will be discussed befbre saother building laerected. Build'ur for tlit' teniporary use of the schools have been rented. The Grand Trunk lm put clown 2,500 feet of additional track at tliis plaoa, to accommodatc Inoreaalng business, and has made a tong extmatoa U the depot platform. The layinj: of extra track llgotnq ou to a jrreiiter or lcss extent, at iill points on the Grand Trunk. It is done, primarily, to meet the rwttchfng demamis of the very Ion;; faaight train that are running, but the ultímate bjeetta thedaabla tracking of the wliole raad. Tliis wtil be accomplished withla four yeara. All Urand Truuk bridget wereeoastruoted with a riem to the possible ne. essity of more tracking, and the expense In that direciion will not be large. - Mt. OlemeM Monitor I 'he venerable Josepli Wilson, late of ''st Hlooiiilidd. ilied suddeiily, ut the resiuenoe of liis nepbew, Wilson Garuther, in Detroit, on Tursday HM Mt 11 inst., of pneumonia. 11U funeral was at Eagle school house, on the tOthandhe was buriediu the Riuhaidaon burkU grouiid, Conimeix;e, a large aumber of his old m-ighbors and friends attending. Tlu' old geutlcuian was fOr niany ycars ila-s leader in the West Blooufield M. E. (Jhurch; two jvanataee Iw old rtla farm to Wm. Borland, and wem to Qeorjfetown, Col., to reside wth his sous, lm t notliklng the cl mate hadjust arrived ainong friends in Detroit, preparattu v to raaklug his home with his sou in Aiiiion, wlicu he ¦;l nalled loddenly away, at the age ot eijriiiy ysan and livo month's, fn II v ril1 and mtuaied for the harvest. -


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News