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Bucklen"s Arnie; Salvo. The Ban Salve in the worid for CuU, Brutees, Si.ivs, Dieer, 8all Rhcuro, Fever Sores, Tetter, ühapped liauls. Chilblatns, Corns, and all Skin Enipions, and porttivcly aires Piles. It is gua-tintecd lo Avt perfect wtis&ction or motey refundVd. l'rier. M OeUtl pot box. Foiüile ly KUerh.n'li k Son. EVERYTHINGNEW CLEAN AND NBAT A" J. J. GOODYEAR'S DRI STORE KO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET, (Tbe old Urenville drug store etaud.) One of the Ireshest, fiDet, largest and best itocln of Drugs and Medicines. Wines and Liquors, And all other goode kept in a firttt-class drni; plan, to be found in the city of Aun Arbor. PRESCRIPTIONS. Accnrately and ctrefully prepared at all hours of the day omif;ht. Wc glve thls our eapecial attention. CALL AND SEE US. J-. J-. GOODYEAR, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STRKBT. The Leading Toy S; Fancy Goods Eriss OF MICH. When visitine the City of Detroit do not fail tn cali at HEYN'S BAZAAR, Formerly Russell House Bazaar, wntu. „,„ locatcd at y2 Woodward avenue, forraer slann of the old ALHAMBEA DOLLAR STOEE. These two well-known places of public patronage have recently been Consolidated under one management, and we des i re to cali special attention to our large and well selccted line oí Toys, Tancy Ooods, Jewelry, Plated Ware, WMtney Children's Carriages, Velocipedes, Express Wagons, &c, &c. Which we will continue to sell at popular priecs. An early cali is respeclfullv solícitcd H. HEYN & BR0„ HEYN'S BAZAAR, 92 WOODWARD AVE., IIKTKOIT, 711(11. KMl-71 Mortgage sale. DKFAULT hav'.ni; been L-mlc In the condltlons of a OTtaln Indenture of mortirage execnted by Elnífhey MrljuiKtilin and Mary Ann Mclautrhlin, h ir ivife, of Sylvan, Waihteuaw couuty Michigan, to Rice A. Beal, hearing date the Tweiity-Third day of May, A. D , 187H, and recorded in the offlce of ¦et;Wer of deed for the counij of Washtenaw, In :be late of Michigan, ou the twenty tbird day of May . D., 1878, m liber 5 ol mnrtKauf .", on page SM, by kvhirh the power of gat e coutalned lhioin hna hfnöm :peratlve, on whlch morUrutfe ttiert' Ik clalmed to ba doe on the 23d day Df M .iv, A. Il , I8U, twoyearly In hilUm-mc of inter et on Huid pnudpal ciim, belng ftll. torether trtth au attorney' Ik' M HO, provided lor In aid mortKaee, in all the um of lour handred aud forty-lour dollars ($444), and no proceedlugs havinK been tnstituted tu recover taiil ion or any part thereof. Rotlct. thwufora ir beroby Kiven, that on Frlday. the lSth day of January, A. D., li, at lü o'clock In the fotenoon, at tM tast Ircint door of ihe court hou?e, in 'h city of Ann Arbor, in tho ald couniy of Waihlenaw, sald mortems wi" oe forecloüed by vlrtne of the power ui mía therein contalued, by a sale at public auction, to tlu' hiiheBt bid'ler of the mortaijed prei decribt'd in paid mortgaire, or - much IBervofM maj be puffleient to satisfy the amoout dne on ald tnurtimiji', vlz: The pooth-east qoarter C4) of tbe ODtbVwt qvnrier (vt) of sectlon tblrty-flir (:) in townablp one (No. 1) aooth of rane three (3) eaei, in the twnthip of Lvndon. Aluo the north part o! the north-wntt fraciional qnarter of it-ctiou Iwu In townshlp iwo douth of rane three tast in Ihe towuahip of Sylvin, and all that part of tecttoa three, tnwi.-hip aud range luit aloresnid, known boiinded and descrltx-d a fi)llowí. towit : BesInninK at the nirtli-rat corner ol iuld stctlon tlmi-, running ¦Ai-rit on tlie north line ol taid ? otton about seventy rode thenc tooth oüthIIcI wlth the eat Una far enouh to inclu'.e w.lhn, a line drawn eHit mrulli'l wlth the north line 01 eald MOÉon u MM In' ti Mld -1 ctou, thence eat to tection line. and tlience north to plac of nt-Klnninc, belng in all ooe hundred and dxty-eiiht nd 28-100 acre of Und mure Or lee. Dated, Uct ber 21l, 1881. H. A. BKAL. Sjwrtn Knowltok, Mortiragee. Attorney for Mortitagee. 106178 IMilte of Jiishllil ('lIsliiMIltl. QTATK OF MICUIOAN. County of Wanhtenaw.sf Al a ?enxlon of the Probate Court for Ihe Connty of Waehienaw, holden at the l'robate OIBce, in ihe ciiy of Ann Arbor, 011 Tnenday, tlic flrl day of November, 111 the jrear oue thonnand eltjht hundred and eiehtv one 1'reKeu!, William l). Ilarrimn, Jud.'e oi ProbaMi In the matter of iheentnte or Jonna Cuhman, lluwiinil Warren t'u-hmau, executor of the Urt wlll and temameut of tid deecased, com- luto court and repreeents that ir now pi e pared to reuder hi? flnal account as tmch rxecator. Therenpon tt ie orderud. tbai Wtdnenday, the :!Oth day of November insu, at ten o'clock In the loranoon, be nssigned for examinlni; ar.d ¦Uowing """h account, and that the di ieiratee. and helm at law of said deceifcd, and all ether persone interei-ted in Knld eKtme, are reqnired to appcar at a esi-iou of aid conit. then to bi hold en at the Probate the city ol Anu Arbor. in BBld Connty. ard thow canse, II any there he, why the said ccouiit shonld nol he allowed. And it ia further ordered.that xaid executor irlve notice to Ihe ooron Interested In saiil eitate. of the pendency of 5id account, and the heiirina thereof. by causinit a copy of thls order to be publiühed in the Ann Arbor tíiHtrier, a newsper prlnted and clrenlMinR In tiald county, thre uccesslve weeks previous to ald dajr of hearing. (Atrae copy.) WILLIAM D. IIARRIMAN, Jodge oí Probate. WM G. DOTY, Probate Heeliter. KKVI


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News