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Read the notice in another column of an auction on the corner of Huron and Kifth steeets, November 26th. Lost - Between 1 and 2 o'clock on Tuesday, between Sclileicher's Hotel on Detroit street and Dr. Smith's farm, a log chain about 15 feet long, with a grab on one end and a coinmou hook on the ether. Finder will be suitably rewaided on leaving 11 at tli ¦ farm with Abraham Tice, or at Dr. Smith'M office. Stolen, Oct. 3Oth, from a chest bolonging to Anión Dean, of 4th street, the following named tools : 3 handsaws. 1 jointer plane, 1 smoothing plane, 1 iron brace and augur bits, 1 oil-stone, 1 large rasp, 1 drawing kuif e, 1 rabbit plane, 6 chisels, 1 tri-square, 1 bevel square, 2 gouges, 1 compas, 1 screw-driver, 1 hammer, and other small tools. Five dollars reward will be given for the return of the tools. Any one giving information of the same will be lütétally rewarded. 1006-1067. The Detroit Echo contains a complete weekly summary of all the important home and foreign news, original and selected stories, spicy State items, pu ngent editorials, choice miscellany, and c arefully prepared market reporta of The Eveninij News and for those not f.irored with a daiïy mail service The Echo meets every want. Having reduced condensation to a line art it gives more good readiug for the money than any weekly in the country. Single copies one year seventy-five cents; four copies two dollars. A Bieycle, Columbia Standard, 50 inch, for sale, for $05.00 cash, or on time with good security. Address, A 8. PETTIT, 1064-88 Coldwater, Michigan. Black and Colored Silk, the richest goods in the city at Wines and Worden's. Dentistry- Dr. Billmeyer, of the dental faculty is prepared to see any wishing his services at his office, No. 13 S. Main street. Hours, 8 to 12 a. m. and 5 to 6 p. in. Saturdays, all day. 1064-67 A full assortment of Silk Pluahes, Brocada and Vdvett in Black and all the new shades at Wines and Worden's. Our stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mats, Matting, Crumb Cloths, etc., is always full and prices the lowest. WINES WORDKX. Those desiring a nurse for the sick, will please remember that Mrs. Guernsey has liad experlence, and soliclts your patraunage, orders left at the dressmaking rooms of Mrs. Cooper, 43 Main street, up-stair. 1061-73 The best, cheapest wd largest variety of Jleached and Brown Damask Table Linns, Germán Loom Dice, Turkey Reds, and large assortment of Towels in Damask, luck und Houey Comb at Wines & Worden's. Clos cheap at Wines & Worden's. 1IV" Tl - It will pay to see Wines & Worden's enormous stock of Ladies' and Children's Gloves and Hosiery; the best in the city, The Fonillion French Kid Olove is the best Kid now in market. A complete assortment of this beautiful Kid always in stock. Also the best f 1.00 Kid in the city. WIME8 WORDEN. In Wines and Worden's stock of Dress Goods you can find Black and Colored Cashmere8, Cashmerc Plaids, Roman Stri peg, a full line of the genuine and only Broadhead Germantown Mohairs, for which we have the exclusive sale in this city. Alao a complete variety of the celebrated Manchester Malanges and Cashmeres. Ladlet in need of Mourning Goods will find it to their interest to see our assortment of Bombaiinet, Australian Crape, Crape de Lion, and all grades of the wellknown Courtland English Crapes. WINES WORDEN. pROPOSALS f OU WOOD. Sealed propoaals for 175 CORDS OF WOOD Fonr feet long, good green body or straight hickory and maple, nd second growib apland white or yel low oak, in qu&ntities not less than ten cnrde; aleo 15 cords of body baaswood, will be received by the underaiKned utitll December 1, 1881, at 6 o'clock p. m. Inclusive. The wood to be dellvered In the nezt öo dayB after awardiug the contrae, at the different school bouses In thiw city In such quantitif-s at direct ed. The ritftit of rejecting auy or all offers ia reseryed. U OKUNBR, Treasnrer of School District No. l,of the city of Ann Arbor, Mlch., 8 South Main st. Ann Arbor, Not. 8., 1881. AUOTION. I wlll sell at public anctlon at the south-wcat corHURÓN AND FIFTH ST., OM SiTOBHAY. El 28, '31, At 1 o'clock p. in., the following deecrlbed property: 3ne Lumber Wagon, One Work Horse, Two Cows and Three Heifers, Two 2 year old Hambletonian Colts. )ne 5 year old Morgan Colt, TERMS: One er wlth good approved notes txjarins; 7 mt cent. interest. W. II. McINTYRE, Auctloncer. Nov. 23, 1881. i to Credllors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasiitenaw, sa. Notlce Is noreby gvi n. that bv an order of the Probate Court for the Connty of Waahtenaw, made on the necond day of November, A. D. 1881. ii munths from that date were allowed for creditora to resent thelr clalme ai(Hinst the estáte of John W. anSIckle, late of said county, deceaed, and that al] redltors of said deceaed are required to present helr claims to said Probaie Court, at the Probate mcc, In the city of Ann Arbor. for examlnatlon an( llowance. on or buföre the second day ui May nexL. and that nuch claims wlll be heard before said court n Thursdiiy, the aecond dar of February uud on Tuc(kUt, the xecond day of May next, at ten o'clock n the forenoon of each of sala days. Dated, Ann Arbor, November 2d, A. D. 1881. _ WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, K)6iï-106 Judtfe of Probat.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News