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The Midland Sun has tiirned Greenbacker. Uaion City Is said to cliarfe $10 per dny liccnse for selling gomls on the street. The carcasses of thirteen deer were shipped from Vassar recently in one day. O. L. Prazer, of Rbed City, is soon to open a glove and mitten fnctory at Petoskey. Ex-State Senator J. G. Waite, of Sturges, celebrated his seventietu birthdaj-, Noveuiber 23d. ¦ Cedar lands In the vieiuity of Kalkaska are salable and there is u de'miind for such property. The old cemetery at Muskegon is to be fittted up as a park. There won't be many moon-shiners around there. The Michigan Central railroad demand $50,000 of the P. H. & N. W. Company for permistión to cross their track. The Commerce mail carrier is reportcd to have been arreted for carrying whiskey to the minor cadets at the Alilitary Academy. Captain Glover, the new post-master at Grand Haven, is maklnp decided improvements for the better in the room occupied as a post-oftice. The basket factory of Muskegon lias an order of one mi Ilion butter platesfrom New Orleans. It is about a milllon and a half behind its orders at date. The second semi-annual session of the Sixth ('onjrressional District Presa Association will be held at St. JohnB, on Friday, December 9th, at 1 o'clock, p. in. The Aipena Reporter of the lath uit. comes to us in mourning. lts late editor, Johnson A. Cnrbin, died on the 13th of Nov. He had been seriously sick but a few days. Alpena will soon be lighted by twenty electric lights. The city has puichased a Brusb electrical generator that is capable of furnislilng forty lights of S.000 candi power each. A new dodge that burglars are trying to play is to go froin place to place attending prayer meetings in the fore part of tue eTeningand breaking into buildings later in the night. The Saginaw, Huron & Tuscola railroad has on its line the locoinctlve that was uscd on the narrovv guage railroud on the exposition grounds at Philadelphia at the time of the centennial. The Kalkaskalan says that Jas. A. Drake has threshed 12,578 bushels of grain this season- 7,981 bushels of which was oats, and the balance mostly wheat. Ten years ugo the county wheie this grain was raised was a wilderness. The soil to the depth of 58 feet at Vassar is said to be arranged in strata as follows: Muck, 2 feet; quicksand. ü feet; clay, 8 feet; hard pan, 42 feet. The last Mratum is so liard that it is barely possible to bore six inches a day. In the trial of Benjamin Trego for the murder of Martin Texter, that has been goinj; on at Hastings for some time past, the jury brought in a verdict of guily of manslaughter. Judge Hooker will pronoiinue the seiiteuce to-morrow. John Harmon, of Detroit, for raanv years speaker of the "third" houae of the Michigan leglslature, and who has been present at the organization of eyery congress for the last 40 years, will spend the winter in Washington. His family is with hlm, and they have rented a house and will go to uousekeeping. - Ex. A party oí hunters in Oscoda county were warned that they must not hunt with dogs in that vicinity. Not heeding the warnlng one George Sanford, a settler, started out on :i dog hunt. He had killed five hounds wlicn one oí the party coming upon hiui shot at hlm, the ball just grazing Sanford's temple. As the hunter hastened toward him Sanford rolled over and discharged a large load of buck shot in the hunter's knee tniurinx the whole lower part of the leg. The names of the hunteis are not 1." iir.n It is reported tlmt Mayor Gracc, Chauncey M. Depew. Judge Brady, Jesse N-ligman and about 50 otlier prominent citizyns acted as a committee to arrange tor a concert that was given in Steinway hall, Xew Vork, Not. IV, t"or the Vícwcñt uf Ihc MK'liIgM lire sufferers. The followlng artista volunteerily participated : Mine. Jennie Claus, violinist; S.B. Mills, pianist; the l'hilharnionic Quintet, and Mme. Fleur!, eloeutlonist. The Messrs. Steinway gave the use of the hall tor the entertainment. Samuel T. Colyille, J. II. Haverly and I'. S. Gilmore will each give one or two performances soon, the receipts to go to the Michigan suft'urers. The Brighton Citizen is responsible for the f olio wing story: "The order of KnlghtB Of l'ythiaa at Uay City, had a strange adventure, not long since. A young aud preposscísing looking clerk in one of the large clothing stores in that ity, petltioned the order for admission, and was elected. He took the tl rat and second degreca, with some reluctHnce, one of his employerg a young meinber of the finn witli whoni the lyoung clerk was a great favoi-ite being very solP citous ibr him to do so. He was still more ri-hu-tant to taki: the third degree but was linally prevailed upon to do so, and had got nearly through the ceremony hen the membera found they had initiated and p:i-s,d on the higher "degrees of the order, a young lady. The lady tiiinu-il when her sex was dlscovered, and liad to bc eouveyed ti) her böardtng Iiourí, wliere a physician iittendeil her. Slio stül remains in By City and it is rumored will inany tlio junior meinber of the flrm, all of which 'm strauge if true."


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