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TO GROCERS, PACKERS, HUCKSTERS, AXD THE GENERAL PUBLK1. The King Maker, A New Process for Preserving all Perishable Articles, Animal and Vegetable, from Fermentation and Putrefactioh, Ketaining their Odor and Flavor. "OZONE- Purified air, active state of oxygen."- Webster. Thl Prawrvative íb not a lianid Dickl. or ny of tho old and exploded processea, bot l slmply and p J? ÓTOSK af pïolceVan. pp?ied b'y an new pnoèL OZoSs I. tl.. LgföL" + Si every substance, and the power to prenerve animal aod vegeUble structures Irom decay. There U nothlns on the race of the earth Hable to decay or poll whleh O35OXIJ, the new Preservatlve, 111 not prerve for all time In a perfectly and palatable oondltion. The value of OZONE as a natural prenevc-r ha heen known to onr abler chemlet for years, but antil ¦w no meaus of producln it iu a practical, Inexpensive. añil simple manner have been diacovercfl. JÜSSÏZlZg. hservjUpna provo ihat decay ÜAoe to Mptlc matter, or minute germs that develop and feed upon anfmaf and Yer...i ,.,. dzosb, apwlled by the Prentiaa method. eizee and dentroy thuio iferms al once, and thus preserves. Atoar „ {,, ciUi-ÍDiiati can be se. n almo' "" ; ¦¦ ";' can be thoak'ht of prcerved by mi procias nil .-very v1?liorTf wricome to come ín, taU-, pmcll, take away witu him, and te in ry way oí OZOXB as a preservailve. We will atan preserve, free of charge, any anide Ihat le brouht or eni piepald to u, aiid retorn it lo the etndur, for hiin to kee K4.4ÏM can he treated at a coet of lepa thnn one dollar a ihousand dozen, and be kept in an ordlnary room slx month or more, ihorouiíhly priseiv d, thc yolk ht:d in iie normal ccndltion. nd ihe HK a f i'íh and piTiect as on Ihe datthey wi-e tn-ati-d,Hiid vulUell n strictly "ihoice." Ihe advantaKe in preeeiviim eet! la readlly aeen ; there are twaeonH hen Uiey can he bouaht for S or 10 cent a dozen, and by hdinií then can be old for an advarxe of from one i.undrtd to three hundred per cent. One man witn thl me ihod can preserve 5,U(XI dozn a dy. . . FHIITN may be pi-rmlttvd ¦ rlpen in thelr nutive climate, and can be transponed to any part oí theworki Thejulce exprefied frcp.i Iruits can be held for an indeonlte period without ti-nnenutiou- henee the great valué of Ihis procew for produclng a temperance beveraue. Milk and eider can be held períectly pweet anv l-nth of time. . , VMiETAKliKN can be kept for an indefinite period in thelr natural condition, retainlne ihiir odor añil flnvor, treated in thelr original pac kagtí, at a emall expense. All gruin, nour, meul, etc., are held in thetr normal condition. . . 4. . Fltr.HII JIEATH, íiich a beef, mntton, veal, pork. p ultry, eame, ính, etc., preservtd by tillé method, can M Upped lo Korope, aubjecied to atmoeplieric chanue, and rcturu to thií couutry in a utate BOTER Ml BE1NG T&EATED BV TBIS PR0CE55 WILL NOT BECOÏE UNCID, I)ed human bodle-, tieated before decompoaltlon seta In, eau be held in a natural condltion for eeks, without punctuilng tbc skin or mutllattni,' ttie body in auy way. Heuce the great yalue of OZONK to There ia no changc In the sllghtest particulir in the appearancc of any artlcle thns preserved, and no trace of any forelgu or minataral odor or taete. The procesa Is so slmplo thal a chlH can opérate lt as well and as succeesfally as a mau. 1 herc Is no expensive apparatuaormarhlnery required. A riH)m fillud with different artlck-s, such as eggs, meat, fian, etc., can be treated at one time without additlonal tronhle or expense. _ -In fart there In nothlng that (IUVK 111 not [irencrvf. l Think of everythlng you can that is Hable lo our, decay or spnil. aud theu remember tnai we gua.rutm that OZONK will preserve It in exactly the condition you want it lor any length of time. II you wlll rememba tlns, it wlll save aki.g questioiiK as to whether OZONB wlll preserve this or that articl. It u ill prcKirve n j I lilnic and evrrvthiiijr you can thlnk of. Therf is not a townuip !n tne Uimud Mate in whlch a Uve man cun uoi make any amouot of money, from $1.000 to f 10,000 a year, that he pleae. We delire to get a Uve man inleretted In ruch cou,,ty H' United ütalet, in w hú te hands we cun place thispreaervative, and through himtecurtlhe trajina which every county ought to produce. A FORTUNE AWAITS Mi MAN VHO GETS CONTROL OF OZ0NE UT !23T 'XO-W1TSXXXX= OH COTTITTTT. A. C. irnrn, Marión, Ohio, cleared $2,00) tn two months. $2 for a test pickage wns hls Srst Inwstment. Wooi Brotiui, Lebanon, Warren Uounty, ühio, made je, 000 on eggs purchased in July and aold Nov. lst. 12 lor a tent parkage was thclr flrst investment. T. I. ïaymosi, Morrístown, Belmont County, Ohlo, Is clearing fl.OOO a month in handllni; nd eellinn Onne. f2 for a lest puckïge was hls ñrt Investment. 9. F. Wrttur, h.irlotte, Eaton County, Mich., hu cleared $1,000 a month slnce August. $2 for a test packa&re wai hii flrít iuvestment. J. B. Oiylotd, SO LaSalleSt., Chicago, 1 preserving esgs, frult, etc., for the commisslon men or Chlcngo, charitlnn %c. per dn.en for i, ind olher srtlcles In proportlon. He Ís pru-erving 5,Ci0 dozeu t-i,'i{ a day, xnd on hls business Is making $:!,(:C0 a mouth cli-ar. fr a te-t wa hi lrt laTMimenf. Thi Ciiclssiti Tui Camp?, 4HK West Seventh Street, Is making $5.00;) a momh in handliiiK bnw.-r a malí, ireeivlng and shli.pini; it as feed to all partsof the country. Malt unpreeirved sours in twi-ntyfour hours. Preserved by OZONK It keeps pt-rfectly weet for months. 'I hüse are inntances whlch we have asked the privel ge of publiahlnü. There are acores of other Write to any of the above parties and get the evldence direct. Now, to prove lh absolnte truth of every thlnit we have sald In thl paper, we propoc to piare in }nr luiiul llK' iiifiin ol provine Tor yurelf thal wc luvc not clalnicd hall iiouh. To any putum who douliis any ot the statements, and who Is Inteniiteu sufilclentlr to make the trip, we will pay all travellnir an hotel expenses for visit to Ihls city, II wc (all to prove any statement that we have made. Höff TO SECURE A FORTUNE WITH HIK A twt packago of OZONK, contalnin a sufnclent q lantlty to preserve one thouKand dmen etK r other articles in proportion, wilt be tent to any appllcant on rereipt ol (2. This packae will enable the upplirant to pinsuc any line of tests and experiment he (testre-, and ihin xatlsfy hlnwelf as to the extraordlnary menta of OZONB as a preservativo. Alter bavlng thu satif-fled himelf nml liad time to look the tieid over to delermine what he wishes to do lu the future - whether to ell tne artlcle to others or to conSue II to hln own use, or any other line of poliey wlnch Is best sulted to him and to hls township or conniy - we w'l enter into an arrangement with hlm that will m:ike a fortune for hlm and give us god profil. We wlll give exclusive township or county privileges to the flrM responlhle applicint whourders n tent (ickaire atul deslre to control lh bovlmat In Ma looalltf. The man who un ontrol ot Ozoue l'oran) prilal i. i rliorj wlll i nj a nionopul) hlli 111 nul) rurlch him. Uou't let a day pass untll you have ordered a Test Parkiue, and if yon deslre to eerure an exclusive priv'lege, we assure yon that delay may dbprlve you nf li, for the applicatloiis come lu to us by scores every mail - many by telegraph. M b Irst come flrst served " Is our rul. If you do not care to send money In advance for the lest package, we rill aam) it '. O. I) ; tiutthls w'll put you to the expense of charges for return of money. Our rorrepoi dence is very hr-'e; we have all we cao do tu attend to the shlpplng of orders and glving ai tent ou to our worklng attent. 'I hretore we can not glve attentlon to letterM whlch do not order Ozone. If you thtnk of any artiele that u are doubtlul about Ozone preserving, remember we guaraní f, that it will preierve U, no maller what il in. ï?jEFEBE1TCES: We delire to cali your attention to a class of refererices whlch no enterprisc or flrm based on any thlni.' but Uie soundest business saccrH and hii;hest commeretal merlt couhl MCare. wc retor, by permlsslon, as to our inteerlty and to the valne of the PratorratlT, to the rollow Ing gentlemen : Kdward C. Boyce, Member Board of Public Work; E. O. Kdelby, i 'itv Coaptrollar: Auior imith. ]r., Collector Interbal Keveiine; Wulsln & Worthlngton, Attortey; Martin II. Harrell and B. F. llopkina, County CommWsioners; W. S. Oappeller. County Anditr; all nf ('incinnatl. Hcmil'.on County, Ohlo. These gentlemen are each familiar with the merlts of our l'resorvutive, and kuow from wlnal observatloo that we hare without quMtion THE MOST VALUABLE ARTICLE in the 'WORLD. The f3 you li vest In a test package irfll sureiy lead you to secure a township or county, and then your way la absolntely clear lo make hom tl OOU to $10,000 a year. Qlve your ruil addreaa in cvery letter, and send your lettr to PRENTIS8 PRESERVING CO., Limited, S. I. COSHIS IACI AND HJHTH ZtZ., CIHCITNATI, 0.


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