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Bhiawaatee Journal: A Mecosta vomai .uut m mail baoauM :i locomotiva (-une u] behind hor nnawarea aad Mood bat on hei head la a (lití'ii, thal ihe roukln't let on( of th' Ier, :iml Walket home in a tilt. Charlotte Republican : Aecurdin;: I eral propheU Mm mil whs jioini; to u in liic and moke betwren Nov. 13. and 1 1 The time is up, al] getting raad] forwlntei and we are oolleciinp sulincnption in ui vanee, just the same. 'J'hree Kivcri Tribune: The bii.iiis u punchlng i nickle or i LÍiree cent ecc foi the purpoM of suspending ii Co 1 1 ¦ bah) 's neck h ao object 1 1 direraloa naay I',! ¦mail om-, luit it is int mar -o lilllr as llii act of rcjficting tliat iciin wben preeentei :it the counter In paymenl of a párchate ot similar valué. Manisice Timet A leu uro, whili the workmen wereengaged at nork arouuc the Keitz .-alt well, a tremendoiurexp tm baard In the boweli of tbe earth, ani the muil and dirt wtn thro ¦ eiear to tl top tbrough tli' - -upposed ti have beau a ga-! The pipes have oeeded s. ma p;irt wcre taken ont. Tip ir-d pump Ingagaln. Barbor Springt ReptiWican: A harba that Wlll adinit of threC miles 01 more o dockage, and wherc machine sln(.-, eleva tor-, raraaeei and milis can be oréete aronad Id ihora, and whero rallroadi caí le bullt almi the water'a edge, maklng i one of the lust in the w urld for ship pinfr and easy tian-ler, is a pretty jjoi.i point lor live business men to keep Iheir eye on, and Harbor Sprlngi U that place Kalamazoo Telegrapli: John ('la_ii-h o!' Wldte l'ijreon. a liman in rail road yard, tmd a nártaw escupe froni dciil leeently. llis fooi beoame fcwtened in ; inurderoua froK'junl nsa par us nponiiiiu By the the mecre-t ehanee i bolt on thf brake caugth in hls pantalooiu, pulled lili lont out of the boot and Ihrcw litlïi ont o tlie way of the wlicels whicli paftarO orei thecalïof ; - m.i liiuisi d (In skin. ltw ., ,clo.e eill witli one (lian. ( in a tliouI 'otiti.ic (4.ett : TlieeDinmitteeon wayi and mos-i'-. Aldorman Mcloyohairman. liav borrowed and expended iwn tbuuaand (lol - and eojriDetent civil englneera predic that the went end .i the Piki; Btrect bridge abntinent wlll fall liy spring if not liofor;' Liqnor-tai g here the woodbine twin etht tbe taxea of laai year'i oollectloii il gone, two tbonaand borrowed and enne and debu piline up. lt'sa nlce reeoru foi the city emiiioil oï 18SI. (iivc ns unythiug - but givc; us u cUan U'ayne Co. Review: In vain have wi BOUgllt tO ei ¦han-rc -uu. li y lialvc.-. qimr Iers and dimes wliich hae been 'mutilatod by havin holes pierced tUroofh them, foi I nieiehandisi' at thoil par value, nd we have fotlbd that our luisi ness men have. , 'hul down OU them; tUciel'oie, we tiusi tüat our patroiu uill nut take advaniagc of om diftiilenco iy croudiDgall thtir 'mul lat ons' npun ns We i the ¦". lor II) and 20 tor 2.' dodge, hut to compelí usio rcdeeni all of l nclc I eo ii, i rubbiii it un a littlr ' o t 1 1 T !. 'l" Inatructlon of a lady frleod a y oung lady ot this citj took "AJnenic" tojdrlve away fraekles Iroiii her face thinking of courae the bijrger i lx dose the -ooiier [v frackle would leave and she fluüUIlMPlv to..k tea sjioonlnlls of pulveii - injj m om she took to vomitin; whtrh siivcd lier life. The phyaiclani vrere not called In for ereral hoon later anti think her .-lili nol out of danger. oid yróraen nhould be narefiü how tliey pies. rilie for l young, and drnggiau thould be vciy carenil whotuey giTi Ai.senie t" in i lic fature, Alleiran Tribune: clquor-eeHera ro every day aelling contrary to lau, to patvons in the habil ot getting tatoxi(ted. Yet we doirt hear ofany justtoe obeylng the law, and natmoning a person coniplained of tot beinjr di'iink u U'stiiy ol wliom he bourhi hi.q llquor. Thejnstice, vvc suppose, ( ui takc larjier ü having the man broujht before hi oonrt, aadflnlnghlo) for drankenneai. ThUllqnor law la enforoed quite thorouehly heru in Allegan against the poor dninkárd, hut not agaitt the lifiuor-sefler. TliedrunKanl bas no money to tpend foi lawyeis. and if he is flued he isu't the kind oí a man lo burt anybody for it. Port Hurón Times: A limny Incident that happened near one oí the saw milis in this eiiy a few days since carne near beiuj a tragedy. Some Hule frirls were playinjr on the Iors In Black liver, with a dog, when one of the girls and the dog feil into the water. The irirl Clung to a lojr and called lustily, while ihe o paildled about nek inr a place to jet ashoie. The projirietor ol the mili heard tln i and called to one of his men to holp tbe girl out. The man, eonsideiably excited, started to (loso, butfirst helpeil the dog out and took it ashore, and thcii went to the assistance of the rirl. Al the gtrl waa not Injured furihci than a tboroagh wetting the incident amused the -uu considerably. Adrián l'j-ess: Hou. Uraekley Sha, of Dover. Wedneaday, accompanied by his wife, started for the city in a wagon, contalnlng aome artlcleg for the market. The wagon dropped intooneof those niammotb muil holes created by the rain and lipset, the wagon box tuining g((uarely over the oocopanta, bnprUon ing them in a mud hole. We have not heard w'hat kind of laiiguagc Mate senaloi nmde m t on ilu ov:ision ; but if he was profane, he was exc.usable from a worldly Btandpolnt. Assistanee arrived and tlie unhicky rouble were extricaled, luit in mcfa mud plu-ti red onlei as to reguiia a return home and a new start. [f Mr. Sbaw was not knowa tobe n pro nounced tempeianee man his case would cali for inipiiry. ai he had one or lui) jugs with Dim. DunOce Reporter : Mr. E, Qray now has OH exhibition a cloek that desei ves more than a paating notice. A little over a year ago Mr. Oray commenced the work of building r olock for a regulator, and conccivcd thé dea ot makfng t a htatorteal dock so arrangad tluit au observar could sec the dillcien! evcnls that America bas 1 throogfa to rec-over and niaintain her lilx'rty. To do this .Mr. (!ray has worked constantly for over a year, and there is nothing about it in mechanisin ot design I hal has not beea wrought out by Idm, The ca' stands eleven feet higii is four feet ou cach and side at the base. The pan. rosewood triinmed with black u.ilnut, and two sides at tbe top are fllled with piuturei Dluitrating the several incidents of our strufrrle for überty and how we have preserve) it. The weight of theclock issix bundred pouuds. Vti:iL it ivill do : Mist, it will keep aceurate time und makes a complete regulator; Kccoiul, it shows tbe time of all the principal eiti.s of the globe compared with the time at WaahingtOfl. Thi is ilone by a novel arrangemeul of ilials ou which are twenty amaliér dlala, The large ones rvvolve froni waal to eatt, and is anaaffwl with a corurnnatlou, -o thal one minute hand markt the minutes In all the principal citiea ou the dlala. The ilitdi Ie centre dial is -latioiiary witli liauils urne a au onlinary cloek. On the front or time part of the clock lic has n ligure which strikes the minutes, with auotlier one representing Colutübia to itrike the qaarter hours and stlll another lor the hours. Uy anotber attachment a bami bolding the emancipa (ion iroclaniation, and on Ihe other sule another hand presenta the deelaration of independeiice to the view cvery hour, and two figures representiiijr { mon and Oonfedérate soldiere naline them and between them a Britlsll soldier all of them. In Baking the different MgarM and in formlng tbe case, the Bguret and Implements iiwil represent miny of the ditl'ercnt ]eriodsof the c n iiii-y'n progres.-. lle also lias USeJ Oll one side foi Iiieiiu; i fao simile of one i f the tir-t new -papers printed by William Hiadtord, at Plilladeiphla, In ïTii.v The doek as I whole a credit to Mr. Qray'i skill and will well npay hlrn for the time expended po it.


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