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"Mamma," ntd a wee pet, ¦iin Ming i want to 1)0 tin ungel' in tSmidiiy ehool thi niorniiig, :iul I sung wiih thein." "Wliy, ¦- ¦ l;i i iik-i I mamma. "lould pov keep time with the r D V "1 rue ' ooiild," prondly angwered Itttle Ncllir: 'I kc]t iiIh'.vI of Iliein most all llie wiy tlimuirli. " A (¦'ciicuil M.tiiiclc. .Never :i siicli :i nisfll n ::i li' I1"' Blijf ii-.i".Si.iiyim n il Kliui liaili .V. lor a Trini ol Dr. Kiii fieW Dienoverj forConsomp'ion.Coughf imdColds. All persons artlicu-.l wlüi A.stlnn;i, Bron chits, HotrwMM, 9ve Coughs, sur m.v atfection ofthe Tlir.;iT and Lungs, ean gH i Trial BottU o! ibis graal ïcn.. [j free.iiy callllig Ht above irug siorc. Egotista ruii: the nsefnlaM 't ma} ! men. Tliosi; wlio are affllcted itli tbta ¦- ure alw&ya geekiiig notorioty, ud ttiev are lemlUra le eritMm. Tbejr u uiifiíipiíy UHlWtheyare beinrcii(Uileii hik! petted uil the time. Bucb mn ougW to be reduced !¦ prlyale Hfe. Tln-v aeeerTe uri net, A Tlmelr W.irnlntr, or 1m Kxperlenee of a Miiii-ti i . It' you mffer from general debllity, brougiit on by too rliw applicalioii t Im-i ; 1 liflcmlTr urainwork; oi' (rom in creastng proatrution and itaking tpUi thnt even a rest ui' mnuval ut tlic w ill not relieve, muk liSM to do M did a reverend frieiid of ouri He ieoured from hU dragP( i hottlc ! Brown'i lron Bitters, hav log beard ol ito merit from a pliyslcian, wlio toll liim iiot to tafee anjf otJier Bitturi or Toiiic, tor Itti ejceeptiofi ol Brow n'a Iion bitters, iIh-v all oontalnel alcohol, and luul ialled to hit patiënt Instlu relief] nor should be take mv otkM prtparauon of Iron, for witli the exceptlon of Brown's Iron Bitter, they ill blackened the ti'tili, and ofte gav beadache, wlilch Brown'n iron Bitter never dicl, bul in Facl iiiicii hendadle. 'I lie ellect int mösl satistmtory; he inmicilinlfly rcalizcd uoihIitiui i, -uit.-, old energj returned, lii Illltural torce eanic li;iek, ind lie tilt nltnselt' altnïtether a new ninn, full oi bealth, ptrangth aoií vigor, ad hal contlnued to remaiii to ever niñee. Nv Uc recominends Browu'8 Iiou lültcrs to all li is friends whlcli we unlienltütinfrly ilo tn all onr rmMli'is. - (íliihi-. How 1 Secure HealUU It sn nu -trai i tliat anyone ili mifft i I'm.iu darangemeat broaphl on ly iiuotare biood, whon SCOVILLS S.VUSAl'A lilLLA and ST1LLINGIA, or BI OOI) SVIÜ'I', will resto: e lieiltli. It i.s tbe besl blood lurilitT ever riisc Torcd effectuiilly curinir Scrofula. Svphlitic dsonlers, W'i! kiii-s-i of the Kidney, Kr-ii ¦ 1 1, Malaria, all himí Debilita Hili')ii ('omplaiiii - I' iha Bkod, Livcr, lüdneys, Siopiaoh, Skin, oic. It oorreatü indieesiion. A si o ule btt!ü wi:l prove loyoü hu a-a hftalth renower, tor it acts likc a uliunu. BAKKHS' I'AIN I'ANALKA i pain in Man and BdMt. ' sl' oïti'iimlly and iiilornally and find relief. 1K. ROGKR'S VEGETABLE WORM 8YEUP ineUotly defltroy worni,H td n all -euretion.-.! Mothcrsü M.tbei ! ! ! Are von dlstorbed t nlglit and broken of you'r rest i a riek chiW infferlnf! and or}'iiig witli the excractatiag pain ol col tlllg ti'Ctli! II' -o. ) :it onee añil get a bottle oi MRS. Wixsi.ows SOOTElraO SYRyP. It Will relieve the ]oor little Rufferer innnediately - depflad upon it; there s nu mistako iiböiit it. There i not i motheron earth wlio h ie ever nsed il, wlio Will not teil yon ni once that it uill rehuíate tlie boweis, and jriv' r-{ totlie niother. and relief and heulth to the etilld, operatIng like tnajrtc. it - perfeeily wfe to ue in all oases, and pleasanl io the tHBte, aad and i the preBCrtption of ofte of the nldeil and lxit teníale plivsieians and in the ütrfied States. Sold even u here. 26 celifcl i liotilí PILES ! PILES!! PILES!!! A Stuc ('lire I'oiiikI at Last. No One '('¦! SiiIT.T. A sure cure for llie 15ünd, Bleeilin}í. Itcliingand lleerated Pile has iliscoven-d by Dr. WiUiams (an fndlan remedy I, cal led [ir Williams' ludían Oilltment. A single box hascured the woret chronlc cases ol J". fcnd :in years standing. Noone need snll'er tive minutes alter applyiDg this wondertu! BOOthing niedieine. l,otions. ln.-tniinent?, and Klec tiiarics do more harin tlian goed. Williams' ointineiit Rbaorba the tumors, ailixsthe in&BDM ItchlDg (particiilarly at niglit alter gatting warm in lied), acts a.a pol tice, ni ves Instant and aftlalaH reliet. and is pre pared only for Tiles, itching OÍ the private parte, and nothtog1 etoe, Wead wliat the llon. .1. M. Oofflnbarrj, cif Cleveland, says uboiit Dr. illiams' lndian Tile Ointinent: "I bave used BOOreS of pilo cures, but it atíonls me pleasnre to say that I have never found any thine wíiicb gave such immcdiatcand pennanont relief (U Dr. AVilliams' Indian Ointinent." For sale by all dmgJftstB, or mailed on receipt of price $1.(W). jas. K. DAVISÍ CO. Wholesale DrogfciatB, Detroit, Mich., Agents. lD'.'d-sl Fot .-ale by H. J. Hiiowx & Co. 1 l5.PR0FESS0Rt"1 Mi Msde froiu l'rofesaur Uomforda' Acid Fhosphnto. i;,, .m,,iitii!i-il by lenílinff phyfttrlann. Mak( 1íltMt itlMrntt. nikt-M. tfL, hmiI Ih healthler than urdinary liaklng: l'owler. Inoam. Snlrt at a rcanonablo prlcc. The llortfurd Almaiiac and Cook Uixik e ut free. Kumfnrd Chpmirnl Work, rrovidepco. R. 1 and 83 Lake St , Chicairo. IQiH-TO MRS. LY01& E. PINKH&M, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEBETABLE COMPOUND. Ib tí Popillvp 'nr top 1! Ihoie laftitu 4omplii1nt nnd Weait ¦ i-(iiunioii l ii nu r Krat ff tn ti le poyulatlO". It will cuie Oniiiflj th woint forin of Fiq1 Cora1'ltJiit, all oTr)ftii troiiMen, Iiillninntlcn aml 11orft tloo, FfcJllng mul )iilBrinctitn, nnd the conwqueut Bplna) tTflt!ioM, nl li partloularly nJi td tu th Cbange of I-lf#. It wlll disnolre nti-i w-xyt- tmnorn f rom tliMitrnn Ín an early it&geof loTeltniifiit. 'fli ti'iulcnry t cncrout liutnom thero )¦ clicckert Tery nielily lij i U UM, It remoTMfalutnMm, fiatulonoy, datrojiaJl cravlnff foritlmulruits, and rllevps wltiifa of tlio tttoniach. It curci RlnathifT, IIi-adncbM, Nervnui lntrntlon, Oanerat Deblllty, Hlbcplttwiieii, Ioi)itluu uid IndlgMttlon. That fwiine of barlnff down, eautin rIn. welght an1 baokarbf.lflajwajiiirniianoiitiy cured by 1U uh. It wlll at all ti mea ajtd under all rlrrumatancas act In harmony wlth the laws tlm t jrorrrn tlio femaJe ayatem. For th cure of Khliiry Cuiuplaiuta of oltUr tez Uil Compound la uniurjuwrd. LTDIA E. riNKHM'B THGETAlirtt COMrorXOla prepared at 233 and 2X Weatril Avenue, Lynn.Maas. Trice fl. 8lx bottleafor S. Sentbytnall lntbaform of pUU, alao in th f orín of locengea, on rcelpt of price, $1 r box for eilher. Mra. Plnkbam frlyanawraall lettoraof inquiry. Mnd for pampJi lai. Addreaa a abo. Uention tMê ii#r. No famUy ahould b without LTDIA E. PINKHAM'8 LTVER PIXAB. They cur couatípaUon l-lllmiantat[ and t jrylfMtj of th lWr. tft ceota par box. aar Sold br all DrnsgUti, %M All kinds of prlntlng and Job work will he done at Tas Codrier office in btter slyle and at ebeaper ratea Iban at uny ottier bouAa.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News