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Dr. Tappan

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The Rev. Ilenrv Phiüp Tappan, 1). D., LL. !., died in Vevay, Swit.erland. on Tueaday, tïov. lötli, in the 77th year of bis age. Dr. Tappan was well knowa in tliis citv, havintf Uevoteil scveral years ot li is life to the cause of educatlon bere; and tboagh be had retlded abroad tor nearly twenty years, tie bad nniuy warm Irienril here, especial ly amongtbose who bad gruduut im 1 from the Unlveriltv of the City of New Vork, during bit six years of service in tliat institution. He was born at Rhinebeck-on-the-Hudson, April 23, 1805. Hls family was among the earliest settlers on the North Blver. Hi.s studies in early lite weru pvntied partij at home and partly at Oreentield Aeademy, and in 1852, at the age of 17, he had quallfied himself to enter the sopomore class oí Union College, from wliieh institution he was graduated wilh high honors in 1825. All liis studies l'iom boyhood np had been directed to the one object of preparing lor the mlnittry, and upon leavin Union College heentered upon a course of study atjthe Theologieal Seminaryat Aubiirn, rradii:itinr at the end of two years, and eager to begin hischosen work of preaehlng the Gospel. He began hl life M a minister In 1 -¦¦27. as a-sistunt to the Kev. Dr. Van Vechten, in the Dutch Reformed eburcli at Scheneotady, and tb fo'llowinjr year found biniself settled as pastor OTcr the Conregational cbureh at l'ittstiild. Mass. Here he worked wRb that zeal and ennrgy whicb cbaracteried him throughout life, and beinjï naturallyof a delicate constitution bis health succunibed to the strain put upon body and mind. In 1831, after KhfW m:us of iinremitting pastoral toil. ha ra obHgcd to redgn hia trust. Upon tlie advice of bis pbysicians he tnadi' a short trip to the We-t linlics. but returned in n few months, lils healtli restored and ready tor work again. He dW not, however, return to the active labor of the ministry. In 1M2 he was appolnted ProfeuoT ol Moral and Intellectual l'bilosopby In tlie l'niversity of the City of New York, and acceptetl the cliair. HMeetures were model of style, of diction, and profoundity of thought, and he gave satisfaction alike to the students and tuculty. Pol si years he held liis chair, until, in 1888, owinj;t0 80me liiHicult ii-s in the adniiuistration of the university. h reslglied tok'etlier witli tlie rest of the faculty. During the next fourtci-:i ycars Dr. Tap pan devnted hinisclt to the composition ot works on philosophy and education and to condueting a private seniinary in this ( l . n uhich sonie ot the iiri),'litest of OW ¦Cholan were groundi'd in tlie princip Ol their several profeaatooai l'he works whictl be pnbltobed daring this petiod are still reeoirnied a staudanl uithority In philosophv. Amng tliein are "A Review of Edward'l Inquiry tato tlie Freedoni of the Will, Detciinined by au Appeal to ('onsciousnes.s" (1840); "Tlie Doctrine ot tlie Will Applied lo Moral Afane and Hesponsibility" 1 s4 1 ) ; "Klciiunts of Logtc, wlth au Introdiictorv View of l'liil .sophy in General, and a PreUmlnary View of the Ueason" (141], añil a treatise on "üniverial i;luc:ition'" i U. He was sclected in 1848 Ut delirar t centennial addren b. tore the PhUomathean Society of Lnion Collene, npon which occasion he receivcd llic ilcL'rcc D. 1). trom hi Alma .Mater. In the iinmicr ot 1861 Dr. Tappan niadeatrip to Kurope aml paMOd nearly au cnüreyear Havelintr In various coiintries. Upo bis return to this city in the foUowins year hc publUbed the resulu of bis pUgrimagt in ¦ hook which he eutitled "A Step from the New World to the Old." Boon after the publication of this work be wascalled back lo oíd chair n Philosophyn Uie l'nivereity of the City of íe k. lie accepted the cali, bul re - a-rinj; iipon tsUuti tion of President of the I altVMtiy rf Michigan, whicli lio arceptedt ionntered upon bU admlnisrration In 1868. ii awhile ncWnfí iu Cftpacity that 1. Tappan did Uie litost ImportABt work .f his lu- lite. Iniversily, after Mlxi t twelve years, was iangubhingBd in an uitoost uvoribund condilion. )r. TP ;u undcrtooE (o revive Ilie institutivi, aml (flVHiiize it tato ncw lili-, and lienii bouHil lak with owrgy mu! zenl. lis lirst ilep ras to revise i conree ol stiM-, nd Uu wai done in :i nwrterly uisinst. Wiiüe Uie range of tluiruMic itiidy ncluiliiijj toth aneieiit and iQOdM'li, as Kreatly enlarged, :i j-cii-ntiric instituted, by wliicli the ttliu-íitioiü'J w.iiil"! larfje classes of the oommunltytnifnfed in uselul employnAntl ere prTHea for. The v!ashk-tl and scientlfie cgotí were parallel to eucli ollu-r in reJ)elabliljr, in temí of yiars required for ronijkting thein, in tíie atlention whicli tliey reseiyed froiu Uie University professow hik iu the academicul lionors awarded at iheV close. Student wlio ilid nol isli lo baccMcan didate bran aeademlMl derree or Im miglit riab to suj.jily deficieacleí i particular brauclio lufore euterin; uiKa a full and regular course, weré perniittecto I:i1m:i parlial course. In addition o Un se OOttlMt) a l'uiver.-ity coiirw; propcwas indicaled, t lie devi'liipnient of whicl was the aini ofmnch of Dr. Tappan'a labra. HW inangaratfon as President was ignalied by ilie MtabllakmeBt of an ébmrvêXorj, J ii írii; an analyttaal laboratory nt opened; iu lb."ifi a inuaeiini of fine art and history was e.-tablished; in 1809a lavilepartnient was institnted, willi thrce potv and uincty studcnts, and In 1ÖC1 ; chair of militar; englneeriag and tactk-s wRcreatel, with the dtsifin of devetoplnf a full oooraa of military lostructlon. Ereryyear scmie new ehair of iiistruetion :i rstuln l'uhed, and new material ÍOT exwrtaeat. and Illuatratloe tM iMad to the rlas-roomtand cabinets, iintil in 1868, whi liis connecdon with the l'niversity 0SMii Ir. Tappan and the State of Michigan eould rejoice In the derelopmnt f the iistitu rom very fefiiie beginnlngi iito the fair proportions of a l'niversitv. l).'l'apan may fairly beeailwl the t:Uhert the Uiiivoisity of Michigan. Durillo the ten yeftrs Of bis comedión with the L'niversity of Michigan, ! Tappan was coDstantly engaced In delerlng addreMwand wrhmg boowor contihuting to thc press. Ín 18,"):! he delivered tic animal addren before the state Agrkpltaral Society of MlcbUran, and Iu nceired Lhe (libree ot IX V. trom ( orafDIM 01 U this city. In 18M lic w;i iVcteil n correspondlng meitber of thé ImpiHal In-titutc of France and President t Wie American Aasocfaüan tor the Advtnce of Kihuation. llis 1 1 1 works on "TIn Wilt" were republished In 3lagow in i.v, . Btnce bh retlremenl fromne l iiirersityol MichIgan 1 r. Tppan Ims Jved altttoK roiiantly abroail, mullías cm.'iiírcd vciy littJo in active ltfe. lic has, hqever, oontribated several essays on edncftlonal qaestiODl to the vurioiis reviews and magnzfnet of Kurone, nianv ot WblcH h:ue been


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News