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1. llt'iv we havea Democratie jnass meetng. Hovi many people can you see ?" Three ? Y.', iimt is rifflit. Whyaoyousmll. You are miling becuuse you tliiuk tliree people should not hu called a tqeetittf, Alas, deajf chililreii, you do not know what it is to be a Dcinociat, and if you are good you never will. il. 'J'liis is an liircil girL Slie has süiuetliing in her hand. It is a can, aml tliere is coal iil inside, The liired girl is to llght a fire in the kitchen stove. Slie been dfsappoiuted in love and desires to die. She uill put soine of the oll in the stove and light it with a match. In about hálf B nünute slie will be ttrasginy a golden harp among the elect in heaven. in. What is tliis nasty looking object? It is a chew of tobáceo. Oh, how naughty it is to use the tiltliy weed. It inake.-j the teeth black and s])oils the parlor carpet Goquiök and throw the horrid Stuff away. Put it in the ice creani freezer or in the coffee pot, where nobody can see it. Little girls, you sliould never chew tobáceo. IV. What siuells so lias somebody been hurnitlg a rag, or is there a dead ïnule in the back yaiti ï o, the man is smoking B five cent cigar. The olear has a breath on hini like the chimes oi' Normamly or a salivatcd cheege factory. It is gtrong enough tr raico n mortpngc or lick a pOblat; alaillp. Tlic man will chew a piece ot' assafetida by and by to tuke the taste of the cifrar out of his muutli. V. Hcre we have a baby. It is composed of a bald head and a pur of lungs. One of lliu lim,'s t:tke.s i icst while the other runs the shop. One of them a ahvays on deck all of the time. The baby is a bigger man than bil mother. He likes to walk around with his father at alght, Little girls, you will never kuow what it is to be a father. VI. Here is a castle. It is the house of an editor. It has stuined lass Windows and ma hogany stairways. In front of the castle is ;i park. Is it not sweet The lady in the park is tho editor's wife. She wears a eoBtly robe of velvet trimmed with gold lace, and tliere are pearls and rabie in her hair. Tlie editor tits on the front stoop, smuking an Havana cigar. His little cliildivn u-e playibf with dalmoud marblen on the tesselated lloor. Tiie editor ean aíford to live in stylu. He ets $73 u montli wages. VII. See the Ump-pott By its dim rays you can beliolu the electric lisrlit across the street. Tlure is a man leaninp agaiust the lamp-post, Perhapa the lamp-post would fall it' it were not tor the man, vin. Thls Mirry spectacle is a pTüinber. ne is ragged and eokl and lnmgry. He is very, vnv poor. Wliun you sec liim next spring he will lic very, wit rich, and will wear (liaiiionils uud broadcloth. His wife takes In watblng nou-, lwt felie will be able to move in the lirst ei rel es by the time the weather turus wanner and the pansies bloom agaln.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News